Chapter VII

At that time, I lived on the fourth floor. It was convenient for me to chat with the female patients on the fifth floor. The male patients on the third floor could not talk. I was sometimes jealous and poor. I often talk with yaoxuerui. Suddenly, she sticks out her head. She is very beautiful. I call her beauty. She is very happy and says her name is Xiaohong. The other day, yaoxuerui poked his head out of the side. It was very beautiful. I said it was more beautiful than Xiaohong. She said she was Xiaohong. Yaoxuerui said that Xiaohong bullied her, grabbed the TV and slapped her, telling me not to talk to Xiaohong. We changed directions, but she changed directions. I didn't listen. I still stood there and talked with Xiaohong, but yaoxuerui was more sincere.

A firefighter named Li Man also participated in the chat with yaoxuerui. We say that snow auspicious year, and Yao says that snow auspicious year. Li Man's colleague often brings a lot of delicious food. I asked him to give you some to zhuoaiping. Zhuo is a tramp. He was brought in by the rescue station and took his medicine.

Yaoxuerui asked me when I would be discharged from the hospital. I said 10 days, and then asked Li Man? I said that when I went home for the new year, Yao laughed and li man laughed. It was summer. Li Man has lived for one year. He is often called by doctors and nurses to do things, such as emptying the wastebasket. I say you are a j person, and they can't call you around.

When I was admitted to the hospital for the second time, at night, I was tied to my bed. I couldn't move at all. I just looked at the fluorescent lamp on the roof. It was dazzling. Like Jesus, a health worker came in and asked, "Ge Yimin, do you still know me?"

Working in Changzhou Benniu (Changzhou branch of provincial agricultural means of production), Zhao, who is doing color printing, chatted in my office. When I talked about my ideal society, she said, "here you are again." I haven't talked to her before, nor told me that I was ill.

In the hospital, I saw a girl walking in front of me, with other people following. It was quite revolutionary.

On the way to the hospital with my mother, I met zhuguojing driving. Cai Guangyi was in the car and asked where to go. I said the old place. I told my mother that Zhu Guojing was my ZYJ Health Bureau, but followed Cai Guangyi. At the hospital, my mother told the doctor to take more medicine. The doctor suddenly said, "take 100 pills." At the roadside of the hospital, I twisted my mother's ear. My mother asked why. I said "hospital" means that my ears are over.

The nurse said that I said that the BP machine was my wife. I can't remember.

A patient told me that President Clinton knew everything about me.

Once the nurse asked me to brush the bed. I was not very good. A nurse said, "Ge Yimin is very smart." Like my primary school classmate linrongping.

A patient touched Dr. Zhang Wei's chest, and the result was "one tie, two electroacupuncture, three slaps". Zhang immediately asked someone to tie him up, gave him a second electroacupuncture and hit him three times in the mouth.

A young man came in, his food was taken away by others, and he didn't smoke. Every day I smoked, he and I picked up the train. It was I who took a smoke and gave him a smoke. He had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. He said that the medical staff carried him on the stretcher. Someone said, "it's him." he thought it was him. He thought he was a great man. This is a competition with the "sage of crape myrtle" bar friends who think they are the only sage of crape myrtle. They are about to go out of the mountain to be the emperor and marry Liu Yifei. They don't work and wait for the non-existent "coming out of the mountain" date every day. Year after year, they are all the hanging wires at the bottom of the society. They are all psychotic.