Eighteen: The terrible night

"I am telling you! I am the victim! Why don't you trust me! Aish! Such an unfair world!" Dae Ju said by screaming. Lina reached at the station and search for her husband. She found him screaming at a officer.

"Ah! There you are! What should I do with you!" saying this Lina glaring at him like he was the real culprit. Dae Ju look at her and stand up.

"Excuse me! Mister! You have to sit down." said the officer who was interrogating him.

"Look! There is a mistake. He is not the real culprit. And also, he is not in the position to answering your questions." Lina said to the police.

"But we have to investigate. We need him. If he doesn't help us, we couldn't find the real culprit." said the officer.

"But, he is in trauma now. If he remember about those things again, his condition will get worse. Please try to understand!" said Lina.

"But, why we have a feeling that he made the accident willingly? We found so many proof that make us sure about it. So, I don't think he is in trauma now. I think he is just acting!" replied the police savagely. I am telling you! He didn't do that. And also, he have no reason for doing those kind of things! Why he would do that? What profit he would gain by harming other!" Lina replied with a harsh voice.

"Maybe revenge? Or money?" replied the cop with a certain voice.

"He have no connection with that star! If he had, I would surely meet him once in my life!" said Lina. She was talking with a loud voice now. But her voice was still sweet. Dae Ju never saw her to debate with others like this. He just look at her confident eyes. Her eyes were telling that Rumi was surely innocent. Dae Ju also knows that he didn't want that. It was an accident. But why people doesn't believe this? Why anyone would want to kill him? He have no enemy. All he had was his six little brothers, his parents and his sister whom he loves a lot. And they love him too. More than them, he had no close relation with anyone. And also if it's about his hater, who would hate that sweet, cute, handsome and cool person like him? He couldn't think about it anymore. But whenever he remember about that night, it feels like he is still on that taxi. His heart start beating very fast. His palm got sweaty and he can't think anything else. This time he also remember about that and seems like something is coming to him and he got very scared.

"Then, money?" asked the cop while looking at him. The cop couldn't trust on him and look at him with a suspicious eye.

"No, he is not greedy for money." said Lina hesitatingly.

"Then why you are hesitating to say that?" asked the cop.

"If I tell you everything about the accident, will you let me go?" asked Dae Ju with a fearsome voice.

"Okay, If you tell me the truth, I will let you go. Now, please can you tell me and stop wasting time?" said the cop and make his things ready.

"Then, tell me everything what you remember. I have to record it, so please tell me a little loudly." said the cop and in the meantime, another police officer came and stand beside them.

"Please sit down, Mrs....?" said the cop and ask her name by it.

"Lina" answered Lina shortly. Dae Ju begin to tell about that night. He mixed his own and Rumi's condition and start telling them everything.

"I was driving safely. He wanted to hear something from me. But I didn't tell him that I know him or something like that. I just kept driving to where he wanted to go. Suddenly the car's break wasn't working and I couldn't able to stop it. So I had to drive the car until it's fuel would finished. He couldn't understand that and shouted to stop the car. I look at him to answer but then that happened. He warned me to look in front but it was too late. The big truck hit us and I couldn't do anything. The window broke and the truck went up to the taxi. And I stuck there. I could not get out from there. After that I could not remember anything. It was a terrible memory which I could never forget." Dae Ju said with a very fearsome eyes. His whole body was shaking and as if he he felt his pain again. His ear stopped working and he couldn't hear anything but a sound of the truck.

"Rumi-sshi! Are you alright?" asked Lina. But he couldn't listen to her.

"Are you alright?" asking this the cop put his hand on Dae Ju's shoulder. Dae Ju gain his sense back and acted like he was fine but actually he was not. It really become the most terrible memory in his life.

"Enough of this s**t. You hear him? Now, let him go. Look what you have done to him!" shouted Lina. Dae Ju look at her surprisingly because he never saw her this much angry and also he never saw her badmouthing. So, he was quite surprised by her behavior.

"Okay, you can leave now. But we will call you if we need you. Got it?" said the cop.

"Let's go." said Lina and pull him with her. Dae Ju walk beside her but suddenly she stopped and went back to the cop.

"Find the real culprit who have done this to my Dae Ju." saying this she return to Dae Ju and start walking.

"Her what?" surprised Dae Ju.

"Then, she likes me that much! Ah! You cunning fox! You never showed that!" think Dae Ju and got blushed. When they left from there, the cop said to his assistant, "Keep an eye on him. He is behaving suspicious."

"Why? He told you everything! We have to trust him!" said his assistant.

"I can't. He told that he got stuck but people found him beside the car and also found Kim Dae Ju inside the car." said the cop.

"Then, you think he is lying?" asked the assistant.

"No, I am sure of it. He did that for money. His wife give us the hint. Now go and get ready. We have to catch our prey." said the cop and smiled proudly. "Lina-sshi! Wait for me! Why you are walking so fast? You know, I have injury in my leg?" shouted Dae Ju. Lina look at him with red eyes where the anger was clearly seen. As she was stopped in the middle of the road, Dae Ju reached to her within a few moment.

"What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" asked Dae Ju.

"Didn't I tell you not to open the door? Why can't you listen to me? I told you for your own sake!" said Lina and start walking again. Dae Ju increase his speed and walk beside her.

"What's wrong with that? I told them everything and now the matter solved. They would not search for me anymore! They will not suspect me anymore!" said Dae Ju.

"Do you think they believe you?" asked Lina while walking.

"Yes! I told them the truth! They will believe me!" said Dae Ju little loudly.

"I don't think so. They will follow your every moves from now. I know them. They will not let you go until they find you as culprit. After that they put you in jail and I can't do anything for you after that. You have to rot inside jail. So, I am telling you to be careful from them. But you will never listen to me!" said Lina and took a long hopeless breath.

"I am sorry. I didn't understand. I will not disobey you from now on." said Dae Ju gently without finding any other solution for this situation.

"Ah! You don't have to be sorry." said Lina with a surprising face.

"Aren't you coming home?" asked Dae Ju. Lina was going another way from home.

"No. You just go home. I have some important work." said Lina.

"Okay." replied Dae Ju.

"Don't go anywhere else. Got it?" said Lina and start walking on her own way. She have to find a job as both of them are jobless now. Rumi have to stay at home and take rest until fully recovered. If his injury won't heel fully, he couldn't able to drive cars anymore. And all he can do is driving. She remembered, when he was studying in college, he used to took part in different kind of car races. He was overconfident for his own driving and he always took the first place. Though his parents forbidden him many times but he didn't listen to them. Racing was his life but one day he caused a big accident and after that he promised his parents that he would never go for race anymore. Since then he stopped. But he looked very cool while racing. Lina's cheek turned red and she wish to see him like that just once more.

Dae Ju returned home safely but he was confused if it's his home. Why he have to stay here? He can do anything he wanted to! He is not an idol anymore! He couldn't do many things that he wanted to do but he couldn't as he was too busy. He like fishing. He can do it for all day but how could he go to fishing now? He needs company. Who will go with him now?

"It's a bad idea. I have to find something interesting to do." said Dae Ju. He was hungry and so he need something to eat. He make some ramen on his own style and start eating that. He missed his idol life. He want to sing again, burn the stage again, shooting MV again, doing photoshoots again, interviewing again, and also spend time with his brothers again. But he is stuck here. He can't go anywhere now. He took a long breath and felt disappointed. He went to take shower as he feel refreshed and nice after taking shower every time. He look at the mirror but felt more disappointed because of the face.

"Ah! I am ruined! Ah! Why did this happened to me? Where is my handsome face? I miss that. Ah! Really! Ah! I can't live like this anymore! I want to go back." said Dae Ju to himself and make a very sad face.

"But, the girl was really cool today! I never saw her like this before? Maybe because she loves her husband too much? Of course! It's her first love! Ah! Love can make people to do impossible things! But why she is acting like she doesn't love me? She was quite rude today and since I came to this body I never saw her to came close to me. I mean, if she loves her husband, she would come to me but she always stay away from me and also she never slept beside me! Why?" Dae Ju think again. "Aish! Why am I thinking this? Maybe they quarreled before I came! And it's good for me! If she forced me to.....Ah! No! I have to go back no matter what! Aish! This is driving me nuts! But, how could I go back? There must be a way! And I have to find it no matter what." said Dae Ju to himself and came out from the shower. He couldn't find anything to do. He was very bored and there was no video games to play. His favourite hobby is playing games but he couldn't play nowadays. Though he wanted to go outside but whenever he went outside, something bad happen to him. So, he start to practicing. It's his second favourite hobby. He can practice for all day. Though this guy's(Rumi) voice was not so good as him but it was not that bad. If he kept practicing, he could be a singer too. It's getting dark outside and that time Lina came to home.

"Oh! You came?" said Dae Ju and smiled. Lina got surprised but she his her expression and said, "Yes." Then she sit down on the couch as like she was too tired.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Lina.

"I am fine. Just, my leg is hurting again." said Dae Ju simply.

"What! Aish! Yesterday we had to meet doctor but I forgot! Ah! Is it too hurting?" asked Lina aggressively.

"No, not that much." said Dae Ju.

"Let's go." saying this Lina get up. "Where?" asked Dae Ju.

"To the hospital." said Lina.

"Now?" surprised Dae Ju.

"Yes. now." replied Lina. Dae Ju followed her like a obedient boy.