Chapter 18

The shortest person in Zhenjiang No. 4 hospital was an old man, only 1 hour. The old man went through the formalities and came in. He found that he couldn't get out. He hurried to leave. The medical staff took the protective belt and wanted to tie him up. The old lady felt distressed and couldn't say anything. She went home and went to hospital.

There was a young man who was very impressive. He sat down with me and asked me why I pretended to be him. I said how old you are and how old I am. He stopped talking. Once I gave him beef, but he didn't want it. I kicked his foot. After a while, he pushed me on the back. Wang Ming (Wang Ping, I call him Wang Ming, an old patient, who can't get out, just like a housekeeper) came to protect me. The nurse was also there. I said I would kick him first.

Once Wang Ming wanted to stop my cigarettes. I said, "how dare you stop Mao Zedong's cigarettes?"

Mental hospitals, like prisons, use patients to manage patients. I was dissatisfied with this. I told director quhongfang, "our party has always been subordinate to its superiors, the minority to the majority, and the whole party to the Central Committee. How can we manage at the same level?" Song makes you laugh.

I said to the head nurse, "steamed buns and porridge for breakfast are still my food in high school." The head nurse said to balance something.

There was a young man named xiaozhenjiang, who was not very tall. His mother also lived upstairs. The nurse took pity on him and gave him some takeaway food. Sometimes, when he saw the nurse eating takeaway food in the room, he took a spoon and waited in the corridor early. Sometimes when there is too much left, other patients also come to share and rob. The small town Jiang said, "you eat the potatoes and give me the ribs."

A fellow Jurong a said that his wife lived on the fifth floor, saw the TV on Dongqing, and said that he liked her best:) a was always noisy, so the housekeepers and health workers took him to bed and tied him up. He said that he was just sleeping.

I often give dumb guys and a man B something to eat. They are the same as me. I don't have anything. I also get something for them. I did it twice. One morning, a ate pancakes. I went to do it. A didn't agree with him. I hit him hard on the head. After a while, I sat on my seat. A sneaked in the back and hit my glasses on the ground. Wang Ming immediately tied him up and told his sister to pay for his glasses when she came to see him. Of course I wouldn't. the glasses were metal. I bent my legs and continued to wear them. I said to hit him on the head first. Wang Ming said that his nature had changed.

An old man said that when he was young, he would build the country and now give it to my generation. I told a nurse that my generation would give it to her generation.

At noon, a new patient came in and tied him to the bed. I said in the corridor, "Ge Yimin is not as tall as Andy Lau, not as rich as Andy Lau, not as handsome as Andy Lau." "I am inferior to Jiang Zemin in three respects," he said, imitating Zhu Rongji

There was a man like wendebei (teacher) in my village. He saw a patient named "Xiaxu" and was afraid to say; "Blood", I said nothing. My colleague's husband was also called "Liu Xu". He liked to talk about communism with me. When it came to Russian aggression and borders, I said, "the Communist border is meaningless." He basically agreed with me, and made some language and expression. Once we were tied to the bench, just like Jesus on the cross. We sat on the bench with our hands stretched out and tied. We got up and walked with the bench. It was very funny. The health worker stopped us.

I think people are face blind. When I came in this time, I thought a doctor was Zhang Wei. I went to her and said, "you said that it was me who came down from e, but it hurt me. I believe it." She said, "I won't tell you." Go away.

There is something very strange. Before I was hospitalized, my wife said to me, "Yimin, what changes have you found?" I said, "what has changed?" "You always run to the bathroom," she said