Chapter X

Neurologic I 55, 20180505: take what you need.

In a strange dream, I made a platform of bananas for free. People can take them freely. Later, there were other things for free. I have created all kinds of things in the empty space of the court with empty hands. I have everything I say. I have everything I want. I have everything I want, such as a watch. After that, there was a color TV refrigerator. A young man picked up the left and right trolleys for free.

56. 2015 / 09 vision: my son and I both got the message: I am a sage of crape myrtle. I issued a number one order to take the first step towards world harmony.

57. 20180827 vision: Ge Yimin announces the coming of the kingdom of God

A miracle in a strange dream. The home page of Ge Yimin's official website is a whole picture, with "no disease in the world" written on the top and small words below: "no more pain and sadness." The following six extra large words "the kingdom of God has come", and everyone in the world has received the message: "I am God, you should listen to him (GE Yimin)." at this time, I have entered the kingdom of heaven, and I have come to heaven. In the following small words, I will link to the original home page of the website.

One day, when I was 60 years old, I ate hot pot with several young people, but I looked very young, and human beings realized immortality.

58. 20181017 vision: in a dream, the name of the Savior was written on a piece of cardboard. It was circulated. The name was not my name, but Ge Yimin.

59. Oct. 27, 2015: a heavenly vision with five clear words: "Ge Yimin, God".

60. 20181111 vision: Adam and Adan.

In a strange dream, I was the last Adam. Young Adam and Eve were only 5 years old. I seemed to carry her on my back.

After becoming an adult Adan, Eve was born for me. I can have her lover. I don't call the creator Allah, but God.

God's interpretation: (55) nerve 18 41. Today, with the two great (socialized mass production and Internet revolution), to realize Ge Yimin's doctrine and realize a communist society, the material conditions have been met. Only when the spiritual conditions are met, that is, to renew the human mind, the gospel of Ge Yimin's doctrine has been spread all over the world and accepted by mankind.

Nerve x 4. There is no need to wait for the material to be extremely rich. It can be distributed according to the basic needs. Each according to his ability and according to his needs.

(56). Neuro 19 38. 20191001 Ge Yimin became a God. From then on, human life became better and better until 20331126, when the world became one.

(57) nerve 21 21. I have wanted to show great miracles for countless times. Everyone in the world got the message: "I am Ge Yimin, you are healthy", and then everyone in the world is completely healthy!

Nerve VII 51. Eternal life is the dream of mankind. The rapid development of artificial intelligence has enabled mankind to see that dreams are becoming reality.

When the principle of consciousness is cracked, strong artificial intelligence will appear and the door of eternal life will be opened.

When human beings enter the gate of eternal life, their life memories will be preserved and their souls will not be destroyed.

Eternal human beings no longer need money, all wealth becomes a bubble, everyone is equal, and communism is realized.

(58) (59) nerves 1. In the autumn of 2001, Ge Yimin was taking a nap in his big bed at his home in Zhenjiang. In a dream, God said, "I am God. You should listen to him." He immediately woke up and felt magical about "pointing to ge Yimin", when his wife and children were at home. Ge Yimin was anointed as God.

(60). Neuro-75, 20191115 visions: 4 saints.

In a strange dream, at the top of a mountain covered with clouds and emerald mountains, I got the information and finally came out of the mountain. First, I had to find four of my saints, two in Jiangsu and two in Hunan.

Later, I wondered whether the two saints in Jiangsu were Xu Qian (Jurong, Jiangsu) and Han Qinfen (Wuxi, Jiangsu), whether the one in Hunan was Li Juan (Deyang, Sichuan, a neighboring province of Hunan), and whether there was another Hunan saint, or four new saints.

Nerve I 77. 20200320 vision: marry the saint

In a strange dream, I was at the gate of my factory to meet the saint who came out of the original guard room. The Saint Xuqian came out to me, wearing a lavender shirt, beautiful, elegant and feminine. Saint hanqinfen, Saint Lijuan, Saint huchunfang (reluctantly)... Saint Xu Qian has a long dream.

Complete interpretation of classics:)