Chapter IV

About 2019

1, 2019, in fact, I just went online to predict 2021. According to the Bible, 3 is the beginning (soul) of mankind, and finally 7. 3*7=21, predicting the end of 2021 (i.e. the 21st century).

Later, I saw the prediction of the sabbath day meeting 1844 on the Internet. Of course, this prediction was not true, but his formula was used by me.

"Nerve 2:10 "remove the regular burnt offerings and set up the abominations of destruction", that is, the end of the theocratic regime. There is no tangible Kingdom on the earth to represent the theocratic rule, and all are ruled by Gentiles, that is, the subjugation of Judah.

11. At the beginning of October 607 BC, the sovereignty of Judah had disappeared. Gedaliah, the governor of Judah appointed by the Babylonians, was assassinated, and all the remaining Jews fled to Egypt. (Jer. 40-43) reliable biblical chronological data show that this event occurred in early October of 607 BC, 70 years before 537 BC (the year the Jews were released to return home). (Jer 29:10, Dan 9:2)

So I checked the Scriptures and found:

"8. Daniel 12:11-13: "from the time when you take away the regular burnt offering and set up the abomination of destruction, there will be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed will be the man who waits for a thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. Go and wait for the end, for you will rest. At the end, you will rise and enjoy your blessing."

9. The two dates have 2625 days in total. According to the law of "one day for one year" (God likes to punish people with one day for one year. Ezek 4:6: one day for one year; num 14:34: one year for one day.), This period is equivalent to 2625 years.

13. So in 2019, the end of the world is coming. Ge Yimin is the king of God, ending the rule of foreigners and establishing the kingdom of God (Communist society).

I am looking forward to the end of the world. In fact, I am looking forward to the early arrival of the new heaven and earth, that is, the Communist society, that is, the world of great harmony.

2, Nerve XXI 55, 20191001

A large number of Americans tweeted that they had won the new crown long ago

More than 1000 users on twitter said that they or their family members and friends had been infected with novel coronavirus in December 2019 or even earlier.

"Both my wife and the doctor are convinced that I got COVID-19 on October 1st, 2019." A Washington resident named jamiekatenhofen wrote in a tweet on December 22, 2020.

In November, 2020, researchers of the National Institute of oncology in Milan, Italy, published a paper in the National Journal of oncology, pointing out that they tested the blood samples of 959 volunteers who participated in the lung cancer screening test from September, 2019 to March, 2020. The results showed that there were specific antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of novel coronavirus in the blood samples of 111 volunteers. The earliest samples were collected in the first week of October, 2019, This indicates that they may have been infected with novel coronavirus in September 2019.

Nerve II 15. From 2019 to 2033, human beings will become happier and happier, and the world will gradually become one.

At the beginning of October 2019, Ge Yimin became a God.

On November 26, 2033, the world will be in harmony. (visions 29)

Annex: (III). The source of the 2019 doomsday prediction: Ge Yimin was first published on the Internet Forum in august2001.

3, According to the book of visions, he has become a God as scheduled.

Neurology I 71. 20190907: Ge Yimin becomes a God and marries a bride.

The bride was arranged in a room. A voice said: God has given everything to people, and people must not struggle with each other.

72. 2013 / 09 / 2013: it's Ge Yimin's turn to speak.

In a strange dream, sitting in a room near the wall, a young woman came in and gave me a hot handkerchief to wipe my face. Then she told me that it was my turn to speak. Sitting in the middle of the room, looking at me who had been suffering for a long time, she tacitly agreed that it was my turn to speak.

I said, "what am I talking about? I want to say that communism can be realized today."

73. 2014 dream: Ge Shen and God.

God said, God stood in this position, God stood in this position, God stood in God's position, God had to stand in the secondary position.

74. 20191005 vision: President of the world alliance.

In a strange dream, I tried for the first half of my life. As the fake monk sings, "I want to go from south to north, and I want to go from white to black. I want everyone to see me, but I don't know that I am water." Today, I finally became the president of the world alliance. "I don't believe that there are real demons in this world, and I don't want to oppose anyone. I am a dream and a soul, and I am God's last agreement." A new heaven and a new earth have arrived.

In 2004, the first draft of the nerve (Yemei and Ge Yimin) was published on the network, and then it was updated and published continuously.

11. In 2012, the establishment of the god religion and God party was made clear as a value rather than an organization.

12. 2012-19: peacefully export the harmonious values of Ge Yimin, the content of which is nerve.

13. 20191001, Ge Yimin became a God.

14. From 2019 to 2033, Ge Yimin's gospel was spread all over the world and accepted by the world.

15. 20331126, Great Harmony in the world.

Nerve I 29, 2013, 126: 20 years later (2033), the political party will perish. A harmonious Communist society, in which mankind manages peacefully and cooperatively, no longer needs a dictatorship.