Chapter 55


one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight

I'm in a bad mood these days. I'm very melancholy. I'm just like Wang Wenxuan when I watch cold night. It's very cold. Maybe it's because of this (the same is true for senior three). I'm very cold in my heart. I'm a little worried. I want to sleep for no reason. I'm very worried. I'm not bothered for a moment. I go to class, sleep (when I sleep), and eat. Alas, can't I get rid of it?

one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine

In English intensive reading class, due to misunderstanding, I didn't read high enough. I thought it was wrong. The teacher said to daydream -------- daydream, quiz, not at all. After reading Zhang Weimin's, I did it for a month -------!

I received a letter from Tao Sheng, asking me to buy a digest card.

I had a big sleep in the afternoon and borrowed corrosion to watch. At 5:30 p.m., I got into bed and suddenly heard a female voice outside the door, "is Ge Yimin there?", I don't know who it is. I doubt my old classmate. Who did Zhang Weimin say? I hurriedly put on my shoes and went out to see a woman. It was Guan Hong. I called her name and asked her to come in and sit down for a while. Only then did I see her clearly. She was still fat, with a waterfall to her shoulders, but it was ok with too many clothes. After the greeting meeting, I went out with her, went out of school, went to the cinema (victory), and talked with her all the way. I remembered that she hadn't eaten, but couldn't find a store. When I went to the cinema, I bought a ticket for the thirteen chivalrous girls. The ticket was 55 cents a piece. I couldn't find it for ten yuan. She gave me one yuan, and I bought one yuan and eight apples. (I don't know what to buy). In the cinema, she cut me to eat one first. When she saw the terrible scene, she couldn't stop bowing her head many times, Especially afraid of snakes.

When I arrived at the school, I asked to find zhengrenxiang, visited the playground, went out to Jinling Hotel first, and when they came back, they talked. I only broke in occasionally, but there was nothing to say. Then I went to talk to tan Derong again, and talked about going back tomorrow, and then to the bedroom. Then I thought I shouldn't talk to Zheng, so that I didn't have a chance to talk to her alone. But I was in a bad mood. I also told her to forgive me for being ill and cold.

I talked with my roommate about her and me. Zhang Weimin and Chen Jing were just as redundant as me last time. Where are you going tomorrow? Xuanwu Lake? Nancai Mochou Lake. I am blue and afraid again. This is my first time with a girl.


one thousand one hundred and thirty

Forced this morning. After waiting for them, I took them to breakfast, and then took a bus to Nancai. I still didn't talk much. When I got to Nancai, luoshouxi was called out by huangxiaomin. Unfortunately, we went to Mochou Lake and walked around. I was a little cold, trembling and had nothing to say. After returning to Nantah for lunch, Zheng went to 1She to write a letter. I had a separate talk with Guan, and they had a very good talk. She said that what jiangliping said to her was that I was arrogant and didn't talk to them. I was wronged. I was always indifferent to girls. She said, "I look down on me even more", so she still forgives me.

At this time, luoshouxi and huangxiaomin came, so I took them to dinner, came back to talk, made tea, and Guan Hong gave us card fortune telling. It was interesting about love cloud. After seeing huangxiaomin on the bus, he accompanied him to the station. When he met XURUI, he came to buy shoes and met a real kinsman from his hometown. Later, she told Guan that she was having a bad time. She said that her face was hanging like this at home. Don't be surprised. At this time, I was in a good mood. I read some English in the evening and went to the library to read Xuzhimo's poems. It was very good, too.

one thousand two hundred and one

In the evening, I watched the movie "red, yellow, green, blue and purple". It was OK. In the evening, I made an appointment with Dai Weiyang and Shi Xiaoye to go to the third canteen to eat noodles and a packet of shrimp soup. It was my treat. Later, they invited each other. I was a little reluctant. I had to stay up late every day. I couldn't stand it until 11 o'clock. But it was very interesting. I had a few days' food first and played volleyball in extracurricular activities.