Chapter 18

Ziwei sage and wangzhe

In 2006, I first saw an article about the sage of crape myrtle in a forum. I thought it was a specific person and a personal name (for example, the online name was not convinced, because I wrote nerves in 2004). At that time, the prediction of 2012 was very popular. I was 2019. Someone replied to me on that forum: "they all said those years."

Later, I knew that I was a prophet, but there was no specific person, and I was rated as one of the top ten Saints (around 2010). I took the initiative to enter the saint circle and became a saint.

List of the top ten saints: geyimin, zhengkuifei, Yu Zhanqi, maweiqing, xuanchangwei, Wang Weihao, Shu Zhangming, lvyongjun, Zhang Wuzhong and Wang Jianxin.

That's why I pay attention to purple saint. There is also the reason why friends @ little lilies in the greenhouse. Pay attention to Chinese saints.

In fact, before there was a bar owner (Solomon), he sent a post "nerves" and posted it with a machine. At that time, the post bar could send long articles at one time. How many layers would it be automatically divided into? I have about 40000 words. Later, the bar owner told me that after deleting this post, he didn't go.

Little Lily was deleted in the holy bar. She came to ge Yimin bar to complain. Then I entered the holy bar and even brushed the screen for a long time.

I am a contemporary Christian Communist, and naturally I am a Christian circle and a communist circle. Nerves are also dominated by these two.

In 2001, he went online, mainly in the Christian circle.

I joined the online philosophy circle passively. The first time I saw the composite picture of the nine Internet philosophers' avatars, I was the first picture (mentally retarded and barbaric), and I knew that I was an Internet philosopher:), passively entered the Internet philosopher circle.

List of the nine online philosophers: Ge Yimin, Zhou Qun, Yun Jie, feather brother, keren2398, Zhao Kexun, LAN Zhi, Strongart, and Du Ren 13.

Before the Chinese Saint bar, there were several Saint bars, which were repeatedly sealed and built. The "saints" can always gather new saint bars. There were back pushing pictures before, holding heaven and earth, Ziwei sage, Ziwei sage, etc. Then there are the Chinese sage bar, the world sage bar, the shijianqian bar, the headquarters bar, etc.

I always keep Ziwei sage, Christianity, communism, Internet philosophy and folk Science in my screen bar, 8 in each bar, plus a few hot related bars. Constantly replace, but always brush the screen in about 40 bars.

I have also done a lot of bar owners to publicize, while II is good at doing bar owners and changing materials to publicize Ge.

Summary report of the ten-year holy bar: two basic estimates.

1. It is estimated that my friend thinks he is the only sage of crape myrtle. Others are fake saints. Women also think they are saints, not saints.

It is precisely because there is no real person in the virtual sage crape myrtle, which is calculated according to the prediction, resulting in this strange phenomenon.

2. It is estimated that the friends of the holy bar are all neuropathy, most of them are overt, have lived in hospital, few of them are recessive, have not been hospitalized, and even do not take medicine.

Otherwise, why pay attention to the holy bar? India bar and History bar are more fun and learn knowledge.

Normal people, who would consider themselves saints? Or the creator. As for the start, everyone thinks he is the creator, but God thinks he created the creator.

A group of hanging silk at the bottom are delusional about becoming emperor.

Crape myrtle prophecy has harmed many people:

@Grandpa Hongsha didn't work for several years. He waited every day to go out of the mountain. He begged for food and said that the mountain would return the borrowed money.

NR and others don't get married, and other saints don't exist.

In reality, the worst woman can't marry, but in YY, the only saint in the world is his future wife.

Zhang Jie, the Internet philosopher, and Liu Yifei, all in the same way.

Most serious:

Those who cannot commit suicide after leaving the mountain. For example, they commit suicide before leaving the mountain on January 1, 2015, so that the world will perish with them.

If you can't marry a saint, you will commit suicide, such as @job80

I, Ge Yimin, advise the saints: one heart, two preparations.