Chapter XV

19841107 diary

This morning, Tai Chenghua woke up very late. After struggling in bed for a while, he stopped running because it was already 6 o'clock and the day was very bright.

Today, the school chartered a movie "life", which I have already wanted to see. I think I should get something. The screenwriter of the film is Lu Yao. This is a novel. It has been on the radio for a while. It is a successful novel and a successful film. It's worth pondering after watching it. I don't think there are any mistakes in the film. GaoJiaLin is supposed to be a wild goose, while huangyaping is pursuing true love. Liuqiaozhen is also unable to marry Ma Shuan. Some people think that the reason is Kenan's mother. This is wrong. Although she is worthy of criticism, she did it because her son lost a good girl. Some people say that it was Ma Sheng, but he was just for his own interests, for the sake of the leadership, and to please the leadership. All kinds of people should not blame him. His existence is reasonable, and we should look for the reason from another thing, that is, the difference between urban and rural areas, that is, the low status of the bumpkin, trapped in those acres of land, "I can't go to Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai in my life." although the lives of farmers have improved in recent years, Isn't liuqiaozhen's family very rich? What's the use of marriage pomp? When there is no money, people need it. They can work hard for a little money. But when there is more money, it's not a good thing. Instead, they should pursue another thing, life! Cruelty.

The difference between urban and rural areas exists and seems eternal. What should we do? Get rid of it.

19841108 diary

In the afternoon, I went to the library to pay the newspaper fee. When I saw several people there, she asked me to look through the magazines and wait a minute. I turned over a few books. After a while, Tang and a classmate came to study by themselves. They talked about yechao (former chairman of the student union of our university). He had good grades in the past, but Tang said that he had been admitted to Su University, was a technical secondary school, and graduated in two years. Both Mr. Yang and I were surprised. I thought he had been admitted to a good school. Only then did I know that the score was only three points higher than the admission line. He also reported to Tsinghua. Mr. Yang sighed and encouraged Mr. Tang. I also made a deep decision.

19841109 diary

I read early and was concentrating on Chinese. There was a noise outside the door. I knew that I was going to the hall. I was shocked. I went out and was promising. I shouted and left. My heart kept raising its voice. I was not ashamed to see Lu Yinhua. On the way, biqingyuan begged for steel because of his class. He didn't tease him. He knew him, but he had nothing to do. After arriving at the school, he asked if the big white shoes were not worn. After a while, he was very enthusiastic. He faked four yuan and gave it no more. He ordered a newspaper and sent it to the school gate. After arriving at the class, I saw Xu Qian and got angry. Alas, I really regret it. I can't help scolding myself. How Puqing I am. I also said that if I have no money for the exam in the future, I can't use more!

Because I borrowed candles to read in class 2 last night, it was already bright when I woke up this morning. I knew it was late, but I still wanted to sleep. Maybe I didn't adapt to working late. After school at noon, I recited history carefully at the gate of the dormitory for the first time. I read it once and felt that I had learned a lot. If only I had grasped it before, I thought, suddenly, it was not too late. Yes, I grasped it.

19841110 diary

After school in the afternoon, I met Wang Feng at the entrance of the stairs. I left with Diao Daosheng. Wang Feng said: turn a blind eye to me. After listening to me for many times, I replied: I didn't hear of it. Oh, I don't know what I should turn a blind eye to.

It seems that I am not in a good mood today, perhaps because I am about to take the exam, but in the final analysis, it turns out that I didn't read poetry.

19841111 diary

I got up very late this morning (Sunday). After waking up for a long time, I was reluctant to leave the quilt. After getting up reluctantly, when I had breakfast, it was gone. No, I have to go hungry. Yesterday, after self-study, I went to Mr. Wang's office in the experimental building to make a game map. He talked about life with us, saying that neither of them is worth sympathizing with nor learning. Gao knew that he had culture and should not be combined. Liu had no culture. I also think it's right to say that the farmers can't be the farmers in that way.

19841112 diary

In algebra class this morning, Miss Mei made a mistake in her homework, saying that only one person in the two classes did it right, and in our class (liberal arts class), I did it right, but I didn't feel anything. Later, it seemed that I had done the right thing. It sounded like my name, but I wasn't sure. At this time, I wondered whether the class could hear me and Xuqian clearly. Later, xuhuaibao, class 2, suddenly said that I could do it. I was baffled. Later, he said that I was the only one in the two classes. He asked me how I thought of it. I suddenly smiled, but felt satisfied. Class 2 must also know that Wang Qun? Later you Xuezhong said, of course I am happy. But I don't think how to learn by myself (because I'm not interested in Mathematics), but I think that others know. Why?

At noon, I saw Fujian youth. Suddenly, I benefited a lot. It gave me a new view on life and changed Xu Qian. I think it doesn't matter now. I can't think simply. I should do a good job in learning. In the future... Xu Qian was suddenly seen in the canteen. She suddenly felt that she had passed. Her appearance was almost different. It turned out to be talent and character. Whoops! Xuqianye, isn't it?