Chapter VIII

In 2004, in the era of Benben and starry sky, Yemei reached a climax. Benben (Li Juan) and I fell in love online.

(after many years, in 2004, I fell in love with an Internet girl, Lijuan, from Deyang, Sichuan Province. I met Baidu tieba and became a community administrator of Yemei. At first, I was just a little sister. She wanted to be my lover. She sent messages to each other to express her love. Both sides had made sincere efforts. I wanted to stay in the community and also expressed my love to others. Li Juan found out that I was ill and hospitalized. Everything was irreparable. After breaking up, she said the reason was impossible Together. I really love her. I often recall that she gave me videos as soon as I chatted on QQ. I was moved inexplicably.)

On QQ, I let Ben choose the relationship: 1. Sister, 2. Confidante, 3. Lover. Ben chose his lover.

In order to keep people in the community, I also had an online love affair with other girls in yemeqi, including the woman Lizi:) Wan Qing with bad legs (later, Ben Ben told me.) I used the drawing software to make an online marriage certificate for each girl, and also pasted photos of both sides. In the name of God, the rich and the poor are not separated.

(nerve 27 (3) 505. Furthermore, Yemei is already the father of the child, but is still so mean as to deceive the young administrator himself. When I knew the truth, he vowed to divorce his wife and marry me. I believed him and began to wait with expectation. However, the dream turned into a nightmare, and Yemei later confessed to the administrator XingKong, and made advances to the then yemeire Pavilion moderator glacier tiannv. Yemei told the girls that she was the only one in his heart, and he had no such feelings for others. Later, glacier believed it and decided to leave Yemei under pressure. When I asked him to stay, the truth finally came out.

I don't know how many people have been cheated by Yemei. This is really a shameful act.

Later, I posted a post on Yemei, asking Yemei, what is God given marriage? "God given marriage" was what Yemei said when she told binghe that she wanted to marry binghe online and was confident of bringing this marriage into reality. There is nothing more despicable than deceiving the feelings of believers under the banner of God.

After that, Yemei never showed up to avoid. Later, Yemei explained that she went to interview the veteran soldiers, but the place was remote and had no Internet. Faced with such a coincidence, most people began to laugh at Yemei.

A long time later, Yemei shamefully sent a post to defend herself. The title was "I admit I love myself, and I also admit I love the stars". What a shameless beast! What about your wife? What about your children? Why did you say such a thing? Did you think of them when you said that?)

Unfortunately, at the time of the incident, I was ill and hospitalized (mental hospital:), unable to deal with the crisis in time. When I was hospitalized, they made an appointment to leave Yemei and opened their own forum. Lizi is still in Yemei. She doesn't admit to having an online marriage certificate. She is much older than me. XingKong is still posting on Yemei. XingKong has posted on their forum. I blame her for not posting on Yemei.

The administrator of my notebook kept it for a long time, and she repeatedly asked me to cancel it. Her post "what is a god given marriage?", When I saw it, it had been edited by her. It's a pity that I didn't see the content.

I used the free space to open a forum "anti Yemei alliance". The book came back and asked the forum owner (actually me, reverse propaganda) for the QQ number.

Later, when she contacted Benben on QQ, she said that it was impossible to be together.

(nerve14 3. Fell in love with Sichuan girl Lijuan (herself). Later, she said that it was impossible to be together. This is my third true love. It's a pity that Plato.)

Later, I saw Benben's post in the post bar:

(nerve 27 (3) 376. I will take back the things that belong to me.)

Dear Ben, do I ge Yimin belong to you?