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Chapter 116- White Witch


Her voice filled his ears loud and clear, he enjoyed the beautiful sound of it...how he waited so long for Valeria to finally call out to him willingly.

He swiftly changed what he was wearing with a snap of his fingers before disappearing.

He appeared elegantly with a small smile on his face as he watched his angel seated on the ground with her face looking upward.

As if sensing his presence she brought down her face to stare at him. Silence took over, no one spoke a word, they just took in each other's appearance.

Valeria took her time in standing up. She was aware she looked like a dirt bag but she didn't give a damn. He was all dressed up fancy and breathtaking as ever.

She matched majestically to meet him and Dracula's eyes slightly widened, he was expecting her to lunge at him brutally and claw at his face.