3 nine: Meeting with enemies

"Hey! Did you take bath?" asked Jheong Woo.

"Can't believe you are here to check this!" said Dae Ju whisperingly. Jheong Woo was actually standing near Dae Ju's workplace to check if everything is okay or not.

"Answer me. I don't have much time. I have to go to work too!" said Jheong Woo.

"Yes!" answered Dae Ju.

"Did you put some of the holy water before that?" asked Jheong Woo whisperingly again.

"Yes! How could I forget that after what happened last night!" said Dae Ju aggressively.

"What happened last night?" asked Jheong Woo. He didn't aware of the last night when Dae Ju pass out in front of his house.

"I don't have much time now. I will tell you later. Now go to your work and let me do some work too!" said Dae Ju being a little rude. He kept watching around him if anyone saw them or hear them talking.

"It won't take too long! Just tell me!" asked Jheong Woo like a little kid.

"I told you to go from here! Why aren't you listening to me? It would be a problem if someone hear us talking on this topic." saying this he pushed Jheong Woo frontward and gesture him to go. Jheong Woo felt angry at him. He makes a face on him and left from there.

"It's too difficult to understand a people!" saying this he almost went inside but he stopped by seeing a car. It seems familiar to him but he couldn't recognize it at first but when he saw someone inside and it passed away beside him, he recognize where he saw it. Actually it was his agency's car. And as "Savage Kids" is also under their agency, Yeon Hoon was in the car.

"Why he is alone in the car? Or there are others and I missed them? But, where they would be gone in that way in this time?" said Dae Ju to himself confusedly.

"Is he going to meet someone? If that so, then why he took the agency's car? He can use his private car!" said Dae Ju again and moved from there. When he went inside his workplace, he remembered that the salon is in that way in which Lina works at.

"Then, is he going to meet.....No way! This kid is now crossing the limit! I have no other choices but to appreciate his braveness! How could he...Aish! Should I go and check on them?" Dae Ju thought in his mind.

"No! Why are you butting in their lives? You should not!" said Dae Ju being double-minded. He was going to give his attendance but his mind changed and he rushed outside. He never came to her workplace before so he was hesitating about what he should tell her if he meet her in her workplace. Though he couldn't find an answer, he couldn't stop going to see them with his own eyes. When he reached the salon, he saw the car was standing in front of the salon.

"Aish! I knew it!" said Dae Ju and hide himself behind the wall of the salon. He saw Yeon Hoon inside. Yeon Hoon was lying on a chair. Maybe he was there to wash his hair. But he couldn't see who was there to serve him. So, he have no other choice but to go inside. He went inside and as he assumed, Lina was in charge of washing Yeon Hoon's hair. And as she was too busy, she didn't notice him but she said without looking at him, "Welcome, sir! How can I help you?"

"I need a haircut," said Dae Ju while glaring at Yeon Hoon. Seems like he was enjoying the heavenly joy with his closed eyes. Lina was messaging his head with some kind of oil.

"Then, sit here." another girl came and said. Dae Ju sit down the that which the girl suggested but his eyes would kill Yeon Hoon now if he had super ray. "What kind of haircut do you need?" asked the girl.

"Like him," said Dae Ju and point on Yeon Hoon.

"Ah! Really! Okay. I will give you that haircut. I am a professional." said the girl.

"Hurry! I don't have much time!" said Dae Ju a little angrily. But he stopped when Yeon Hoon start talking.

"Noona! Give me your hand!" Almost sitting down he said to Lina.

"Why?" asked Lina gently.

"Just give me!" saying this he grab Lina's hand and pull towards himself.

"What are you doing? People are watching! What would they think?" saying this she tried to take her hand back but she failed.

"Stop already! This hand is mine now! You can't take it back!" saying this romantically he took something from his pocket. It was a bracelet which he bought for her yesterday. And actually he came here to give this to Lina. He tied it on her wrist and spare her hand.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" said Lina while looking at the bracelet.

"You are more than that," said Yeon Hoon slowly so that she couldn't get it. Though Lina couldn't understand what he just said, Dae Ju could understand and he couldn't bear it anymore. He thought that he should take a picture of Yeon Hoon now and post it on twitter. If he does this Yeon Hoon could never come to this place. But he also thought if he does that Lina's life could be messed up too and she will be very upset because she liked him too.

"Hey! Why are you cutting it like this!" shouted Dae Ju. The three of them got startled by his shouting. As Dae Ju was looking at the girl, Lina and Yeon Hoon couldn't see his face. They look at the girl and Lina asked her silently, "What happened?"

"Ah! I make a mistake. I am sorry! I'll fix it." said the girl being sorry.

"Forget it! I am leaving! I have a lot of work today." said Dae Ju and stood up. That time Yeon Hoon's phone start ringing and seeing who is on the phone, he had to receive the call. Dae Ju was curious about the phone but if he stay here more Lina will see him and he didn't want that right now. So, he went outside in a rush with his half haircut. But he stayed outside to hear what is going on there. But he didn't have to wait for long because Yeon Hoon came out in a rush and almost went inside the car. But Dae Ju stopped him so he has to wait.

"Hello! I am a fan of you," said Dae Ju gently but he was angry at him from inside.

"Hello!" said Yeon Hoon also gently but he was hesitating because he has no time right now. He has to go to the dorm as soon as possible because Mr. Director was there to meet him. He was going to get inside the car but Dae Ju stopped him again. Actually he was doing this because he was angry with him and he also didn't know what he should do to avenge on him.

"Can I take a selfie with you? I should have ask you inside but I was in confusion if I should or should not," said Dae Ju with a fake smile.

"Ah! You wee inside! That's why your hair is like this!" asked Yeon Hoon.

"Yes," replied Dae Ju.

"You should try a different cut in a different hand," said Yeon Hoon with a smile that doesn't sounds good to Dae Ju.

"What do you mean?" asked Dae Ju confusedly.

"There was another girl inside. You saw her, right?" asked Yeon Hoon.

"Oh! That girl? Why? Is she special?" mysteriously asked Dae Ju. He could see that Yeon Hoon's face turned red. His cheeks were like he just got blushed.

"Yes, she is special. Very special," said Yeon Hoon smilingly.

"What!" surprised Dae Ju though he knows that from earlier.

"Ah! Sorry. I mean she is a hair specialist. She can fix your hair in no time. Then, I'll go now." said Yeon Hoon hesitatingly and get inside the car.

"But, the selfie!" said Dae Ju.

"Another day!" saying this loudly he told driver to start the car and the car left from there.

"Aish! This kid! Who wants the selfie anyway! I knew it! He has feelings for Lina. Ooh! She is special!" said that mockingly he starts walking.

"Sir! You are still here! Then come and I'll fix your hair." said that girl who messed up with his hair while running to him.

"I don't want to!" saying this angrily he left from there.

"Ah! Such a cold-hearted person. People can make mistakes!" saying this she went inside again.

"You are late again! Is it become your hobby to come late?" said the owner to Dae Ju.

"Sorry. I came at time but something came up so I had to go," said Dae Ju. "You know what? I like you for your this habit. You accept your fault in no time. People who can accept his fault and can apologize towards others could melt any cold-hearted person! Now, go back to your work." said the guy and smiled. Dae Ju also smiled since he had nothing to say. He just replied yes and went back to his work. But he couldn't find any interest in his works because of Yeon Hoon. He kept remembering about the Salon scene how he hold Lina's hand and said those are his and how he praises her and also how he looks at her. "Ah! Go away!" shouted Dae Ju.

"Why! I just came to offer you coffee!" said his colleague.

"Ah! I didn't mean that! A fly kept disturbing me and I said it to that." Ah! "Then, take it." saying this he give him the cup of coffee. Dae Ju took that and start drinking that. He saw that strange guy who was being rented to kill him was there. He was looking at him and he has the same mysterious smile on his face. As Dae Ju was not in a good mood from the morning, he couldn't bear that smile. He wanted to break all the teeth of that man but he has to control himself. When it time to be closed, Dae Ju wrap up and going to leave. That time the strange guy came to him with his weird smile.

"How do you do?" asked the guy.

"Leave me alone," said Dae Ju slowly without paying attention.

"Okay, you should avoid me but you can't flee from your destiny. I am going to finish my unfinished job. I was here to offer you for the last time. Will you accompany me or not?" said the man and laughed.

"I won't," said Dae Ju without understanding what he just said.

"And why you always laugh whenever you talk with me? I hate that so never laugh or smile in front of me. Just disappear from my eyesight." said Dae Ju angrily. He couldn't bear him anymore so he walked away from there.

"Okay, let's finish all of this at once!" said that guy and left from there.

"Hey! Dae Ju-sshi!" called Jheong Woo and pull his hand so that Dae Ju could able to see him.

"Ah! You are here already?" asked Dae Ju.

"Yes, I was too much curious that I couldn't do my works properly all day," said Jheong Woo.

"Let's seat somewhere. I am hungry," said Dae Ju. The weather was not nice today and seems like it would be raining soon.

"Let's go to the coffee shop," said Jheong Woo while looking at the sky. It was dark but the clouds can be seen by the lights of the street. Dae Ju silently agreed with him and both of them went inside a coffee shop. They ordered an iced coffee and some light snacks.

"Why you are looking so down? What happened?" asked Jheong Woo.

"Many things that I could not describe in word. Actually, I can't take this anymore. I want to be free. I want to take breathe. I just can't handle the situation anymore. And nowadays, I have some different feelings. I have never felt like that before. Many things I have done today which I didn't want to but I have no other choices. I am really confused about myself." said Dae Ju.

"What exactly happened?" asked Jheong Woo being curious. Then Dae Ju told him everything what happened last night and what happened with him all day. Jheong Woo couldn't believe about last night that it could happen. Things could go this far.

"I think you have feelings for her," said Jheong Woo with a worried face.

"Hey! That can't happen! I can't love someone. I..... Ah! You think so?" said Dae Ju confusedly.

"Hmm. But, you should not," said Jheong Woo.

"That's why, that's why I can't understand what to do now!" said Dae Ju being aggressive and then he started to move the straw here and there in the coffee. "And also that strange guy! I don't know why he show his thirty-two teeth in front of me every time!" said Dae Ju. That time a strange sound came from his stomach.

"Are you that hungry? Then why you ordered that little food?" asked Jheong Woo.

"I don't know why I am that hungry." saying this he remembered that he couldn't eat for all day and that's why he was that much hungry.

"Ah! I haven't eaten anything today. Look! How much I am depressed now that I forgot to do my most likable thing in this world!" said Dae Ju being too much depressed. That time some people entered inside and search for someone. Both of them look at that way and found that they were coming to them. Both of them were surprised and before understanding anything, a guy came to them and showed his identity card. He was a cop and seems like they all were cops.

"Hey! What happened? What did we do? Why you are here? shouted both of them.

"We need to talk. So you are coming with us." said the cop and gesture his man to take them. Two men came to them and tried to get them up.

"Hey! We didn't do anything wrong! So, we will go. Don't need to force us!" said Dae Ju and stood up. Both Dae Ju and Jheong Woo look at each other with a questionable eye but couldn't get their answer. They have to go to the police station without knowing what they have done.