WebNovelHER BLOOD28.68%

Chapter 36- Much To Know

'SOULMATE! THREE!...NO TWO!! What am I going to do.' Valeria sat quietly deep in thought until Terah brought her out of it.

"One more thing for now dear."

"Please, it shouldn't be worse." Valeria prayed and Terah laughed.

"Don't fret darling, its just something important...your BLOOD."

"Not that!" Valeria face palmed her face as she waited for Terah to resume.

"Your BLOOD is very valuable and something to be cherished. When taken forcefully, it leads to something else in the future but when given willingly, the person taking it will live longer. As long as you're still alive...afterall you're an immortal."

"What will happen to those who take it forcefully?" Valeria pried.

"I have no idea, Valeria." Terah answered with a straight face. Valeria's brows furrowed.

"Terah? Something happened in the woods before I died..." Terah frowned, nodding her head for Valeria to continue.

"I...I commanded the creatures and they stopped."