Chapter IX

Wan Qing is a Christian. She likes to write essays. She has leg problems. She even knew that I had given her an online marriage certificate and accused me. She is a girl who I made friends with on Yahoo. As a moderator, she is very responsible and serious. She said that the online name was taken from Mu Wanqing in the eight books of the dragon, which is meaningless.

Wan Qing said that when her brother was poor, he won a large sum of money at the Las Vegas Casino in the United States. I said miracles and asked her to post a post in Yemei. She won the lottery because Christians were hard to say gambling.

Wanqing also left Yemei with the book and went to their forum, but the forum was not popular. In the end, Wanqing was the only one who posted a post a day, and no one clicked.

After Benben left Yemei, a girl named huangjingbo (laughing at life) came to the community. She worked as a technician in Shenzhen. Her hometown is Taiwan. She is very beautiful and young. She became my righteous sister and became a community administrator instead of Benben. QQ interacted with the community at night, and SMS interacted during the day. At that time, there was no mobile QQ, around 2006.

Huangjingbo calls me a prophet and calls himself an angel. The angels and prophets should be together:) although she is a righteous sister, she is also in online love. I have sent her a desert spring and a Bible (small version of Hong Kong Version). I wonder if she can receive the Bible? Later, she was busy with her work and lost her mind. Finally, she still left me a message: "when the song is brilliant, I will travel with you naturally."

At that time, there were many girls as moderators in Yemei. Naturally, I pulled them from dating websites, such as mingluo, dreamy ice bamboo, and so on. They all wrote articles in Yemei. For example, in the Yemei re Cultural Museum, mingluo wrote a very good post, saying that everyone was very happy in Yemei at that time. She said that everyone had their own style of writing. She liked everyone, who she liked, who she liked, and who she liked... PS I seem to have opened the harem:)

There is a Yunnan girl in the community who dreams of butterfly dancing. She tells me everything. She also tells me after drinking beer with several friends. She also sends photos. On the eve of the Spring Festival, I send a text message to her to say goodbye to the new year. She calls me and says that I am married. It seems that she means to leave me.

When Han Wufeng, a girl from Xuzhou, came to Yemei, she was still in high school. She also loved writing. She called me twice and said she couldn't bear to see me alone. How can a high school girl not be moved to think about me like this?

There is a personal post on Mingjing waterstop. She said that in my photos (University graduation photos, white shirts), it is rare for Chinese people to have a clear face like westerners. She believes in Buddhism and we often discuss religion. She posted my photos on a forum to make people look at them (see below).

Once she gave me a "new Buddhist" bar, saying that I could send nerves. I sent it, and it was deleted. I said that Mingjing waterstop asked me to come. The bar master dared to explain that, let me be sure not to delete nerves. She has a rallying power to say that she is a friend of my sister.

Gehua 37[mengdiewu, female, born in 1989, Baoshan, Yunnan]

Gehua 38[Han Wufeng, female, born in 1992, Xuzhou, Jiangsu]

Nerve 27 (III) 694. When I was in Yemei community, I wrote a paragraph and went to dating websites, such as Yahoo, to make friends, search for women, and then paste them one by one without looking at their information. I invited many girls to the community, such as Wanqing. I also talked with the internet police and the Religious Affairs Bureau. I called it "hair when you see a woman". They were also surprised. I said that making friends means that men make women, and women make men.

Nerve 27 (1) 130. Clear mirror water stop: Ge Yimin is a Christian and independent of his own sect

He claims to be a prophet, son of God, man of God, and leader of the church. His foundation for the creation of religion is "visions", which is actually the so-called supernatural dreams he had from childhood to adulthood (I don't think so). Therefore, he has also written his own doctrinal scriptures. Therefore, he has also been attacked by many people on the Internet. However, after contact, I feel that I am still very good. I also take an inclusive attitude towards other beliefs. At least it is much better than other Christians who often accuse Buddhism, Taoism, qigong and yoga as evil spirits on the Internet.

Nerve 27 (1) 134. I can't see the truth, but I can't see that GE Yimin has the image of a saint, but it gives people a sense of persistence. It's a bit like the image of a revolutionary in the 1920s. Ha ha

The work piece is a bit like Michael Jackson~