Chapter 82


If you make friends with potential, you will be spared. If you make friends with potential, you will be scattered. Only friendship is the most noble thing. I have read with you for two years. You are cheerful and straightforward, leaving me permanent memories. Our friendship has also been enhanced. You have given me help without forgetting. However, time is like an arrow, and we will soon be separated. Friendship is more valuable. May our friendship last forever.

I wish you an early realization of your ideals.

Create a more splendid life.

May you find a beautiful and lovely partner and build a happy family.

Signature: mawenxiang 19860325


To Yimin, my "wife":

I have known you for three years, but now I want to be separated. I can't help feeling disappointed when I think of how many ecstatic breaks I have spent with you and me. The intoxicating ribs and the maddening shark fin may make us unforgettable for life. It's a memorable four ah. We can't help talking about the common language, which makes us like a pair of lovers, At the time of parting, I wish you can find a lover who is tender and like-minded. Although the pain of parting cannot be expressed in words, I don't know when I will meet you in the future. I can't help crying (writing a poem) to say goodbye to you.

Wangbeiyu 19860331


To my bosom friend Lao Ge

Sharing a window with friends for two years

It's hard to part when you leave

A king is better than a traitor Cao

I'm sure I can make great achievements in the future

Good luck to you!

Yuyou: fengqingrong 19860325

Ren Guangrong:

Smart old friend:

Friendship needs no modification

Why worry about parting

When you lose your hair, you become an old man

"Hahaha Hey"

Still friends

Friend: glory

nineteen million eight hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and twenty-five

Diao Daosheng:

Although we have only been schoolmates for two years, our friendship has also increased with the passing of the days. When I first came here, I remembered that you were wearing a yellow military uniform and looked very honest and flattering. But after spending some time together, I found that you were naive and lively.

You, me and Erqiao are also the best friends. They often go to the streets or go to the movies together. I remember once when you quarreled with Erqiao, I was the middleman of the big media! But we also had a little farce, but because you were straightforward, generous and without any affectation, we were reconciled again.

Lao Ge, remember? You and I drove to the 202 construction site at a high speed, talking about all parts of the world, and I vowed to travel all over China! That time left me an unforgettable memory.

Lao Ge, remember? How many times, after the power failure, we have walked slowly and made "exploratory" walks.

Lao Ge, remember? How many times have we climbed onto the roof of the learning and teaching building after the power failure to take a look at the lighted Jurong City.


Ah! Lao Ge, I can't recall. It's too much to recall. Similarly, you have also played an exemplary role in learning, leading the class to make an "exploratory" March to the university campus.

I sincerely wish you to enter key universities.

Brother Yu: Taoist

nineteen million eight hundred and sixty thousand three hundred and twenty-five


To dear Mr. Yimin:

What was the past

Farewell with tears and friendship

A proud spring breeze accompanies you

Why think again

Great man has a great career'

Feelings should be desired

Till the day when there is no wine

Don't forget "2009".

Signature: suzhengyun

Da Hongwei:

Since February has broken through March, how many times can Xi laofengchun return?

Don't think there's no limit to what you can do outside your life.

Ge Yimin:

More changes in water make life more difficult.

"Laugh at the ridiculous people in the world", scholars despise each other.

"After getting along with him, I found that he was not a bad person", "at the beginning of man, he was good in nature", which is beyond reproach.

You are very rational and kind-hearted. You have both ability and political integrity. I am afraid you will never meet again in the future. Find a poem for you:

In the lonely library, I think alone.

Look for Jiashu biography and never forget the horn bow poem.

The short brown wind and frost make the sun and the moon come back late.

The moon is empty and the deer gate period is empty.