Fifteen: Finally, it opened!

"Kim Dae Ju is still in a coma. Detectives are trying to find the culprit. But, the taxi driver lost his memory and claimed himself as Kim Dae Ju. So, he is in treatment and police couldn't interrogate him. But they assure us that they will investigate as soon as possible and will bring the truth towards people. The head of the detective, San Woo, said that he is suspicious that someone caused the accident willingly. Stay with us for more and pray for our most handsome man." Dae Ju turned off the TV and sighed. Lina could understand that he felt sad so she said,

"Mmm. The coffee tastes good! I am curious how you could make such delicious coffee without going near the stove?"

"Are you talking about me?" asked Dae Ju.

"Hmm" replied Lina.

"I can cook everything. I used to cook at home." said Dae Ju.

"Really? I don't believe it." said Lina smilingly.

"Why? Then, don't believe me." said Dae Ju and acted like he got angry.

"Okay, I am going to take shower. And I have something for you." Lina gave him a packet.

"For me?" asked Dae Ju surprisingly. Then he took the packet without guessing anything.

"Yes, for you. Because you become a nice person. Now, open it." Lina said. Dae Ju started open and saw that it was a mobile phone. It was not quite an old model but it was a cheap or secondhand product. But he felt so happy that he wanted to hug her but as she was not actually his wife, he couldn't. But his face was telling how happy he became by getting a surprise gift.

"Thank you. Thank you so much! Ah! You are so sweet. Now I can call my sister and tell her everything. She will trust me. I am really grateful to you." said Dae Ju happily.

"Okay, but don't disturb anyone by calling. Got it?" said Lina. She saw him this much happy for the first time. She also feels happy by seeing him so happy. She went from there with a happy face. She was thinking about him. How could a man change that much? But it's good for her. If he keeps doing this, she could live a peaceful life. And maybe, she could make him fall for her. And then, they could live a long and happy life together. But, if he turned into his older version again? What could she do? She was fed up with him and she wanted to get a divorce but there's no other place that she could go. So, without any other choice she had to live with him. He got angry so easily. He couldn't talk with her without a harsh voice. She can't think more than that. She is happy now he has changed and she wishes that he will stay like this forever.

[On the other side]

Dae Ju called his sister's number but she didn't pick it up. "What is this? Why is she not picking up? Aish! What should I do now?" said Dae Ju to himself. Then he tried again but it's in vain. He tried again and again. After some time, Seo Jin picked up the call. "Who are you?" asked Seo Jin.

"It's me, Noona!" said Dae Ju.

"Who?" asked Seo Jin.

"It's me! Dae Ju!" said Dae Ju.

"Oh! Really? Oh, I can't believe it! Did you wake up! When you wake up? I will come to visit you." said Seo Jin, being happy. "Then, she didn't visit me after I went on comma!" Dae Ju said in his mind.

"Look, I am in a bit of a situation, I am not in my body. Can you please help me?" said Dae Ju.

"What did you just say?" asked Seo Jin surprisingly.

"My body is still lying on the hospital bed but my soul is awake in another body," said Dae Ju.

"If you have so much problem, you can visit me in my office. I will treat you." said Seo Jin.

"No, I am not what you are thinking. I am not...." saying this far he couldn't say more.

"Really? If you are not insane then what are you?" said Seo Jin by shouting.

"Don't call me again if you don't want to die! Got it?" said Seo Jin again more loudly.

"Aish! She hung up on me! What should I do now? No one is trusting me." saying this he took a long breath.

"I have to search for a way out here. I can't sit up like this." thought Dae Ju. He lied down on the couch and discovered new things on smartphone which he couldn't do before because of his busyness. After some time, he got bored and stood up.

"What should I do now?" he asked himself. He went inside the bedroom and saw that Lina was sitting on the floor. He couldn't understand what she was doing. He stood behind her and started watching her. She was dressed from head to toe. Not even a single hair was not seen. Only her face and her palm was seen. And it seems like she was doing exercise or something like that. He went near her out of curiosity. He looked at her face and saw an emotionless face. She was looking so cute because of the scarf. She stood up and continued her doing.

"What are you doing?" Dae Ju couldn't control his curiosity and asked her. But she didn't answer him. She was acting like she didn't listen to him. She bowed down and then stood up again. Dae Ju asked her again,

"Is it a kind of yoga or what?" But she still didn't answer and sat down and bowed again. Dae Ju felt so curious that he didn't move from there and stayed like his leg was glued. After some time she looked at him with angry eyesight. He never saw her like this. So, he got afraid and couldn't say anything to her.

"Can't you see I am praying? Why are you disturbing me?" asked Lina angrily.

"Ah! You are praying! But, what kind of praying is this?" said Dae Ju.

"What happened to you? Did you forget how to pray now? Ah! You really need mental treatment." Lina asked surprisingly.

"Ah! I just remember it now." saying this he smiled weirdly.

"Then start praying. I have some work to do." said Lina and left. Dae Ju never saw someone praying like this. So he couldn't get it how he could do it now. He took a long breath and felt that he had to know about this girl. Or else, he will really go crazy. He went outside without telling her. He felt refreshed by the fresh air. He went to the park and started walking. It's been a while since he couldn't walk properly. The leg still hurts if he wants to walk faster. So, he was walking slowly. He thinks about that night. He felt terrible while remembering that night.

"It was all this guy's fault." saying this he hit his own head. The brake was not working so why didn't he check that before driving? Dae Ju thought.

"Wait! The taxi was stopped when I was getting inside it! Then, it happened after I went inside! Ah! Why I am this unlucky?" said Dae Ju to himself. But, when the truck came near and near, his heart was beating like crazy. He still could felt the pain when that truck went on the taxi. It was really the most thrilling night in his life. Everything changed after that night. He wish that night never came to his life! When his leg start hurting he stopped and sit on a bench. The view was amazing from there. He look around and saw many kinds of people. They all were busy by themselves. If he came to his original body, everyone would forgot their work and came to him with camera. He was missing those days. Though he needs rest for some days he had fun to do his daily work. He loves his members like his younger brother. Though they fought for some reason but which siblings doesn't fight in this world? It makes them to love more. Suddenly he saw some child playing on the park. They were playing realistic but unrealistic game. He was curious about the topic. He look at them and a child noticed him. "Ajussi(uncle)! Do you want to play with us?" asked a child.

"Pardon me?" said Dae Ju. He couldn't understand that the kid was calling him. "Yes, you. Aren't you interested in our game? Then, come. We will accept you." saying this he came to him and held his hand. The kid was so cute that he couldn't say no to him. There were six other players just like his team. One of them said, "Then he is our boss. He will say what to do. Got it?"

"Yes." shouted the others.

"But, how could I play with you? I am an adult and I can't understand your game." asked Dae Ju.

"That's why you are the boss." said the other boy. The game was like a spy game. Here a girl hide her all valuable things in a locker. But she put something very expensive which she got on street. A boy lost that earlier and as he couldn't find that he was very upset. The locker was closed with a strong password. And now, Dae Ju has to guide them how to go in the locker and what the password is. If he got the password, he could win the game. The culprit was a girl which was fond of a comic character. Here the culprit is Dae Ju's girlfriend and he have to chat with her for getting information. They started talking and as he was good at talking he could able to know what the password is. One kid act like he was talking with him on phone and asked about the password. Dae Ju answered, It's "Boruto". After the game he stopped and thought something. He smiled widely and thanked to the kids. He think that he got the password of Lina's diary. He came back home and it's about evening. "Where did you go? I could not find you anywhere! I was so much worried about you." said Lina. Dae Ju didn't answer to her. Suddenly a big chaos came from his belly.

"You didn't eat anything for the whole day?" surprised Lina. Then she told him to follow her and Dae Ju followed her like an obedient boy. After finished eating he went to the bedroom and took his mobile to play games.

"Here, you skipped your medicine today. Don't forget it from now on." saying this Lima gave him some medicine and left. Dae Ju took the medicine and after some minutes, he fell asleep. He woke up when it was too dark outside. He saw the clock and it was already 2. am. He got up and went to the living room to drink some water. Lina was sleeping on the couch as always. He drank some water and went away. He came to the bedroom and as he felt cold he went to the window and closed the window. He looked at the table. A pen was still on the table and the chair was still outside from the table. He felt curious again and opened the second drawer. Just like he assumed, Lina wrote something today and because of that the diary's position changed. He took the diary and tried to open it.

"As her favorite singer is me, then it should be, Dae Ju." saying this he tried the passcode but failed.

"Oh, Then what is it? Deja Vu?" saying this he tried this password and the diary opened. Dae Ju was surprised and looked at the diary.