Chapter 62

19870125--021401252: 45. When I woke up, I thought about Xu Qian and couldn't sleep. In the morning, I met Mr. Guan. At the gate of the school, I wanted Xu Qian to come out, but I didn't get it.He attended the meeting of "developing Maoshan Information Association". On the way, he met Daosheng, went to Hua Ping's house, signed his name, met zhoushuhua and hujunning, went to a trick, ate melon seeds, and paid 50 cents. Later, President Wang of the county invited a meal at Huayang hotel. There were a lot of dishes. After finishing the meeting, he went to the station, got on the bus and went home. Xiao Ru and her uncle came.0126In the afternoon, Gao Xianzhong and zhengbaolai played together.Cao linglai borrowed three books.Zhu Dehong came and played for a while.I made steamed bread for my aunt's family in the morning and made it for my own family in the evening. I'm really tired. She packs it with Xiaoqin. She is in the countryside. In fact, she is very foreign. I was tired at night and slept.0127In the morning, my brother came back and bought a lot of food, but there was only 40 yuan left and there was no money for the car. I had a big wash today.Autumn Moon killed herself by drinking potion. Alas, life is hard to predict.0128Today is new year's Eve.I painted in the morning, wove paper money at noon, and cooked in the afternoon.I had dinner late and said a few jokes.I watched the Spring Festival Gala on TV. It was OK.0129On the first day of this day, I went for a ride in the afternoon, and my aunt also went to learn.0130My brother has gone to Dai village. Xiao Fang and Xiulan are not very good-looking.0131I went to my grandmother's house and watched the TV trade under the noose. I met Gao Xianzhong. When I came back, I saw Wu Lin, a relative from Xinjiang, who was also a college student. Dinner at my aunt's house in the evening.0201After sleeping in every day, dad got angry, lifted the quilt and went to his aunt's house.0202Watch TV Begonia.0203Our family invited guests, eight families had a meal, and they were busy.0204When I went to Ju Hongcheng's house for dinner, I saw wangguofang and didn't say a few words.'The0205The Daquan family and the LIUCai family had a fight over pigs eating wheat. Three brothers to three brothers, two eyes and two watches were broken.These days, Qiuyue and guigen's mother died. Qiuyue committed suicide unexpectedly.0206Go to grandma's in the afternoon and say goodbye.These days, I always think about Xu Qian when I sleep. I really fell in love with her. My sophomore year in senior high school was in love with her.0207Today, I went to Nantah. I was very happy to meet my classmates who were far away. I ate a lot. In the evening, I saw the mysterious yellow rose in the small night market. The former lovers were so happy.0208Today, Dai Yong and others also came, and everyone ate a lot.0209Today I have a class, ancient Chinese.0210After the audio-visual and physical education classes, everything went as usual.0211And xumin went to the reading room and saw the movie script.0212Still sleeping in.Had a philosophy class.0213It suddenly became hot.0214I watched the small night market with zhangweimin and Dai Yong: blue water and two souls, fake young master and affectionate hat. It was funny.