Twenty: Get used to new life

"Ah! Sorry. I was behaving too childish." said Dae Ju when he gained his sense back. But he felt too much comfortable when she hugged him. It was so nice and warm that he couldn't be able to describe.

"Now, go to sleep." saying this Lina get up and give him a glass of juice. Dae Ju drink that juice all at a time as it was tasty.

"Don't think of past too much. It will just hurt you." saying this Lina took the glass and went away. Dae Ju couldn't understand what she just said to him. But he got blushed when he remember that she hug him.

"Why it felt so nice? Why I cried in front of her? Why?" thought Dae Ju and went inside the blanket.

"Aish! It's all her fault! She is too nice! That's why I felt she is my... Wait! She is my what? Mom? Sister? Auntie? Grandma? Who is she to me? Why I made a fuss in front of her? She is not close to me! She thinks but it's not true! I have to find a solution! Where is the soul of this body? Yes! I got it! I have to just find it now! Okay! I will search for the soul from tomorrow. But, how! What if he stuck between his body and my soul? No! I can't let this happen! I have to free the soul to live his own life. This is not real me!" thought Dae Ju. And while thinking those things, he fall asleep. But he couldn't get a sound sleep because of his dream. It can be named as nightmare. Dae Ju went to somewhere but he didn't know the place. There was a big road and beside the road there is a forest. He went inside the forest by running. Seems like someone pulled him to the forest. After some times, he stopped in front of a big tree where he saw his own parents.

"Run! My son! Run!" screamed his mom. He couldn't understand what is going on but he went near to them.

"Just go! I love you. Save yourself. Don't worry about us." said his mom once again. There was fog around them and that's why he couldn't see their faces clearly. But suddenly the fog start to vanished and when it vanished properly, he saw them. They were tighten with the big tree. There was a bomb just beside them and it's about to explode.

"Don't look back! Just go!" said his dad now. And listening to them he start to running. After some times it exploded and he couldn't do anything. After that he discovered himself in totally different place and there was Lina who was crying and saying that she is sorry. But suddenly he got very angry on her and went near to her. He put his both hands in her throat and pressed with all his strength. Lina tried to scream but she couldn't. Dae Ju wake up and sit down immediately. He found himself in his bed but the bed and pillow got fully wet by his sweat. He was breathing heavily and felt thirsty. He also got afraid because of his parents. He couldn't think anything right now and he called his mom. After ringing some times she received the call. Seems like she was fine and she was sleeping. Hearing her voice he got chilled but he have to listen badmouthing from his own mom. She thought that he is a prank caller and so she cursed him with some bad language. But he felt relaxed now because he also listen his dad's voice. He was asking who was on the phone. She was not doing well. She was actually very worried but who would not be worried about her only son who is dying? But she was quite strong and she could hold their emotions. Dae Ju gained that behavior from his mom but why his face got washed by his tears today he couldn't think. Then he remembered about his dream and felt very curious and terrible both at a time. Why he will go to kill her? Why she was sorry? Ah! It was just a dream nothing else! But what if there is another message for him from destiny? She is a nice girl but why she kept saying sorry? Suddenly he thought, "Maybe it's not about me! It's about this guy! Then, is their relationship too weak? Then why they are still together? They could be separated!" He felt so curious that he get up and went to the table. He opened the drawer and took the diary once again. He unlocked it as he know the password now. He open to that page where he read last time. He start to read those memories of Lina with her liked person, her parents, her dream and her happiness. To the conclusion he could understand that Rumi was a racer. He had a race car and with that he almost won in every race. But one day Lina find that out and told it to his parents. His parents was very angry on him and they took back the car from him. But Lina felt very guilty for that though it was for his own sake. She said sorry to him and Rumi forgive her. Maybe because he like her also!

"Ah! Then their story begins from here! They like each other but when he confessed to her?" said Dae Ju in his own mind and concentrate again.

"Today we went to an amusement park. But I can't enjoy much because Rumi was alone with me. Some of our friends said that they will come but they betray us and sent us alone. I was too much nervous and that's why I can't even talk with him properly." The page was blank after that. Maybe she couldn't find anything to write or she just don't want to remember it by some ink. She wanted to remember them in her mind.

"Today we went to the seaside together as we enjoyed the time together. He talked with me a lot today. He was behaving different today. Maybe he wanted to tell me something but he can't. Maybe he was trying to propose me! And I am eagerly waiting for this!" Dae Ju keep reading until he get tired but he find it interesting and he wanted to know more about them. He also wants his dream's explanation but since that guy who can explain dream is not here, he couldn't get what he wants. Maybe Seo Jin can help me but she will demand a big amount of money and right now he is out of money and also he can't even earn a penny. He keep his eyes on the diary once again. There were a lot of experience about her traveling with Rumi. But suddenly he found another interesting story. So he felt curious and start reading it.

"Today I went to meet him but he was not at home. I went to his college as it was his last day and after that he will be a graduated person. After that he will joined to his dad's business and help him. I searched for him everywhere but he was no where. I could guess where he was and went to the spot and my guess was right. He borrowed a car from his friend and took participate in race again. He was looking so cool that day. I fall for him fully. I was just looking at him. The race start and it was going smoothly. Rumi was in the first place. I cheered for him. But suddenly a car which was in second place hit him from back and he couldn't handle it. The car flipped as it was it's top speed. He got seriously injured. We took him to the hospital. He promised his parents if he would live, he will never go for race again. I have to go to the hospital now." "What? The sun is already arisen?" said Dae Ju while looking at outside. He was so immersed into reading that he didn't notice the time. He felt thirsty so he get up from the bed. He slowly walk to the living room. Lina was sleeping at her usual place. Seems like she was cold as she didn't have blanket on her body. Dae Ju went to her and pull up the blanket. He look at her face. She was really beautiful in her own way. He didn't saw her with makeup but still she was beautiful. Her most attracting things were her eyes. Dae Ju never saw such a big eyes before. But right now, her eyes were closed and so he couldn't see those eyes. While looking at her, he remember his mom. She doesn't look like her or she never behave like her. She is always very kind, gentle, loveable. His mom is also loveable but she is not quite gentle. Then why he remember her? Maybe because he miss her too much? He could not understand. He went to the table and drink some water. Then he slowly left the place. He went to his room again. This place turned to his own place now. This home is now his home and he is the house owner now. This is not a huge place like he used to live in. Though it's not so beautiful place, he remember his childhood. He used to live in like this house when he was a kid. He went to veranda and enjoy the morning sight. He doesn't know how much time he spent just by looking at sunrise. Lina wake up already and come to him while brushing her teeth. Dae Ju turn back by hearing her footsteps. But he laughed as her face was looking funny. Lina look at him but she couldn't talk to him as her mouth was full. She went inside and after some time, she came back with a cup of tea.

"Here, drink it!"

"Oh! Tea? How could you know that I like it?" asked Dae Ju.

"What? You like it?" asked Lina surprisingly. Dae Ju took a sip of it and it was amazing.

"Aren't you cold? Why you are standing here with bare body?" asked Lina again. "What! Bare? When? Where? How? I am wearing a shirt! Can't you see?" said Dae Ju surprisingly and loudly.

"I mean, you didn't wear warm clothes!" said Lina softly.

"Ah! You should tell me before like this. And I didn't feel cold yet but you remind me now and I am feeling cold!" said Dae Ju. He seriously couldn't feel the cold until Lina told him. Lina laughed by hearing him with a very low voice. But her smile was beautiful also. Anyone can fall for her just because of that smile.

"But now I am feeling hot." said Dae Ju. "What?" asked Lina surprisingly.

"Ah! You gave me tea and it's really warming my body!" said Dae Ju with a fake smile. But he could feel that he was feeling really hot. He could feel that his face was turning red. He turn around and look at the sight once again.

"Okay, But don't go anywhere without informing me and take care of yourself. I have to go for find a job." said Lina and move to the room.

"What? You don't have a job? Then, why you told that you work on a low salary?" surprised Dae Ju.

"I-i lost that job too." said Lina hesitatingly.

"Then, how could you pay the rent now?" asked Dae Ju shockingly.

"I will find a way. I have to. Don't worry too much. Just consider to your health now. I couldn't make breakfast as I have no time. A cup of noodles is kept on table. Whenever, you feel hungry, eat that. And don't forget to take your medicines. Got it?" saying this she finally left from there. Dae Ju took a long breath by thinking her hard life. And now, he have to get used to this life as he has no other choice. He never had to struggle for his own life though his parents were not very rich. He just listen and saw people who have to struggle for live. His best friend, Min Jae also had to suffer a lot but he himself never went through a hard life for money. But now, he is tasting what poverty is and why people turn bad often when they went under the poverty line. Suddenly he remember that Lina's father was a businessman and Rumi's father was also. Then, why they have to live a miserable life like this? They had enough money for living. Then why Lina have to work so hard?