Nine: Destiny could turn impossible into possible


(Note: If you're under 13, then I request you do not read the chapter. I apologize but it's not for minors)


[Inside a house]

"Why? Why don't you keep your mouth shut? Answer me! Why you do that?" shouted a guy. There was a girl in front of him. She was very afraid of the man.

"I got it! You won't listen to me when I go easy on you! Isn't it? Then should I have to show you my bad side?" said the man by shouting and pulling his hand to hit the girl.

"Sorry! I am really sorry! I will be careful from now on." said the girl cryingly and begged him not to hit her.

"Okay, then you should be careful from now on!" said the man and scared her by showing his hand.

"Yes, I understand." said the girl gently and wiped her eyes. I will come within an hour and I want to see the dinner ready when I come back, got it?" said the guy and was going to move.

"But, you are drunk. Why don't you rather stay home besides going out?" said the girl with a lower voice.

"What did you just say?" asked the guy angrily.

"No, I just said that you are drunk so it will be good if you stay home and not go by taxi. And also, it's quite dark outside." said the girl gently. Her face was not seen because she was sitting in the dark.

"What? Now you will tell me what I should do and what not? Amazing! Ah! Really!" said the guy very angrily. He got so angry that his face turned red and he couldn't control himself. There was a soju bottle on a table far from there. The guy went to the table, took the bottle, and poured some drinks into his mouth.

"How could you drink these things again! Stop it now! You can't drink alcohol!" said the girl and rushed to the guy.

"Don't you think you are going too far?" said the man loudly.

"Then, stop drinking!" said the girl and begged him not to drink anymore. She wants to take the bottle from the guy. The guy got so angry that he pushed her and the girl fell on the table and the table broke. She got hurt on her head and her forehead began to bleed. The guy throws the bottle near her and the bottle breaks and all the soju fall on. the ground. The guy went near the girl. He took off his belt from his waist. The girl saw that and got afraid. She begged him again to leave her alone. But the guy was so unkind that he didn't listen to her and began to hit her continuously. The girl began to scream out of the pain of her outside and inside. After hitting twelve or thirteen times the guy stopped and went outside. The girl was falling on the ground and groaning out of pain. Her face was wet with tears. She was not able to move and stayed there like a dead person. The guy went in a taxi and started driving. He was out of control, his eyes were looking reddish, his whole face was red, he had a small beard on his face, he was wearing a black colored jacket and brown pants. He was not ugly but his behavior made him an ugly monster. His taxi was quite old and seems like he didn't clean it for a month. He started driving fast and he didn't know where he was going.

After 10 minutes, The girl gets up slowly and starts walking to the kitchen. If the beast comes and doesn't see the dinner ready, he will get angrier. So, the girl couldn't help it but she had to work. She couldn't move properly. Her full body was paining. She was working very slowly. She cuts some vegetables with her trembling hands. Her eyes were still full of tears but she held them tightly. After she cooks some simple dishes, she goes to take shower. She put off her clothes. There were many red, black and blue marks on her body. Seems like she had been beaten by that guy for a long time. She couldn't stand up anymore and sat on the ground. After taking a shower, she put on clothes and covered her whole body. Only her face, palm, and feet were seen. She came to her bedroom and wrapped a scarf on her head and covered her hair. She was looking so pretty as a doll. She starts praying in her own way. In the last stage of her prayer, she stuck her two palms together and put them in front of her face, and started begging her god. She could not hold her tears anymore. Her whole face gets wet by her tears and she starts screaming.

"Why? Why you do that to me? What did I do wrong? Why are you punishing me like this? Could you watch me like this anymore? Then, help me! Please help me! Help me from that beast! I know only you can help me. I can't take it anymore! Please save me. At least, change the monster into a human being!" saying so far the girl started to cry loudly but nobody but one was there to listen to her. Maybe he truly can help her and he felt pity for her. So, he grants her wish.

[On the other side]

"Taxi! Taxi!" screamed Dae Ju and gave a signal to a taxi. The taxi stopped and Dae Ju went inside.

"Where do you want to go?" asked the driver. Dae Ju said his destination and the driver started driving. Dae Ju was still thinking about his future, his dream, and that guy whom he talked to some time ago. But he was so confused that he couldn't think anymore.

"Ah! I have to stop thinking! I am going crazy!" said Dae Ju to himself and looked around. That time he looks at the mirror of the car and notices the driver's face. He wasn't able to see his whole face. He must see the eyes of the driver. It looks familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he saw those eyes.

"I saw him somewhere. But, where? Ah! Why would I care!" said Dae Ju in his mind and looked out the window. The street was blank and so the taxi was moving fast.

"Drive slowly!" said Dae Ju to the driver. The driver looked at him but still, Dae Ju couldn't see his face. But he(the driver) didn't answer him and kept driving fast. "Hey, hey! I said to drive slowly. Do you want to kill me?" said Dae Ju loudly. The driver looked at him and now Dae Ju could see his whole face. He is that driver whom he met earlier. He drives him home that day when Dae Ju buys fish and heads home.

"Aren't you the rude taxi driver?" said Dae Ju and looked into his eyes. His eyes were red and seeing this Dae Ju got afraid.

"Excuse me! Are you drunk!" asked Dae Ju shockingly.

"No, it's not like that." said the driver and looked forward. But he didn't slow the car.

"Why are you doing this to me! Just stop the car! I want to get out of here!" said Dae Ju by shouting. The driver looks at him again and seems like he was trying to say something.

"What! Why don't you listen to me?" asked Dae Ju and saw that the man was scared of something.

"The thing is...." said the driver and stopped.

"What? Tell me! Is there something wrong?" said Dae Ju loudly.

"The brake of the car isn't working and also I can't control the speed." said the driver being afraid.

"What? No way! Ah! What should I do now? Should I jump from the window? No, no! Ah! How could you drive such trash!" shouted Dae Ju. His face turned red out of fear. He couldn't understand what he would do now. He took his phone but he couldn't call anyone because his battery was dead.

"Aish! I should have charged my phone! Ah! What should I do? Hey! Do something!" said Dae Ju to the driver. The driver got wet by sweating and he also didn't know what he should do now. The taxi was fine an hour ago but why it happened, he couldn't understand.

"The car will stop once the fuel runs out. So, we could do nothing but wait for the fuel." said the driver and looked at Dae Ju. A big truck was coming in front of them and as the driver was looking backward he didn't notice that. Dae Ju noticed it and shouted,

"Look forward! Move the car! Hurry!" The driver looked forward and turned the wheel but it was too late. The truck also could not control and hit their taxi. The driver jumped from the window and hit on his head but Dae Ju couldn't make it. Since the taxi was too weak, the truck went up on the taxi and stopped. Dae Ju was under two vehicles and he got injured badly. All of his body parts started bleeding and he got hurt on his head very badly. His whole face got wet by his blood but he still had sense so he wanted to get out but he lost all of his strength so he couldn't make it. The taxi driver was also injured badly and he was also bleeding. The truck driver got hurt but he was able to go out somehow. He got so afraid that he ran away from the spot as soon as possible. The taxi driver crawled to the taxi and searched for his phone but he couldn't find it and fell to the ground again. He got injured in his legs and head. A group of girls were walking home and witnessed the spot. They called the nearby police station and within 15 minutes the police came and took both of them to a hospital. None of the girls could recognize Dae Ju because of his blood and his scary face. Dae Ju was about to leave his last breath. One of the girls was a reporter and she always brought a camera with her. She starts capturing live videos of the spot and the victims.

"Ah! I am really tired! I should have gone to sleep. But, let's watch TV for sometime." saying this, Cha Woon opens the TV and watches the news. He saw the victim's face and as he knows his brothers quite well he didn't mistake to recognize his Hyung. Seeing this the remote fell from his hand and he was astonished.

"What? Did you just see a ghost?" saying this Nam Gil and Min Jae came to take a look and they also got astonished. All of them rushed to the nearby hospital and soon the hospital became crowded. There was news of Dae Ju everywhere. Doctors took him to the emergency room and started operations as soon as possible. The six brothers were waiting outside and praying for him. Their brother can't leave them like this. He has to come back. Soon the Producer, director, and other staff came and so many news reporters wanted to interrogate them. PD became angry with them and shouted at the director and the team.

"Stop it! Stop it already! It wasn't our fault or his fault. We didn't know where he was heading and what was going on with him! You can scold us when he will be fine! Please don't do it now!" Min Jae starts crying. Seo Jin and her mother came to hear the news and burst out of tears.

"I should not go without you! I should have stayed with you!" said Seo Jin cryingly. After doing his surgery for three hours the doctor came out from the emergency room. All of his teammates and his family surrounded the doctor and asked how he is now. But they were all shocked after the doctor opened his mouth.

"The surgery went well but he got hit on his head very badly. His right hand and leg bone break. We could successfully stop bleeding but he is in a coma now. We don't know how long it will take to come back to his senses or maybe he could never make it. All we can do now is pray. We tried our best." said the doctor and left from there. Nam Gil, Jung Haeok, Min Jae, Cha Woon, Tae Ri, and Jong Goo were speechless. They couldn't believe their eyes and ears. They stood like six statues. And Seo Jin and her mom burst into tears one more time and it seems like it will never end.

The next morning Dae Ju opened his eyes and found himself on a hospital bed. He tried to move his body but he couldn't. He shouted out of pain. Suddenly he saw a girl sitting on the floor and kept her head on the bed. She was sleeping but hearing the scream she woke up and asked him,

"Are you okay? Where did it hurt?" Dae Ju lost his voice and wanted to get up. He couldn't recognize who the girl was and what she was doing here.

"No, you should take a rest. Stay lying." saying this the girl makes him lie in bed and he couldn't understand what's going on.

"Do you need water? I will bring it for you." saying this the girl stood up. "Excuse me!" said Dae Ju with a very low voice.

"Yes?" said the girl.

"Wh-who are you?" asked Dae Ju hesitatingly.

"What? Did you forget everything?" asked the girl and smiled. Dae Ju never saw such a sweet smile like this.

"It's me! Your wife!" said the girl and smiled again.