Chapter IV

Mental hospitals have a unique place. In society, even in schools, people wear masks, as do prisons and detention centers. Only mental hospitals do not need masks. If you are in the mood, you can completely let go of your original self and be happy wantonly, because you don't have to guard against anyone. I once told my mother that it was the place where I had the most fun and laughter and wanted to go.

There was a man like Zhang Yimou. I stood in front of the window with him and saw a woman on the road. I said, "he's Zhang Yimou. Please ask him for his signature." the woman said, "why don't you ask him for his signature?" I said, "I am much bigger than him."

Once I was standing in front of the window, a woman passed by, dressed in red, in her 30s, very beautiful. I shouted to her, "Xiao Hong, don't think you are dressed in red, I don't know you. You are my wife." She thought my words were very interesting, so she immediately repeated them to passers-by: "he said:" Xiao Hong, don't think you are dressed in red, I don't know you. You are my wife. " He smiled and bent over.

There was a woman who sold newspapers. Once I stood at the window and shouted to her, "newspaper seller.". "She thought I wanted to buy a newspaper, so she came over. I said," super your mother. "When she found out that she had been cheated, she immediately scolded her.

Next to our ward is the girls' dormitory of Zhenjiang teachers' college. In the evening, girls go to self-study. I like a girl. She steps on her left leg, I shout "left", she steps on her right leg, I shout "right", I shout from left to right, and her legs don't listen to me. She stomps her feet and bends down to laugh.

Nurse Wu Dan is very kind to me. She often gives me leftovers, such as instant noodles. She is very beautiful, and I care more about her saliva. Even a health worker's aunt was so disgusted that she said, "give him the leftovers. "I only ate her leftovers once. Maybe they went bad and made me vomit.

After taking a nap, I took my temperature and reported my stool. Wu Dan asked me to ask about my stool. She remembered. For example, when I called "huxiaohu", he replied "once", and then I called "Xieping", and he replied "no". After calling several people, I suddenly called "Wu Dan". She should say, thinking I had something to do, I shouted: "shit", and she laughed.

There was a man like zhangxinzhe. I was lying in bed. He was lying beside my bed. Because he was too close, the nurse wouldn't allow him to get up. He is so much like zhangxinzhe that I said to guohongmei and Dongyan, my sister hair salons in Changzhou bull running, that I had met zhangxinzhe.

Once a man came in. He was really a star. Now he can't remember his name. Let's call him Zhang Hui. The girls of teachers' College knew that I was at the window. Several girls called me Zhang Hui. I called Zhang Hui. Zhang sat not far away and said to me, "just say I'm not here.". I said loudly to the girl, "he said he wasn't here." The girls giggled. Zhang Hui had to come over and talk to the girls.

Later, several girls really brought flowers to see him. He sat down with them at the reception place and really looked like a star meeting fans.

A man had a bad leg and quarreled with Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui beat him. He took a rice bowl and smashed Zhang Hui. I pulled it off because I thought the man was my classmate Guan Hong's brother. Zhanghui asked me why I turned to him? I said, "he is disabled.".

Later, the man's father came to see him, and he really looked like Guan Hong's father, Guan Hong (my high school geography teacher). I went to the reception room to talk to him. He smiled and asked me not to interfere with his meeting.