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Chapter 118- Strive For Survival


Ernouf was going crazy, he couldn't hear her anymore but he kept pursuing and panting heavily as he ran.

A mighty black hand came out of nowhere and before he could dodge, it hit him and sent him crashing harshly to the ground.

Ernouf struggled back up but black smoke-like wires wrapped him and brought him back down to the ground with a heavy thud.

But Ernouf didn't give up, he fought hard to get back on his feet but more black roots wrapped him and forcefully pulled him to the ground.

Ernouf growled and bared his teeth angrily. They were so strong, too strong. His forearms weakened and he fell to the ground…


The thing pulling Everand stopped and freed him. He quickly scrambled on his feet and tried to search for any hint of darkness.

His heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the gloomy forest.

A dark shadow rose out of the foggy ground behind him with open arms ready to suck him in.