Four: Mom is best friend

"Mom! Mom! Where are you? Why don't you answer me? Dad? Are you here? Noona!(Big sister)" Dae Ju called his family continuously. But nobody replied to him. He took his phone and called his mom but nobody replied. He called his dad and his dad picked up the call. "Hello! Dad! Where are you?" asked Dae Ju with anxiety.

"I am staying far from home today for business. Why?" asked his dad.

"Do you know where mom is?" asked Dae Ju with a very worried voice.

"No, I didn't call her all day. Maybe she went to the neighborhood or to your aunt's house." said his father.

"Oh! Okay, I have to look for her. I will call you later." said Dae Ju and hung up the call. His face turned red out of anxiety. When he was going to leave, someone came to him. It was so dark that he couldn't recognize the person. "Who are you?" asked Dae Ju, being afraid.

"Hey! Can't you recognize your own mom?" asking this she hit his head and turned on the light of the corridor.

"Mom! Where did you go? I was so afraid!" asked Dae Ju surprisingly.

"I was at Yeoni's house." replied her mom. Yeoni is her neighbor. She lives next door to his mom.

"Oh! Really? Then why did you leave the door open?" asked Dae Ju by shouting.

"Hey! How dare you speak to your mom like this?" said his mom. Then she replied, "I just go there because I am out of hot pepper paste. I went to borrow some and I thought I would return soon. So, I didn't close the door."

"Is Hot pepper paste that important?" asked Dae Ju.

"Yes, I want to make your favorite dish and hot pepper paste is very important for that." said his mom.

"How did you know that I am coming? I didn't tell you," asked Dae Ju with a questionable face.

"Aish! I am your mom. I could feel you. I just felt that you were coming." said his mom and smiled.

"E-he! Don't make a fool of me. Who was that? Who told you?" asked Dae Ju.

"It's Min Jae. I called him and he told me that you are coming." said his mom. "Aish! That brat!" said Dae Ju. Suddenly he remembers something and looks at his mom with a suspicious eye.

"Why? What did I do now?" asked his mom.

"You called Min Jae, but you didn't call me! It's suspicious! Why did you do that?" asked Dae Ju.

"Ah! That!" saying this his mom stopped. She couldn't find an answer right now. Actually, he called MinJae for a reason. Dae Ju's birthday is coming and Min Jae planned something special for him. But for that, he needs the help of Dae Ju's mom. So he called her first. And for that purpose, his mom called Min Jae. But she couldn't tell Dae Ju since Min Jae requested her not to let him know. His mom told him to go and washed up to change the topic. Then she went to the kitchen to make Dae Ju's favorite dish. He loves kimchi Stew so she is gonna make that. Dae Ju comes to his room and lays down on his bed. Though he doesn't live here. He came here for one or two days a month. But his mom doesn't let anyone enter his room and it always stays empty when he lives in the dorm. But his mom always keeps the room neat and clean. Dae Ju was so tired today that he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. After an hour, his mom came to his room and found him asleep. She looked at him. He was sleeping so deeply that he couldn't understand that his mom sat beside him. His mom looked at him and put her hand on his forehead. He was looking so cute and adorable that his mom couldn't control herself and kissed him on his forehead. He will be 30 within a month but he is still a baby to her.

"Dae Ju! Wake up! Your kimchi is ready. Let's go and eat together." called his mom. By hearing his mom's voice he opened his eyes.

"Go and wash yourself. Then come to the living room." said his mom and left from there. He got up from bed and went to the washroom. When he was going to wash his face, he saw a pimple on his face. He screamed,

"How could this happen! Ah! What should I do now! Ah! I am doomed!" He came to the living room with a disappointed face.

"What happened?" asked his mom.

"Look at this!" saying this he pointed on his cheek. There was a small pimple which was barely seen.

"Ah! A pimple! I will drive it away. Okay?" saying this his mom smiled sweetly.

"Mom! I am not that kid anymore! So, don't act like this." said Dae Ju.

"Really! My kid is not a kid anymore!" After saying this his mom began to laugh. After a few moments, his mom said again,

"Now, dig in. Don't make a fuss for a simple pimple. It will be gone within the next morning." Dae Ju started to eat and his mom looked at him. It's been a while since she saw him eat sitting beside him. She was looking at him as the mother looked at her baby when the baby started eating on his own hand.

"Dae Ju!" said to his mom and stopped. "What?" asked Dae Ju.

"Nothing, just eat."

"Then why are you glaring at me?" asked Dae Ju while chewing.

"When? Where?" asked his mom surprisingly.

"E-he! Mom! I know that you were looking at me all the time!" said Dae Ju and stopped eating.

"Then you caught me? Ah! Okay. I look at you because you were looking so cute while eating." said his mom.

"Now finish it." said his mom and pushed the dishes near him.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" asked Dae Ju.

"I am full by watching you eat." said his mom.

"Mom! Stop behaving like the poor women. You are the mom of the world's most handsome and very rich person. So, it doesn't suit you! Now, start eating." said Dae Ju and took some food on his chopsticks to feed his mom.

"Dae Ju!" called his mom softly.

"Go ahead, I am listening," said Dae Ju and put another batch of food in her mouth.

"You know Yeoni, Right?"

"Yes, I heard that she is looking for a man again?"

"Yes. But I don't think she could find any so quickly."


"Just because. But come to business talk now."

"What do you want to say?" asking that Dae Ju look at his mom's face.

"She has a cousin."


"I want to introduce her to you."

"Why?" asking this he concentrates on eating again. His mom was also eating and talking.

"She is a very good and kind-hearted girl," said his mom.

"So what can I do with it?" Dae Ju savagely replied to his mom. Actually, he got savage behavior from his mom. But right now, his mom is scared of him because he hates those things which she is gonna talk about. So, she was hesitant to tell him but she liked that girl so much that she wants her as her daughter-in-law.

"Actually, she wants to meet you." said his mom, finding no other answer.

"Oh! Then you could tell me earlier that she is my fan! Ah! And I thought..."

"No, Hey! I want you to meet her and after that, you have to tell me how you feel about her. Got it?"

"No, I don't want to."


"Mom! You know I can't get married now! And also, I don't want to!"

"I am not telling you to get married straight. I tell you that if you like that girl, you could date her for a few days and after one or two years you could get married."

"Mom! Do you forget who I am! I am an idol! And I can't date right now if I want. They will get me out of their industry! And you want me to get out! Do you want to ruin my career? Mom! you know how hard it was for me to reach this place! Please don't talk about it anymore! Don't you want to watch me happy? How cruel you are!" said Dae Ju a little louder.

"No, But, you have a personal life also, right my son? And I want to see you happy in both of your lives." replied his mother in a gentle way.

"Mom! I am happy. I don't want anything else in my life. I got everything. And also, I have such a caring mom who cares about me a lot. So, I don't need any other lady in my life. Got it?"

"But,....." she was going to say something but Dae Ju put some food on her mouth forcefully and she couldn't tell what she wanted to say.

"Now eat," said Dae Ju.

"Okay, okay, as you wish. Aish! You punk!" saying this his mom continued to eat. She felt a little angry at Dae Ju but she stayed quiet. After finishing dinner they went to their own rooms to get some sleep. Dae Ju laid down on his bed but he was not sleepy at all. He thought about his mother. She wants to see him with someone, but he doesn't want to be involved in this type of relationship. He totally hates such things. Whenever his mom tells him these types of things, he remembers his past. He was in high school then. As a teenager, he falls for a girl. The girl also couldn't refuse him as he was so handsome. But one day she came to him and said that she doesn't love him anymore so she doesn't want to keep the relationship. She kissed him and told him not to call her again and not to follow her from that day. He really loves that girl a lot so he couldn't understand what she was saying. He wanted to make her understand but she didn't listen to him and left him. He called her again and again but she didn't receive his call. He was very depressed and wanted to talk with her just once but he couldn't find her anywhere. After some days, while he was going shopping for something for his mom, he saw her near a restaurant. She was going inside with a man. He followed her and saw that she sat and ordered something. She was looking so happy with that guy. The guy touched her cheek and lips. She didn't tell him anything and let him touch her. He left from there seeing that and went to the nearby park to spend some time alone. After an hour when he was going back home, he saw her again with that guy in the park. He hides and watches her from afar. He saw them kiss each other. He felt pain in his chest and couldn't stand up. But he had to control himself and left that place. Since then, he has hated this type of relationship, and still now, he avoids these things. When his agency told him that he couldn't date anyone or get any girl as his friend from now on, he happily signed the contract.

"But mom could never understand my pain." saying this he took a little breath. Then he thought, "Did I just hurt mom?" "No, she won't get hurt. She has to understand me. She is not only my mom. She is also my friend. She will understand if I tell her in a better way." "After all, she is the mom of a mom," said Dae Ju and smiled. He is known as the mother of "EXTREME BOYS" Because he always took care of other members like they were his kids. He makes food for others, he takes care of others whenever they get sick. He has to buy things for them.

"Ah! my kids! Mom wants to see her grandchildren, Aren't those six of her grandsons?" said he was by himself and closed his eyes. He was feeling happy now. Whenever he thinks about them, he feels happy because they have become his family. Slowly asleep surrounded him and he went to the dreamland.

"Dae Ju! Come here and sit beside me." said his ex-girlfriend.

"Why did you bring me here?" asked Dae Ju.

"To adore you." said the girl smilingly. She was coming near him but at that time her boyfriend came to them and slapped the girl. Dae Ju wakes up by seeing the dream. It was like a nightmare to him. He felt that he got wet by sweating. He was not able to move for a few seconds.