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Chapter 105- More Problems

"WHY! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL THIS TO US?" Connery couldn't help it, he yelled at Philomena and it shook her. Radolf quickly tried to ease the tension.

"Connery please...we were trying to solve other pressing issues and she couldn't find the time to inform us....I know Alpha Allen's death is having a great toll on you...but please, she's still your Luna."

Connery massaged his nose bridge as he tried to calm down, Radolf was right, alpha Allen's death wasn't something he could just digest quickly.

"The devil will use him as collateral in luring Luna Valeria...his main aim is her...you heard him Everand, you heard him clearly state to Alpha Allen that he wanted only her." Everand's face turned grim in disapproval, he just couldn't let the devil do that.

"I have been eager to know why you pushed that lady away...it was a foolish move." Rehab suddenly butted in, she had a hard face. Connery stopped massaging his nose bridge and slowly faced her.