Chapter II

Because I have done terrible electroacupuncture, I am honest. Old patients are honest because of it. When new patients come in, they are dishonest. They all do electroacupuncture and are honest as soon as they do it. When chatting, several old patients said that there was an electric shock, which was even more terrible. It was like falling off a cliff.

The work and rest of mental hospitals are very regular. They compete with prisons and guards, and the same thing is the loss of freedom.

The patient activity area is divided into two parts, one is the sleeping room, the other is the activity room, which is the place to stay during the day.

In winter, it is dark. You get up before 6 o'clock. The quilt is folded by the nurse or the old patient. In winter, you cover two quilts. The nurse has a unique way to fold the quilt.

Get up and wash. The toothpaste is for public use. There is an old patient who keeps it. He can only squeeze you less than the size of soybeans. After finishing your face and teeth, go into the activity room for breakfast.

It was still dark. One person stood in line with a porcelain basin and chopsticks. The health worker brought breakfast in his car. There was porridge in a stainless steel box and steamed bread in a drawer. When one person makes a bowl of porridge, the health worker grabs some small dishes, usually a small amount of dried carrots, two steamed buns, and finds a seat to eat. The dishes and chopsticks are washed by an old patient on duty, but they can't be cleaned at all.

After eating, I waited for the doctor's rounds at 8:15, bored. Doctors and nurses go to work at 8 o'clock and have a morning meeting. The health worker takes the new patient to meet him. The room is full of white coats, which is very impressive.

Each patient has his own doctor. A doctor has about 10 patients. The doctor went round the room and asked his patient, "all right?", The patient replied, "OK", this is the ward round.

At 9 o'clock, the nurse took a box containing various cigarettes to give out cigarettes. The family members kept six cigarettes for each person, which was an important ceremony in the mental hospital. The patient had already smoked six cigarettes yesterday, waiting for this moment. There are new patients who want to smoke. The nurse said, "you don't have any cigarettes at home." Send away.

Patients are not allowed to bring lighters. The nurses will light the cigarette. After the cigarette is finished, those who have just smoked will find the nurses to light it. They dare to be addicted. They smoke six cigarettes a day.

Then there was boredom, waiting for lunch. At 10:40, we had lunch. Everyone sat down. The health worker pushed the car. There were several drawers of steamed rice, a bucket of inedible vegetables, and star point meat. At this time, doctors and nurses came to help. There were also old patients. They put several pots on a tray and brought them to the patients.

After lunch, I lined up to take medicine. The old patient took a handful of medicine given by the nurse in his left hand and water in his right hand, and ate it all. I have never taken any medicine before. I can't take any medicine. I sit next to the nurse and take it one by one. Some old patients laugh at me for taking pills.

After taking medicine, I took a nap in the sleeping room. Some people did not sleep and chatted.

At 1:30 p.m., when you get up and go to the activity room, the first thing is to send snacks, that is, the family members store snacks. The nursing workers and specific elderly patients call their names according to the order in which they put snacks on the shelves. What do the called newspapers take. Some old patients, who have no snacks, are also crowded. They want others to share some of them, sometimes they grab some.

There was an old patient who was hospitalized for a long time. He called the Xu family. I saw that he called the Xu family. When I wanted to go home, I said that the Xu family would bring an apple.

At 2 o'clock, the family will meet. My mother will send me delicious food every day. She will take a thermos, chicken, ribs and some fruit. Sometimes my brother takes a rest and he comes to see him off.

In the afternoon, I was still bored. There were two big red kidney baths. Everyone washed their feet in hot water. Many people didn't wash at all. Sometimes the nurses saw it and said that it was not smelly if they didn't wash it. They still didn't wash it. There was an old patient who gave out straw paper. One piece of straw paper was torn into two and a half pieces, half for each person.

Dinner at 4:40. Dinner is the same as breakfast. A bowl of porridge and two steamed buns. After dinner, take medicine, and then go back to the sleeping room to rest. Because it was early, we chatted in twos and threes. But because of taking medicine, we all went to bed early. The sleeping time was 8 o'clock, but most people went to bed early.

Get up the next morning and repeat the previous day and every day.

I am a situational disorder, to put it more seriously, manic depression (bipolar affective psychosis).

On December 21 (later, the holy Easter), the nurse told me not to eat breakfast and left me alone in the bedroom.

After waiting for a long time, a group of doctors and nurses came in. Several doctors pressed me, held my head, inserted a needle in my head, and put a small wooden board in my mouth. I struggled. I didn't know what they were doing. There were too many of them to support. The struggle failed, and then I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, the hygienist told me to have a cold breakfast.

This is electroconvulsive. It doesn't feel like falling off a cliff as the old patient said. After power on, you lose consciousness. You are in shock, like falling asleep, or like dying. Wake up in an hour. This is what I later claimed to be on the cross, dead and raised.