Chapter VIII

19840927 diary

Today, the school included the film "catch the enemy at the bottom of the sea" and the film "comrades, you should be vigilant". After watching it, I was very surprised that there are so many enemy agents in the motherland that doesn't want peace. I also deplored that some Chinese are acting as agents and providing intelligence for foreign countries (the Soviet Union) on Chinese soil. Are they just for money? I don't know. I admire the public security soldiers, the people's Liberation Army and the militia fighting with them. How I want to say: "I thank you!"

19840928 diary

After lunch, I went to the door of the experimental building. Zhaojiankang invited me upstairs to eat. I didn't want to. Then Xiong Wenbin pulled me. I went up with them. After a meal, Wang Feng came up and talked back about me. Wang Feng said I couldn't sing. Xiong Wenbin also attached. Zhaojiankang said I was a publicity committee member. Wang Feng said, "is he still a publicity committee member?" Xiongwenbin said, "not necessarily. As long as you can organize, you don't have to be able to sing." Wang Feng said, "he can't be a publicity committee member. I directly look down upon him." The words were so incisive that I said, "are you a publicity committee member? If you are not, don't satirize others." It suddenly occurred to me to punish him, so I said, "are you a cadre? You must not be. I directly despise you." He was speechless, because I was a cadre (study committee member). I think this is to treat people in their own way. In spite of this, I also thought of Chen Bin. He aroused my enthusiasm for singing. He sang with me every day, especially in the next night's self-study. He sang with me back to the dormitory. I call this our happy hour. Chen Bin, how I want to sing with you.

19840929 diary

This afternoon, the school started the National Day holiday for three days. I am going to go back tomorrow because I have something to do. When we went to the gymnasium with biqingyuan in the evening, the streets were ablaze with lights, sometimes colorful lights, sometimes huge lanterns, and sometimes large slogans came into our eyes. All of a sudden, the world seemed to be much more spacious, making people forget the night. I went to the gymnasium, but I didn't have tickets. I was not allowed to enter. After wandering for a while, I suddenly met Qin bin. He also had no tickets, so biqingyuan left. Qin bin and I didn't get in after several times. After a while, we said that we would get in if there were tickets, so we got in several people with tickets. After a while, a middle-aged woman called a police officer and said, "Xiao Zhang, these two are from the factory." so two women emerged. The police put them in. We knew they had no tickets. At this time, another woman wanted to enter, so the police stopped her to ask for a ticket. The woman said that the man behind her called in (the middle-aged woman with magical powers), so the police asked, "who called you?" It turned out that they had not forgotten that they were two, so the woman was stopped outside the door. Soon another policeman and a woman went in with a child in their arms, and there was no ticket. People pushed forward as usual, and the child's shoes were on the ground, so the policeman was extremely vicious (was it too much?) He pushed the child in front with his arms. People pushed forward again, and the police still stopped to ask for tickets. At this time, Qin bin suddenly said, "do those people have tickets?" A policeman said: "who, you can drag." "OK, I know him." so Qin bin pushed towards the door. At this time, another policeman suddenly pushed Qin bin. Qin bin fell down, his feet stopped at the door, and people fell into the field. The policeman shouted in a low voice: "look at you squeezing.". So I went up to Qin bin and blamed him for not doing it (in fact, I was full of peifo, and I wanted to do it too), so we left. Qin Bin said, "I have to go to a public security school when I grow up. I will take care of them in the future.". We entered the trade union, played ball games and broke up. I watched TV at school. On the way, I suddenly felt that the light was brighter.

19840930 diary

Get up early in the morning and get up. XURUI shouted outside the door, so I went to the station with him and bought tickets to go home. When I got home, my brother asked and I promised. Later, grandma came out of the room and saw her father cooking breakfast. Later, her mother also got up. My father met me and said that the clothes were very good. After a while, he began to eat a few pots of pancakes. Later, they told me that the timber had been sold to my aunt's house, so I felt that I had failed. At first, I guessed that Taiwan had paid or sold pigs. Now I know that it was the money to sell timber. During the summer vacation, I said that I would sell timber. That would be a little money. Now I really sold it, "the mountains and rivers are exhausted", I think. The wood is going to make furniture for us. Of course, I don't want furniture, but it's the great intention of my parents. I can't do it myself.

19841001 diary

Today is the national day. After listening to the "military parade and Mass Parade" on the radio in the morning, I didn't realize that I was new. As soon as I was excited, I was intoxicated and dissolved in it. In the evening, after watching the TV "fireworks party", "military parade" and "Mass Parade", it was even more refreshing. The fireworks broke up one after another for a long time. The reviewed troops were very powerful and neat. The farmers around said, "they are the same as the gaiwa" (referring to the big felt hat), and one said, "they are even better than the wa." When Deng Xiaoping reviewed the troops, he said, "Hello, comrades!" "Hard work, comrades!" The soldiers shouted in unison, "Hello, chief!" "Serve the people!" It can shake the world. During the mass parade, the first team even issued a slogan: "Hello, Xiaoping". In short, this is the first time I have watched it on TV, and it is unforgettable. I am a citizen of the people's Republic of China, so I am proud.