Chapter 53


one thousand one hundred and seventeen

In the morning, I went to Yan Ling's office to register. Only one woman was in the dormitory. After registering, I went to the reading room with ah Lin and registered with Mr. Xu. There were 33 modern Chinese reference materials. Took 40 yuan and bought 3 yuan woolen pants.

The lesson of reading works talks about thunderstorm. It's really good. It's a drama. I'm determined to read more classic novels.

It's fun to play fortune telling and word testing games in the evening.

one thousand one hundred and eighteen

In the evening, I went to study by myself with Alin. Because I wanted to take an examination of introduction to literature, I looked for a seat for a long time. I wanted to get close to NY, but I often couldn't. later, I found a person to sit down and read a book. I couldn't see into it. I scratched for a while, wrote a few pseudonyms "Yimo", and came out to the library. I didn't have a student card, and then came down to eat a bowl of small wonton.

one thousand one hundred and nineteen

In the morning, I began to do an exercise in English extensive reading. After the preview, I still did it, but I didn't pay it in time. I waited another two weeks.

Introduction to Literature: two questions: 1. Write an outline; 2. Write an examination paper. This is also the first exam.

one thousand one hundred and twenty

In the evening, I went to listen to the report "the history of lawlessness" with Shi Xiaoye (zhuyonghe, a graduate student in the Department of philosophy, gave a lecture), saying that in China's history, there was no legal system and the power conferred by society on citizens. Wutian: natural human rights are not as good as those in the West. Today, a whole set of western culture should be introduced to collide with China's traditional culture to produce a new culture. Later, he talked privately with several people about China's backwardness and the root causes of the national evil. Deng Xiaoping said: the party and the government must be separated, the party and the government should be divided, appropriately divided, and the party should lead the government. And we should seize the "economy".

He also said that zhangchunqiao saw the "economy" and beat down the old cadres. Mao Zedong could not see it. He was surrounded by the "good situation" and became a poet. Deng Xiaoping developed the economy of Hu and Zhao and balanced politics by himself. Zhu tongsherenyun should carry out the cultural revolution again to save China. Zhu Yun first argued for freedom of speech.

Is China hopeless? I thought of Lu Xun, but I should surpass him and take out my pen.

I received Guan Hongxin from self-study. She said that someone told her that I had changed, but she firmly believed that she had read me right. What do you mean? I didn't know what to say. I just wrote a few letters to a girl. Of course I am me, but what should I do to her? She pasted the stamps upside down and pasted the envelopes by herself. She also said that some people scolded her for going to "enjoy" her admission to Nantah next year? Of course, I just want to thank the first girl who wrote to me and sympathize with her. She is not beautiful. I don't love her at all. Of course, I am not a mediocre. We are still classmates or friends.


one thousand one hundred and twenty-one

In the afternoon writing class, Dongqin said that he should not criticize minister Bian too much. In the class, only "Ge Yimin" was not the case. Daiweiyang said "Rose see you". I was very happy. I got 90 points for the composition.

Study by yourself in the evening and prepare for intensive English reading tomorrow.

I went to listen to ligusan (LiuHaisu's graduate student)'s "my view on Chinese painting". It was OK.

one thousand one hundred and twenty-two

At noon, Tang Jinghua visited and met Tan Derong again.

In the afternoon, I went to the Confucius Temple with shixiaoye and walked all the way. First, I took the bus to Zhujiang Road, but I didn't know where to take it. But I stopped and walked back. I met a policeman arguing with a cyclist about running a red light. I saw that DG arrived at a PG, which was very comfortable. Then I changed to an old man, who didn't know at first, and then felt sick. He wandered along the road. After the tickets for the thirteen maidens in Yan'an ran out, I walked to Xinjiekou, went to the department store for a walk, and finally got to the Confucius Temple. First, I went to the shops. The buildings were made of wood, painted beams and carved buildings, and each shop had valuables. Then I spent 20 cents to enter the daxionmen gate, saw the exhibition, four county and district monuments, saw a lot of porcelain, and walked around inside.

Later, I went to a restaurant and ate dried silk, potstickers, and powder. Later, I went to the Qinhuai cinema and saw the blood splashing screen. I was surrounded by a ny who was beautiful, fragrant, and coughing all the time. I felt pity for her. My soul flew away. She had a boyfriend. I didn't dare to be presumptuous, but when my feet arrived, I would die. If it were for me, alas!

After taking the bus, I arrived at PG 1, a junior high school. It was fun to hide while entering. The latter one is charming and coquettish. My DG is even more exciting and fun.

When I came back, Dai Weiyang talked with pengxiaofeng, and I made up my diary.