Chapter 34

19850619--20 diary

0619 (III)

What a lethargy! What have you done these days? Mawenxiang defiled his innocence and broke up with him. Hu Cheng, when I said his shortcomings, he scolded me, ignored me and broke up with me. Li Erqiao said behind his back that he was pitiful. What a good word! He broke up his friendship. How did biqingyuan do it? He spoke ill of people behind their backs. I said he was horrible and dirty. He broke up with me. It's amazing! Tao is the antithesis of heaven. I'm lonely and small. I'm so poor. Is it true that I have been fantasizing about this for almost three months.

0620 (IV)

In the afternoon, we went to the dormitory to take a bath with Taoist. We washed in the bathroom and washed ourselves with tap water. It was very interesting. Changed clothes. Before the evening self-study, I walked around the city with Taoist students for a long time. He said that I was more handsome than before. So did old ma.

During the evening self-study, I had a whole talk with suzhengyun. He told me a lot of truth. I couldn't help feeling that he was cute. Only then did I know that to understand a person, I must get along with him. He said that he has many friends, but I have few. If I want to make friends, I must have the same character and be good with me. Who can do it? Let's talk about it later.

0621 (V)

Today, I took a nap and thought about the theme song "thank you" of "blood suspicion". I couldn't sleep. What a tearful song.

In the evening, they talked about tangjinghua, who was admitted to the youth class of Nanjing University. I was speechless. I swear "north, foreign affairs, promise, society, one". Who understands.


0622 (VI)

I was going to go home, but I didn't go back because I had a political exam in the afternoon.

0623 (VII)

I got up early in the morning and prepared to go back. I took the 7:50 bus and ate three zongzi at home. I played chess with Yicheng. Alas, I don't know what to do. My mother said that my parents didn't eat at my place, but it's my fault. My mother said that after eating (I'm afraid of being annoyed), my father left the second class and waited until twoo'clock. I don't know, but later, in the future, I believe in myself.

0624 (I)

I got up early this morning. I ate three eggs and three dumplings when I got back to school. It was very cold. My family asked me to wear clothes, but I refused. They were better than me. I was in plain clothes. What happened? Is there anything wrong with my family?

This afternoon, I slept in the morning of my class. When I fell asleep, I became cold. In the afternoon, I dragged on my history class. I wanted to vomit, but I had to endure it. After class, I went to the dormitory. I vomited at the entrance of the stairs at school, and went down again. When I went to the dormitory, I vomited violently in the toilet. How uncomfortable it was. I went back to the dormitory and covered the quilt. Alas, where are my relatives and career! I couldn't study by myself at night. I turned the window and went into the dormitory, covered my head and slept.


0625 (II)

The final exam is coming soon, so I will naturally enter the tense review. It's so annoying. You can't stop. Take care of yourself.

0626 (III)

After a nap, I woke up in a sweat. I must have recovered from my illness.

0627 (IV)

I went to see the movie "the prodigal son Yanqing" tonight. I, Daosheng and Li Erqiao went there. I bought tickets and Li Erqiao bought ice cream. In this way, the relationship between me and Li Erqiao was normalized again, but I was a little embarrassed at first. I don't know how I got along with Ma Wenxiang. He and I slept in my bed at noon. I'm also very happy. What is the bond in the world?

0628 (V)

I must be right to my family. What will I do when I grow up? I hope I can fantasize.

0629 (VI)

This morning, my aunt sent rice and forced me to pay more than four yuan.

The final exam will begin tomorrow, and this is the end of Nichi!

Note: due to the busy study in senior three, I have no time to write my diary in order to cope with the top priority of the college entrance examination. I say sorry to myself. I know I will stop for one year! Sorry, sorry! Forgive yourself.