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Chapter 75- His Mom 2

Valeria laid on the bed beside Allen, watching him as he slept. He looked really exhausted.

She turned and carefully climbed out of the bed, she put on her shoes and quietly left the room.

It was already noon and Valeria was really hungry but she needed to do something.

Guards were everywhere so she wasn't alone, she climbed the stairs from earlier and went up to the room she found her son.

Twisting the knob and pushing the door open she stepped in and closed it, she turned and found out there was no one in the room. The room was a bit large and comfy with two windows for brightness.

Taking a deep steady breath, Valeria headed for the other door which was leading to where they kept her son. She took her time to open it and stepping into the corridor she made a u-turn before arriving at the room her son was confined in.