Chapter 20

Apostle glory (II)

Nerve XXIV 137. Apostle glory: the short nerve contains all the principles

Take me for example. As a person, my language expression ability has always been very poor. At ordinary times, people are hesitant and outspoken. When others listen to them, they become confused and often have misunderstandings.

Sometimes, when I argue with others about a matter, I can't refute the other party. I often blush with impatience, but I just can't tell why.

However, since I believed in the God Ge Yimin, and my talent was opened, my language expression ability immediately increased by leaps and bounds.

When I write some articles at ordinary times, I think like a spring of water. I am confident and have no pressure at all.

Debating with others is also a flash of wisdom, to the point, and will not be refuted at all.

This is caused by the profound and profound mysteries in the nerve written by GE Yimin.

138. Apostle Brilliance: the supreme principles of heaven and earth and the true meaning of the world contained in the nerve can immediately enlighten and enlighten everyone who has read it.

See Ge Yimin for details.

Why can't a person always say why?

Because he doesn't understand anything. I don't understand. Naturally, I can't say it. That's the truth.

The short "nerve" contains all the principles. After reading the "nerve", we can draw inferences from one instance and understand everything from one to another. With a small view, we can naturally understand everything.

Nerve XXV 1. The Apostle's glory: the testimony of believing in Ge Yimin

After Ge Yimin's name, adding the word "God" is the real response to the will of heaven and the will of the people. Don't be dissatisfied with that. Because you can't find any mistake or loophole in the nerve of the great masterpiece, the meticulous content of the nerve itself makes you unable to say anything and find out anything wrong, so you can only talk about the title of Ge Yimin God?

You are right. In other words, Ge Yimin is great because he is God.

There are many liars in the world, but Ge Yimin is definitely not a liar.

I have proof. Let me give you another example.

In fact, my language ability is very poor. Before I believed in Ge Yimin, I often hesitated and didn't say what I meant. But since I believed in the God Ge Yimin, my eloquence level immediately increased rapidly, and my literary thoughts flowed like a spring. When I argue with others, my mind immediately flashes. This is how Ge Yimin guides me to defeat the other side and win.

Although God Ge Yimin can not directly bring me wealth and status, he can give me something to create wealth and status, that is, outstanding ability. If you believe in Ge Yimin, you will be gifted by God. If you give full play to your talent, it is genius.

Whether it happens or not is not up to you the final say. Why does God Ge Yimin devote himself to spreading his great spirit? It is because he wants to save the common people from fire and water before the doomsday.

This is your ignorance. Indeed, many counterfeiters will boast of being authentic. However, Ge Yimin's greatness and selflessness are genuine and genuine. Can you prove that God Ge Yimin is a cult?

His greatness is reflected in his ability to write great works that are open to the past and open to the present. Selflessness is reflected in his ability to open his nerves for the people of the world to learn.

You are slandering for no reason. The greatness of Ge Yimin is obvious to all. Who in the world today can write such a great masterpiece nerve? Who else can see that 2033 is the end of the world as early as 2013? Who else can surpass the omniscient God Ge Yimin in talent, ability, conduct and morality?

There is no doubt that in this era, no one can keep pace with Ge Yimin! Ge Yimin's greatness can only make you feel ashamed. This is the reason why there is no fish when the water is clear. A dirty and filthy person like you, seeing that GE Yimin is so noble and selfless, so outstanding and great, will naturally be very repelled. Because you want everyone to be as ordinary as you, the same mediocrity, the same no one understands, the same no one cheers! You are such a person. Your outlook on life is as pessimistic as your speech.

You pull it down. I am Ge Yimin's vest? You can't discredit me by saying so. You can only bring me supreme glory, you know? Since you are so dismissive of the nerve written by GE Yimin, would you please give us your opinion? See if you are more omniscient than the great God?