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Chapter 66- Coincidence / Fate 3

"VALERIA! is that really you?!"

Valeria couldn't even say a word, she just stared at the lady.

"Oh my God! It's really you."

The young lady, the same age and height as Valeria engulfed her in a warm embrace.

After some seconds, she released her and scanned Valeria from head to toe...but her eyes halted at her swollen stomach.


The lady didn't even know how to react. Radolf was anxious at first, thinking the lady must be out of her mind. But when Valeria had the same expression as the lady he knew there might be a connection here.

"Am sorry Luna Valeria...pardon me." Radolf held the lady's arm and tried to pull her to himself but she pulled her arm harshly out of his grip.

"It's alright Radolf, we are somehow related...its complicated." Valeria explained and Radolf's eyes nearly bulged out...so was all this a coincidence or fate!

"Phoebe! Just try and relax, you look..." Valeria didn't know how to describe Phoebe's appearance.