Food is great!!
Shares some lovely moment with the family and goes to his regular couch!!
Questions and questions but the most important question was not asked and without the answer he was not able to move ahead. The pain and agony he understood at the first talk was undiscovered.
And the weekend was the perfect time to be asked.
The night arrives and bed welcomes him. Jumping rolling was a part of the joy.
having thoughts of her he sleeps. Alarm woke him up and he rans to the class. Same continued till a weekend holiday.
The night before weekend he was totally nervous.
This time questions were come up in different manner. Will it be ok to ask her about her agony? Will she answer me my questions and worries about her? What if she doesn't answer and get the scar again?
So many questions aroused!!
and he goes to sleep 💤
Weekend has shown up!!
Alarm was the main weapon for him to be on time.
He gets "Fresh and Ready".
Informs his parents about the schedule and move to the garden as decided.
This time usual beautiful girl was waiting for him to do welcome.
Friendly hug but this time there was more. The moment of comfort felt by each other was witnessed by the garden, but both unknowing of the fact of this comfort!!
They sat on the ground and begins to share all the things. Some gets repeated but everything was going amazing. As the Shade of the tree moves both of them moves with the shade.
He was very anxious to know about the pain she felt, he was having no courage of asking that to her but he knows that he has to ask her about it somehow!!
As he started to come to that point she was turning sad from the joy. and he finally ask her about the agony.. She replies him shares her pain and trouble What she has faced and how he help him to get over this. With a promise of not asking this again in her lifetime he comforts her.
time well spent.
He was relaxed and the time flies. As they say bye and moves.
He was welcomed by the home with joy once again.