Thirteen: The truth behind

When he was walking on his way home he saw a strange woman was sitting on a bench in a park. She was looking at him and scanning him from head to toe. There was a pencil in her hand and a sketchbook on her lap. Dae Ju looks to another side and starts walking fast.

"Excuse me!" the lady called him.

"What? Who is she and what does she want from me?" surprised Dae Ju. He walks fast and suddenly he feels pain in his leg. He bows down to take a look at his leg. When he stood up he was startled by seeing the lady in front of him.

"Can I draw you?" asked the lady with a weird smile.

"Yes?" asking this he looks around to check if the lady asks him or another person.

"You have to pay for this. I am professional." said the lady.

"I don't want any. Thank you," said Dae Ju and started walking.

"Wait, wait a minute. Just listen to me. You will be surprised by my drawing. I swear." said the lady and stopped him from leaving.

"I told you, I don't want any picture. Now, please leave me," said Dae Ju.

"It will not take more than five minutes." said the lady and pulled him near the bench. This time, he didn't interrupt because he thought he should give her a chance. If five minutes left from his life what would it cost more than a smile? And also, he is not that busy person now. So, he sits on the bench and the lady also sits beside him. She starts to look at him and draw him. She used color also. It takes fifteen minutes to finish her drawing.

"Take a look." said the lady and gave him the paper of his sketch. Seeing the sketch Dae Ju laughed.

"Is this the sketch which I have to pay for? I don't think you are professional," said Dae Ju. But when he took a look properly, he saw the lady draw two boys. One of his present faces and one of his original faces. He recognizes his own face because the lady colored the golden of the boy's hair. But his present hair color is black and before the accident, his hair color was golden. He is shocked and looks at the lady. The lady smiled at him and she told him to pay for the picture silently. He put his hand in his pocket and then remembered that he didn't bring anything before he left home.

"No money? Then, give it back." saying this the lady snatched the paper from him and began to move. Dae Ju was so shocked that he couldn't stop her from taking the picture but when he came to his senses he looked around but the lady was gone. He gets up from the bench and starts looking for her but he didn't find her. He searched for her in every corner of the park but it seems like she vanished from there. He started walking slowly with a very disappointed look and reached near the home. He knocked at the door slowly and looked at the ground. A lady opened the door and asked,

"What do you want?"

"Yes?" asked Dae Ju and when he looks at the lady he surprised and ask,

"Who are you?"

"I am living in the house! Who are you?" said the lady loudly.

"Then, where is Lee Na?" asked Dae Ju. "What?" asked the lady surprisingly. Then she understood what was happening and said, "Excuse me! You came to the wrong house!"

"Is it so?" asked Dae Ju and looked around. Actually, he didn't remember the house as it was dark when he came here. That's why he couldn't recognize the home.

"Lina! Come here!" shouted the lady. She was going somewhere and so she was on the street.

"Yes, Mrs. Bong?" she said loudly.

"Come here!" said the lady. Dae Ju saw her and smiled. Lina also saw him and was surprised.

"Here, You searched for her. Don't you?" said the lady and when she went near the lady told her everything.

"Now, you forgot our house?" asked Lina and took a long breath. He couldn't reply to anything and look at the ground again. "Hey! Lina!" saying this the lady holds her hand and pulls her inside.

"Is this your husband?" asked the lady.

"Yes," replied Lina.

"But, he looks so innocent. How could he become rude to you? He is quite polite so I can't believe he had done that with you!" said the lady surprisingly. Dae Ju could hear everything from outside and questioned himself, "What did I do with her?"

"Ah! I don't know! Forget it!" said Dae Ju and waited for the girl.

"Then, Bye! Thank you!" said Lina and came outside.

"Let's go." saying this she started walking and he followed her like a gentleman. "Excuse me!" shouted the lady from the door. Both of them stopped and looked behind. Dae Ju pointed on his own and asked, "Me?"

"Yes, come here for one moment." said the lady. When the lady finished talking he bows his head and starts following the girl again. Their house was after two buildings from there and once again they entered the house together.

"Where did you go?" asked the girl. "Something came up," said Dae Ju.

"I told you not to go anywhere without telling me. What if you fall on the street again? You are not fully recovered yet. And also, the police are searching for you. People are saying that you are the cause of the accident. And you did that willingly." said Lina a little harshly. But it seemed like she was talking with a very sweet voice and her sweet scolding was ringing in his ear.

"So, don't go outside until it gets cold. Got it?" said Lina without any expression.

"I got it," said Dae Ju.

"I am going for some shopping, you better stay home and don't open the door if someone comes, okay?" said Lina. "Okay," said Dae Ju like an obedient boy. She left from there and Dae Ju went inside the room. He was very upset because he couldn't find the lady. Suddenly he remembers that lady who is Lina's neighbor. She told her that if he harasses his wife one more time then the lady will kill him for sure. But when did he harass her? Who is this girl? Why everyone is behaving with him like he did something very wrong? He has to find that. He was standing in front of a window. The window was open and the cold wind was coming from there. Dae Ju felt cold and he was thinking about closing the window. Suddenly a piece of paper came flying from the window and hit him on his head.

"Ah! What is it? People have no manners these days! How could they throw useless things like that?" saying this he took the paper. There was a drawing on the paper. It looks familiar to him. He tried to remember where he saw that drawing. Suddenly he remembers, it was that drawing which the lady drew earlier. Does that mean the lady threw the drawing? Or is she near here? He looked out and searched for the lady. He saw her in the middle of the street. He runs outside and looks for her again but she vanishes within that time. Dae Ju felt disappointed again and came back home. When he was going to enter, he saw the lady was standing next to the door and smiled at him.

"Ah! You startled me!" said Dae Ju and was surprised. In reply, the lady smiled at him.

"Wouldn't you welcome your guest?" said the lady with a gentle but hard voice.

"Ah! Yes. Come in. Please!" said Dae Ju and brought the woman inside.

"It isn't your home, right?" asked the lady.

"How did you know?" Dae Ju asked. The woman smiled again but said nothing.

"I am curious about your drawing. Can you explain about it?" asked Dae Ju. "Would you pay for that?" asked the lady.

"I will. How much?" asked Dae Ju.

"10000 won." replied the lady with a wider smile.

"Okay," said Dae Ju without thinking anything and got more curious.

"The thing is...." saying this she stopped. Dae Ju looks at the lady with a questionable eye and gets more curious. "I can see through you." said the lady and smiled.

"What?" saying this Dae Ju put his hand on his body and covered it well(though he was wearing a jacket).

"I didn't mean that." saying this the lady laughed.

"Then?" asked Dae Ju.

"I can see the souls of people. And that soul which is inside your body does not belong to this body. The owner's soul is a different body." said the lady. "Really? How could you tell this? And how could this be possible?" asked Dae Ju surprisingly.

"It happens for many reasons. One reason is when your soul is very sick of your body. You want to lead a very different life from your life, that time the soul is exchanged with that person who wants to lead a different life." said the lady.

"But I was very satisfied with my older life!" said Dae Ju.

"Then, someone needs your help. And destiny chose you to help that person. If it is caused by destiny then you could do nothing about it. You have to just follow destiny." said the woman and smiled again.

"Is there no way to go back to my original body?" asks Dae Ju.

"No, you can only go if destiny wants and if there's no need for you to be that person," said the lady.

"Then, can you say who that person is?" asked Dae Ju.

"You have to find that for your own." said the lady.

"Didn't you see any other cases like mine? Couldn't they go back to their original body?" he asked.

"I didn't see any before you but my boss saw that and I am not sure about it. I will ask him." said the lady.

"Can I meet with that person who faced the problem like me?" asked Dae Ju.

"No," said the lady and smiled weirdly. "Why?" ask Dae Ju.

"He is no more," said the lady.

"Then his wife or kids?" ask Dae Ju.

"No. It happened 500 years ago." said the lady and smiled again.

"Then, how could your boss see that?" ask Dae Ju.

"I am done talking. Now, pay me the bill." saying this the lady stands up from the couch. Suddenly Dae Ju remembered that he had no money at all. Now, what he would have to do he can't understand. That time Lina entered the house and was shocked.

"How could you let a stranger enter into our house?" asked Lina surprisingly.

"I was in a bit of a situation," said Dae Ju, and remembered that she had forbidden him not to open the door for strangers.

"Pay me and I will leave," said the lady. "Pay for what?" asked Lina surprisingly. Dae Ju held her hand and told the lady to wait and bring her into their bedroom. "I am in a bit of a situation. Can you..." said Dae Ju, being afraid and stopped.

"Can I what?" asked Lina gently.

"Can you bbb..." Dae Ju hesitated to ask for money.

"Say it. I am not gonna eat you." saying this Lina smiled.

"Can you lend me some money? I will return it as soon as possible. Please?" said Dae Ju hesitatingly.

"How much?" asked Lina.

"10000 won," replied Dae Ju.

"But who is the lady?" ask Lina and bring some money.

"Ah! I will tell you later," said Dae Ju. Lina was going to give the money but she took it back and asked again, "By the way, why is she asking for money?"

"I will tell you later," said Dae Ju and smiled weirdly. Then she was going to give the money again and took it back again.

"Are you gonna give the money to her?" asked Lina again.

"I will tell you later," said Dae Ju angrily but he smiled. Then she gives him the money and Dae Ju goes to the lady. Lina followed him and stopped behind him. The lady looks at her and seems like she was scanning her with her two eyes.

"Is this your wife?" asked the lady.

"Yes I am his wife now please leave," said Lina with a hard voice.

"Then, see you again somewhere, someday." said the lady and went away.