Chapter 14

During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the PHS I typed was used by her mother. I said, "I'm Li Juan's net friend. Is she OK?" Her mother said, "Li Juan, OK." Later, Lizi said that Benben had participated in the disaster relief. She was from Deyang, Sichuan.

The three true love I have admitted so far: Xuqian (secret love in high school), hanqinfen (secret love in college, even though I have contacts), Benben (online love at work), are all recorded in my mind. My wife and real girlfriend Wang Rong are not included. How can I say that I cheated Benben's feelings?

I met Li Min, a Wuhan woman, whose QQ name is Hui she. She was born in 1972 and is a kindergarten teacher. When I was QQ video, she was very young, just like a girl. She said that others called her non mainstream. Every time she opened the video, she turned it off after opening it for a while, so that when I typed, she turned it off and couldn't take a good look at her.

I said Zhenjiang, Wuhan. (Zimei, a friend of tieba, is also from Wuhan. She said that our two cities are a pair.) Not far. There are many bullet trains. I came to see you. Li Min was very happy. I said, "what shall we do when we meet?" She said, "Z love, are you still Z love?"

At the same time, we contacted QQ on MySpace. One night, I told her that I was offline, but MySpace was offline and was online for dozens of minutes. Li Min thought I was online and ignored her, so she was very angry.

Li Min also did public welfare, subsidized children in mountainous areas to go to school, and sent me live photos. At that time, I set up a "merit box" (offering support) in Shenwang, but no one offered it (so far, I have received Zhu huaibing's 20 yuan contribution). I wanted Li Min to make a good start and let her offer 50 yuan. She said, "my sponsorship depends on people." Her meaning is that I don't need sponsorship. I misunderstood her meaning and thought that I was a bad person, so I deleted her QQ.

Later, on a foreign dating website (in Chinese), I sent a mass message to ask women to add my QQ to pull people to However, it was different from pulling people on dating websites such as Yahoo a few years ago, and the effect was not good.

One day, I received a message on this dating website: "no! You have forgotten me." When I looked at the photos, the winter clothes photos were very beautiful. It turned out to be Li Min, because when I sent messages, I didn't look at the women's information. I selected women, copied the good news, and sent them in groups one by one.

I dare to keep in touch with Li Min and ask her to add my QQ or give me my QQ number. She doesn't give it. I send messages on the dating website again and again, saying that if the dating website is closed, we will lose contact again. Anyway, two days later, she added my QQ.

We can chat on QQ again. Talking about the past, she said, "when we were good." She also said, "would you like to buy me a diamond ring customized by I do for a lifetime?" Of course I said I would, but I have no money:)

Later, his father became seriously ill and thin. He said it was related to smoking. Knowing that I smoked, Li Min said, "no smoking." She commands me, I am very happy, because love a person, will command him. Later, I asked a netizen to tell me that I was not allowed to smoke. What she said was not as good as Li Min's "no smoking."

Unfortunately, my old qq46377923 was blocked because I scolded someone in my QQ group. This time, I learned to write down Li Min's QQ number in my notebook, but when I added her with my new qq50914333, she set the question "what is my mobile phone number?" I have no answer, can not add her, lost contact again.

During the COVID-19 in Wuhan, I couldn't get in touch with Li min. how is she now? Very much!!!

Nerve XXVI (III) Gehua 30[Li Min, female, born in 1972, Wuhan]

30. Li Min: no! You, forget me.

Some things, missed, can not go back, I paid, tried, but you can not see, blame me for being amorous, men and women are always just two parallel lines that can not be crossed.

We really can't go back. I have been abandoned by you. You really hurt me deeply. I don't want to be hurt again.

We can't keep up with each other.

Our lifestyles are different. We don't understand what you do. You only have yourself and your thoughts in your heart.