Chapter 79

one thousand one hundred and one

Another video, wild geese in the woods and the French Lieutenant's woman, was released. 730 copies were sold, but I took another one. I only said 622 copies were sold. Members and friends gave 67 copies in total. The rest was my service fee. The tickets were sold with tangchaoyang.

I did a good job in the ticket sales of general Peng, but the time was not good. After that, I finally pushed more than 200 tickets. I was worried that I couldn't push the cinema. I had to try the machine, so I refunded my ticket.

The free movie ticket of dawn let Jin Youyan go to see it. She is really a charming Hangzhou sister. She gives people the feeling just like her name, very quiet and beautiful. I've been sitting nearby, and I smell good.

Set up a home appliance maintenance department to help Jin Youyan and Huang Li repair the machine. Oriole is a cousin of the king's mausoleum. I heard her violin on New Year's day in the middle of the county. It's very good.

I got 73 New Year cards from Lao Mei. On that day, xuhaiying and libolai happened to have a lecture "director Shi Yongsen talks about film trends" given by our film association, and they gave them five.

Went to sell, gave 4 pieces to luzhizhou and sold 2 pieces to jinyouyan for 0.6 yuan.

Xu Min talked about color expansion, but the price charged by the book photography agency was too high.

I went to see Uncle Huping twice, met him once, and talked for a long time.

At noon one day, Zhou Jingshan and the canteen had a drink. One was the head of the second canteen, and the other was the teacher who sold chaos. At the weekend, I gave two photos to an ugly girl in the canteen and bought several ducks for one yuan.

I went to find gaozhiqing, took luzhizhou with me once, and came back for coffee. Lu invited me to have a meal with two foreign girls (Denmark and West Germany). The Danish girl paid 23 yuan, and then drank coffee. I paid 7 yuan.

Now gaozhiqing and Lizhongbao are easy to talk about. Gao not only helped me make copies, but also introduced director Wang of the Military Club Cinema. In the future, he can help them sell tickets and make some money.

The film week is that the Youth League Committee doesn't issue a note because it wants to do it by itself and has a bad relationship with Lizhongbao. Zhang Xisheng, the Party committee, only agreed after asking for a note from the Communist Youth League Committee. The political world is really dark. There are too many joints, and one level weighs on another. It is really difficult for China to handle affairs.

Yesterday afternoon, I went to gaozhiqing with Zhou Jing. Zhou is still very beautiful. She said that her mother is in Guangzhou and is engaged in foreign trade. Her father is an associate professor of history and engaged in scientific research. She and Huang Li are alumni of Nanshi middle school. Next week you will learn mahjong, go and bridge from me. Alas, another star is so beautiful. As Han Qinfen said, there are many better stars around me to look for. But who understands me? I want to make money, I want to develop myself, and I want to be natural and unrestrained.

In the evening, Wang Qin came to see another night of Shanlu Suode at dawn. She slipped in through the side door and occupied the mandarin duck seat. After watching the meeting, she hugged and drank coffee. Her body was so smooth. She was a sexy village girl. She hugged and stroked on the overpass. Now I can't figure out what was going on at that time. It seems like a dream. She rode her back and hugged her while riding. We were the only two people left in the world. When I arrived at Dingshan Hotel, I hugged and stroked for a long time. I really didn't want to leave. I didn't break up until 12 o'clock. I made an appointment to meet at the back gate of Nanjing University at 9 o'clock tomorrow evening.

What should I do? No one told me, because no one understands me, even I don't understand me. Let everything develop naturally. God will help me. Thank God.

After moving to 350, I changed with Lao Jiang for 20 days. Now I have changed back. I have gone to live in the southwest 350 again.

Zhou Jingshan said that the meeting would be held at 9 o'clock tonight.

I want to be great, I want to be a flesh and blood girl made of water, I have a career, I want to engage in film and television, I want to make money, I want Boston shoes, sweaters, down jackets, and I want to live a natural and unrestrained life.

The trouble of young Ge Yimin.