Chapter 92

Diao Daosheng:

To ge Di:

Once upon a time, we became sincere friends. I think at that time, we were really eating and drinking together. We sat together in the evening for self-study and learned "martial arts". What we heard and saw were true friendships. Looking back on those, we thought of leaving today, and our hearts were tense

Zeng geometry, we strolled in Jurong City, hand in hand, side by side, talking and laughing as we walked, which attracted the envy of passersby.

I don't know why, you became the leader of our 209 stick sect. But when did it cause "mass anger", you were dismissed from office, so you had to control your "strict master". Finally, Laoda became your loyal "lackey". How can it not be exciting to recall this?

Lao Ge, when did we invent "concept", "balagra Ma Zi", "ASU" (not my invention) In the future, when we recall the good life at this time, we will have the pain of "hate steel made of iron, can't return to iron"!

Another time, we both drilled into the library to swim the ocean of knowledge.

At another time, we shared the interesting and moving plot of the eight heavenly dragons. At that time, I entered the story only after you.

Another time, we picked the charming "wild flowers", which let us divide up all the charming flowers. We are happy to tell the truth when you meet people (ER Qiao)!

At another time, we became inseparable chess friends. From just turning on the light to turning off the light, we continued to light candles, until the sky was dark and the stars were bright. Finally, we went to the dormitory and ended after being disturbed and resentful by the student union. Can't I get excited when I think of this?

When I got up early in the morning, you asked me to wake you up, recite English words together, and talk while walking. I really had some fun. After writing here, I went back to that time again and again.

At another time, we went from house to house looking for TV. In front of the TV, we smiled at each other at the same time.

When! You asked me to sing the theme song of blood suspicion again and again. If Lao Ge would like to listen, I would like to sing it for you ten times.

At another time, you and old Beiyu got tangled up, and were pushed by members of 209. You laughed until your belly ached.

Lao Ge, your temper is also very strange. Sometimes, like the weather in July, you will change as you say. However, it will be strange for a short time. The ice melts and the snow melts, and you are reconciled as before.

Lao Ge, your grades are very good. This is the only thing brother Bi regrets. You and I have studied fascinating geography problems together. I am really very satisfied. Lao Ge, it's obvious that you go to university. However, I, Lao Diao, would never want my sincere friend to be admitted to a non key university. I hope you can be admitted to a key university.

In addition, I wish you find a partner who is as beautiful as flowers and moon. Don't forget to invite me to eat happy candy at that time!

Your foolish brother: Diao Daosheng

Supplement here

March 26th, 1986

Thank you!

Tai Chenghua:

Ge Lao:

Hello, the high school study life is coming to an end, and the time for you and me to separate is coming. At this time of separation, as a four-year old classmate, I feel very sad and full of dependence. What's more, we used to learn at the same table and sleep together.

It is said that there is a bridge between the soul and the soul. Some of them are very long, some are very short. They can't cross with a short foot, and they can't get through by train for a long time.

Lao Ge, do you remember that you and I, as the so-called "top students" of the school, were selected to the class of teacher sun of Dazhuo middle school, grade three (1), and we met like this. We met in this small world and met many new words. Among these friends, you are not very verbal, but you are not depressed.

At first, you didn't impress me very much. However, we later sat on a bench. With the passage of time, we established feelings and had a certain understanding of each other. After a short year, junior high school was about to graduate, and our friendship was tested.

After graduating from junior high school, we had a little painful stage. We always thought we would not come together. However, it is gratifying that we met again in a new environment. This may be a clever arrangement of God and a reward from fate.

Lord! Lord of my God, I thank you with tears.

Pure heart, the feelings between them are sincere and flawless. It can stand the test.

When we first came to the county middle school, we were in grade one of senior high school. Because we have a certain "foundation", although we are not in the same class, our friendship has developed to a certain extent. From the original classmates to close friends.

In my freshman year of high school, I didn't live on campus. In order to make it easier for them to see each other, I served dinner on behalf of them at school. Then I lent my rice bowl to you and you kept it properly for me. Your dormitory has become my borrowing place. Sometimes when it is too late for self-study at night, I will sleep with you for a few nights, and lift the pillow

A gust of true breeze urged us to enter a dreamy place. Since then, we have become inseparable. As a friend, I have also done a few feats for you that I am proud of.

For example, during the holidays, the school is not responsible for keeping some items that students can't take back in their dormitories, and requires students to properly solve them themselves. If you have no relatives or acquaintances in Jurong, your suitcase will become a problem. When you find me, I promise and solve it satisfactorily

Finally, I asked my senior one classmate chenzhongyu to take him to his uncle's house. You were very satisfied with this and thanked me. However, as a friend, what is this small matter?

This is how we get along. We help each other and live in harmony. However, I can't stop writing here. I think of the moments when we lived together in grade two of senior high school. At this time, the relationship between us reached a peak.

After the end of the academic year of senior 11, due to their different interests and hobbies, I entered the science class and you entered the liberal arts class. I was assigned from the original class (1) (i.e. class 1 of senior 1) to class (2) (i.e. class 2 of Senior 2), and you were assigned from the original class (2) (i.e. class 1 of senior 1(

2) Class) was assigned to class (1) (that is, class (1) of senior two). This may be a little joke played by the LORD God. However, such a small twists and turns has not damaged our friendship in the slightest, but has further promoted our friendship. It can be seen that our

Friendship is a flower that never withers and has indomitable vitality.

By chance, we both lived in the same dormitory, a mixed dormitory of class (1) and class (2). In this way, we entered a new life. During this period, we reached the situation of using the same basin and the same bottle of water. As a liberal arts student, you need

After reading some literature books, I borrowed some famous books for you, such as Don Quixote, Gulliver's travels and selected poems of the laws of the Tang and Song dynasties. We studied them together and learned from each other until late at night.

In winter, we thought it was a little cold to sleep in one bed, so we decided to share the same bed and warm each other. When the clothes couldn't be replaced, we changed clothes with each other. Although it was a few times, we had seen a spot. That's how we treat each other

Caring and helping each other, our "little husband and wife" life is so happy.

In my memory, there are many things worth remembering in the second year of senior high school, which are full of poetic and picturesque interest.

I remember that in order to have enough energy to study and arrange the time reasonably, when winter came, you and I made a treaty to practice long-distance running in the morning. The first day, we both got up very early with great interest. Although it was cold outside, we all wore sportswear and sweatpants because our

My heart is burning, so we run around the city. Because you usually exercise less, you have been running behind me, but you have a tenacious perseverance, and firmly ran down. On the second and third days, my interest was not very strong. Because of the excessive amount of exercise on the first day, I

Their calf muscles are a little allergic, and their legs ache all day long. On the fourth day, we were finally defeated by sleepiness and laziness. We didn't think of it when we were lying in bed in the morning.

I also remember that after lunch one day, I rode my bike to visit the newly built Christian Church to see what kind of place it is. After all, it has a sense of mystery for us two young people with communist ideology. We are full of

The feeling of hope was on the way. However, we were disappointed when we arrived there. There was only a newly painted Church House with a door facing south. Outside the door was a courtyard the size of a house. There was a blood red cross on the Western gable, which was the size of a man

Small, next to the cross below is the word Christian Church. In our opinion, this Christian Church must be a magnificent courthouse or synagogue like church hall, but it is inhabited by a so-called Christian family.

See here, give us the conclusion is to leave here. At this time, we thought of zhaowangshan, which is the place to visit the Tomb every year. There is a martyr cemetery there. It is said that it is being built there. We are on our way again with the mood of walking around and continuing. I'll train you as I walk

, you should think how responsible I am. When we arrived at zhaowangshan, we walked around the site for a week. With a feeling of respect, we were full of memories of the martyrs, and watched an antique Memorial being built. Then we prepared to go down the mountain. Before going down the mountain, we made a division of labor

When I ride my bike, you pull a hand behind me to prevent it from tumbling. We just tumble down the hill.

I also remember that after lunch one day, we rode our special car and embarked on a new journey. This time, we went to the crematorium. In this small tour, we both told a big lie, especially your acting skills, which made me admire. Beginning

When we touched the road, we only remembered one direction. We didn't know the direction of its gate. We only knew that it was heading towards the location of the chimney. When we got there, we saw that it was an ordinary courtyard. We went in through a side door and saw a lot of weeping elephants inside. There is flow

The families of the dead with tears of filial piety, including the expressionless master stove and the huge chimney with huge body and smoke silently. Just as we were feeling strange and looking around, a ghost like man flashed over from nowhere and asked coldly with a dead face:"

For what? " We answered, "we're looking for someone." With a look of fear.

"Who are you looking for?"

You then replied, "for my uncle."

"What's your last name?"

You hesitated and said, "I don't know. But I know him." "Oh, I think it's Zhang?"

"I don't know the surname of Zhang. We have a Wang here who is sleeping or having a meeting."

"He asked me to come to him at 12:30 this afternoon. You see, it's just after 12:30." You raised your wrist and looked at your watch.

"Then go find it yourself." The man said a word and turned away.

Relieved, we quickly picked up our car, rushed onto the highway, and moved back to the city. Behind us, the big chimney was still emitting small smoke.

All these wonderful memories are now full of aftertaste.

After graduating from senior two, our study and life became much more tense. In the year of senior three, our friendship has a long history and will never dry up. We often help each other weigh the rice and have fun in it. We had a heart to heart talk with each other

Pour out the things in your heart. Try our best to help and be considerate, so that our hearts and minds are connected.

In the third year of senior high school, we also spent several nights together, talking about our ideals and sharing our hearts. I remember some time ago, when you were preparing to take part in the national competition, you needed someone else to copy it for you. When you found me, I promised, and spent a few hours copying it for you, although due to some original

Because I didn't use what I copied, but as a friend, it's nothing. It's a friend's affection.

Now I am about to graduate. As a friend, I can only recall the heavy memory, think of the happiness at that time, and think of your personality. You are cheerful, optimistic and full of delusions. You are quiet and enthusiastic. You are gentle and lovely, and you have a certain fortitude. You have a

A smart mind, you have a pair of agile hands, you have a casual demeanor. You are free and easy in the world. As a beloved of God, you stand proudly between heaven and earth.

As an old friend, I can see that you have a bright future. After graduation, you are about to leave. With the wishes of concentric people, you are proud to move forward. Farewell, Yimin Jun.

Parting does not mean farewell. Please don't cry and don't be sad. The days ahead are still long. I believe we still have a time to meet. Then we will talk to each other again and continue our precious friendship to carry forward.

As an old friend, good classmate and concentric person, I give you a heartfelt wish: I wish you the best, best and best university!!!

Wish you success in your studies, be proud of yourself and honor your ancestors!!!!

I wish you a bright future and a quick start!!!!!

I wish you a happy marriage!!!!!

Wish our friendship,

Like the pine that never grows old in Nanshan,


May we make progress together on the vast ocean of knowledge and march forward bravely.

Tai Chenghua