Chapter IX

In the 1990s, the cigarettes in mental hospitals were not so tense. Patients could put a whole pack of cigarettes and lighters on their bodies. When I smoked, a young man stood beside me waiting for cigarettes. I always left a long cigarette end for him. Somehow, I got nervous later (the lighter was collected because other psychiatric hospitals lost fire, and our ward also opened another north door, which is usually locked.) The cigarettes are kept by the nurse, 6 cigarettes a day, and the nurse or health worker is also required for ignition. At this time, there are so many people waiting for cigarettes that I have to arrange to give a long cigarette end to one person in the corridor, let him smoke two cigarettes, give it to the next one, and then explain it to the next person. A long cigarette end requires two or three people to smoke together, and one person has two cigarettes. Because they know that I give cigarette butts. As soon as I smoke, several people surround me. Some people are addicted. They smoke two more. I say I won't take you next time.

When I took my son to the gate of the Construction Committee to play ball games (marbles) during my weekend at work, the nurse saw it and told me when I was hospitalized.

When I was in hospital for the first time, the doctor liguohai asked me about my similarities and differences, and I told him. Tianzhihong, the director, said that the state has wasted training my college students. Later, before I was hospitalized, a doctor asked me, can I be the provincial Secretary of W? I said yes. Ask again, can you make money? I said no, I also said I felt good.

Sometimes patients do not cooperate and will attack the medical staff. Taolingwei said that it is a routine, and nurses and health workers will retaliate. For example, when the patient is tied to the bed, huqimei hit the patient in the mouth, especially the male health worker. There was a strong man about 50 years old who spit at Liu, the male hygienist who tied him up. After he tied him up, Liu hit him in the mouth. Then the nurse came for electroacupuncture, but he didn't respond at all. Usually, the patient was very painful. He had to bite his teeth and make pain or beg for mercy. His face was expressionless, so the nurse was afraid to do it.

There was a patient, a young man, whose family came to see him. I heard his family say, "I want to eat fried rice with eggs. Won't you tell me?"

Another patient, a middle-aged man, once asked his uncle to stir fry rice in oil. His uncle put eggs. He was very satisfied and told his sick friend that he also put eggs.

I was a model worker in the hospital. Once the health worker asked me to brush the toilet wall tiles. A nurse saw it and said, "where else does Ge Yimin do this?" The health worker said, "why can't Ge Yimin do it?" Another nurse said to me, "Ge Yimin wants to do everything, but he can't do it well."

There was a young man who often played with me. I told him: "houdejian's shrimp Chenglin was stabbed away by 52kx. Houdejian was so angry that I laughed to death." every time we talked, we laughed.

I heard from my mother that once in my hometown, I was excited to go to the pond. Su fan, a distant relative, said, "I want to be a citizen."

I have seen the Korean drama I am a legend and like Quan Xueji. I played Quan Xueji in the hospital. I found Li huazi, Jiang xiuren and liangyalin among the patients to form a Madonna band. A young man, I ordered fried rice and duck blood Vermicelli Soup for him. He was anonymous. I made him a water cup, a drink bottle, and asked a male nurse to write his name. He didn't know his name. I said I knew. I took a pen and wrote "plum blossom". The nurse said beggar.

When I was ill, I was always inexplicably excited. At the beginning of several nights, I always ran to the street to sing and walk aimlessly. I thought I was a great person, and it was also a declaration.

Once my brother took me to the hospital. On the way, I walked ahead. I said I took the initiative to go. The doctor looked at me well and said that I would not be hospitalized. I said that the Chinese were small. When he was old and shrunk up, he was hospitalized.

Once, I took my mother to the ward and said that I was hospitalized. The doctor also said that I was OK. I said that I was rich and asked my mother to take out her pocket money to see him. This has the element of acting. I am also an actor.

Once, when a ZYJ died, Dr. Tao asked me to carry the body to the funeral carriage until I got on the road.