4 two: Mission for catch the murdered

"I know him and we used to work together. Now we are enemies and so I came here to help you to find him because I know where he could hide," said Dae Ju with a serious face finding no other way. The detective trusts him by looking at his seriousness.

"Really? What kinds of work you used to do that you became enemies?" asked the detective. Dae Ju get some memories of Rumi after the attack so he was telling the truth.

"We used to work under Johnnie." said Dae Ju shortly.

"What? That mafia Johnnie!" surprised the detective. Dae Ju shook his head positively and said again, "I think he is still working under him and he got the order from him." said Dae Ju calmly. The detective finds it interesting and sits on the table in front of Dae Ju. He looks at Jheong Woo and asked, "did he worked too?"

"No! I didn't know that he was working for any mafia!" said Jheong Woo to clear himself from crimes.

"So, why you leave the work? Did you get caught?" asked the detective.

"Actually, it's a long story. I was working for him when I was a high school student. We meet in a car race from then, I started to work for him because I was in love with his sister. He told me if I can make him satisfied, he would let me be with his sister or else, he will kill me and my parents. That's why I had to do what he said to do." said Dae Ju. "What? How long it's been? You never mentioned it to me!" said Jheong Woo surprisingly. Dae Ju looks at him with a mocking face because he knows it's not his fault that Rumi hides that from him.

"What happened next?" asked the detective. After winning a race, we all were drunk. We have to stay out of town for the whole night because that was impossible to come back from there. I and my girlfriend spent the night together and were caught red-handed by her brother. "You spent night with.....Ah! I have no idea what is going on in this world!" said Jheong Woo and sighed.

"Quiet! Then what?" asking to be quiet to Jheong Woo the detective asked Dae Ju.

"He was angry on me and wanted to finish me and my whole family but then, something big happened in my life and my life changed. I have to flee away from him and his sister. If I tried to meet with Soo Mi again, he would kill me. That's why I hide from them for some time. When I was facing this much problem, Lina was there to save me. She caught me taking part in races and told to my parents. My parents locked me at home for some days so that I can't go outside and do races. I felt angry at all of them back then but now I can understand that they were actually trying to save me from danger. But my youth didn't understand that and I flee away from my home and went to the race again. Since my parents took my car I had to buy a new one and for that, I went to meet with Soo Mi again and borrowed some money from her. Actually I borrowed a lot of money which I couldn't give her back yet." said Dae Ju without taking a breath to his surprised listeners.

"Mr.! I am not interested in your personal life! Where is that man who tried to kill Kim Dae Ju?" asked the cop losing his temper.

"Listen all or else you can't understand!" said Dae Ju loudly.

"After that, I get caught again by Lina, and this time she brought my parents to see me with their own eyes. They locked me up once again in the village where my grandmother lived in. And trust me, though she was old, I can't deceive her. She was at another level's intelligent and win my heart as well. So I decided not to do those things again and come back to my parents. Johnnie couldn't catch me because of my father. He was very close to the police and for my safety, I always glued up with him. Everything went well. I almost got my father's company, I graduated my college, I married Lina but after the wedding, Soo Mi came to meet with me." saying this Dae Ju sighed. Suddenly he realized that something was coming up from his back. He stood up immediately and started to search but he failed.

"Hey! Jheong Woo! Look what is on my back? It's tickling me!" said Dae Ju and start laughing due to tickle. Jheong Woo stood up and saw it was a cockroach on his back. He caught that with his hand and showed Dae Ju with a very simple face.

"Hey! Take it away from me! Just throw it!" shouted Dae Ju moving backward and being afraid. He closed his eyes immediately.

"Okay," saying this Jheong Woo leave that on the floor and it went away passing Dae Ju. The detective was so angry at them that he glares at them with his angry eyes while holding a pistol in his hand.

"Do you want me to waste my bullets on you?" saying this he set to trigger on them. "No! Why bothering? I came to help you nothing else!" said Dae Ju with a fake but cute smile.

"Do you think I have this much time to waste on you?" shouted the detective. "No! I am telling you," said Dae Ju being afraid of the pistol and sit down on the chair again.

"Where was I by the way?" asked Dae Ju because he forgot what he was saying because of the filthy creature.

"Soo Mi came to you," said Jheong Woo. "Ah! Yes, she came to me saying that I cheat on her and she was gonna tell that to her brother and she also wanted the money back. I told her that I will return the double amount but to leave me alone because I was happy with my life." said Dae Ju. Seems like the detective was not totally interested. He was itching his ear and clean his finger then he put his hand on his forehead and messaging it with his fingers.

"You really cheat on both of them because you did not love Lina as well," said Jheong Woo.

"I know, right?" saying this to Jheong Woo he looked at the detective again. After two or three days her brother sends that man to kill me. As we worked together, he informed me earlier so that I can be prepared for that. I took some help from the police that's why he couldn't able to kill me.

"After a few days, I lost my parents and start leading a miserable life. He didn't come back to take my life but a few months ago, he came to me," said Dae Ju and sighed.

"Who?" asked the detective.

"This guy. He is the one who worked with me." saying this he showed the picture of that man who tried to kill him. "This is the jerk you were telling about?" saying this he takes a look at the picture. "Hmm. He came to me saying that Johnnie was searching for me. I went to meet him and then he told me to kill someone or else he will kill us. But, I refused him and said that if you want to kill me, then kill me but I won't do anything like that. And the person whom he told to kill was nobody else but Dae Ju. He was there when we were talking about it. And I think he got the order after I left from there and he accepts that happily. I don't know why he ordered to kill me, I mean him. Because he didn't kill people. He was just a drug dealer." said Dae Ju and sighed. There was a paper holder kept on the table. Though it was not that beautiful, it was shining because of the light on their heads. Dae Ju holds that and starts to rotate it. He didn't notice that there were some papers kept under it and because he took the holder two pieces of paper flown away for the light air.

"Who told you to touch that? Keep that back where it was!" said the detective being busy collecting the papers.

"Ah! Sorry. Is these that important?" asked Dae Ju feeling guilty.

"Important? Everything is important here!" saying this he kept the papers back in their place. This time he put them by flipped and Dae Ju could see there was some people's identity written on those papers. He kept the holder back in its place and he was curious about those papers. He wanted to look at a paper for once. When he was going to touch a paper he looks at the detective and saw that he was looking at him angrily. Dae Ju pulls his hand back and didn't touch those papers.

"So, you think he got an order? Are you kidding me right now? You wasted all my time because you think he got an order!" shouted the detective angrily. "Ah! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven....calm...chill....or else another shootout will happen now!" saying this the detective started to took long breaths while putting the gun on his own forehead to itching his forehead.

"No! I am sure! If it's not like that then why he told me that he has to finish my unfinished job?" said Dae Ju.

"Who said what?" asked the detective being curious.

"This guy! He told me earlier that he had to do my work and after some days, I mean yesterday, he told me that he has to do his unfinished job! Don't it sound something fishy in here?" Dae Ju said in his own way.

"Why are you too loud? I am hearing you clearly. And where did you meet again? Why you didn't come to us earlier? Don't you trying to hide something from us?" said the detective with a poker face.

"He joined in my workplace some days ago and I didn't realize it back then," said Dae Ju while trying to touch those papers again.

"These are criminal lists! Damn it! Why do you keep touching them?" hitting on the table he yelled.

"Sorry. I was just curious."

"Then, keep in touch. Whenever you see him, inform us immediately. And we also will try to catch him. If you got wrong this time, I will really encounter you." threading Dae Ju and Jheong Woo the cop gets up from the chair to bring some water.

"Yes, I got it." saying this Jheong Woo gets up but Dae Ju was still sitting in his place.

"Ah, right! How could you inform us without having our contact?" saying this he turned around. Both of them look at him with questionable eyes. The detective makes a face like he is done with his life today and he never met this kind of guy in his life until now. He came to them again and start searching for a sheet of paper on his desk.

"Where has it gone! Ah! There it is!" founding out what he wanted to he took the paper and put it in front of them. Dae Ju was still trying to take a look at those papers but as the detective came back, he stopped looking at them.

"There are some contacts of our officers. You can contact any of them anytime." saying this he starts to move from there.

"By the way, what is your name? By what name we can save your contact in our phones?" asked Jheong Woo and then he realized that he shouldn't ask that question as he was angry with them.

"Park Min Ho. You can save my contact as Mr. Park or detective Park. And I am on the top." saying this he left from there. When he went away from there, Dae Ju could be able to take a look at those which he was curious about from earlier.

"Hey! What are you doing?" asked Jheong Woo being afraid.

"I will just take a look for once," said Dae Ju whisperingly.


"I think I saw someone whom I have known in my real life," said Dae Ju whisperingly while flipping the papers. There were many papers kept and it was quite hard to find one from them. But he was searching while Jheong Woo was busying in saving contacts on his phone. "Aren't you gonna took the numbers?" asked Jheong Woo.

"Keep taking. I will take it from you later. This is important for me now." After saying this without any reaction he pulled a paper carefully from those.

"Succeed!" saying this he smiled proudly and look at Jheong Woo. It was a criminal record of a young man who is aged like Dae Ju. He was quite handsome. His crime was also like Dae Ju (which is why he is here now). And also he killed a deer while driving but he didn't receive his punishment for that and he is not in touch now or country. That's why the police are searching for him.

"Do you know him?" asked Jheong Woo curiously.

"Yes, he was a trainee too! He was being trained with us. We were like best buddies. He is just six months younger than me. We all knew that we will be a band of eight members including him. We were very happy together but one day the director told us that he was not selected for the debut. He can try next year. We all were very sad that we cried and begged to our PD but for some reason he refused. After that, I heard that he went to another agency and could able to do a debut. Though he is not that famous, I am happy that he could make it." being emotional Dae Ju said and kept looking at the paper. Then he put the paper on the table and took a picture with his phone.