4 five: When someone is about to loose his personality

Dae Ju entered his room and saw Lina. She was lying on his bed closing her eyes. Dae Ju went to her to check if she was sleeping or not. Her hand was out of the bed and seems like she was holding her phone before sleeping and she didn't want to fall asleep. But she falls asleep and the phone dropped from her hand. Dae Ju saw that his room was also neat like others. Dae Ju took the phone from the ground and was going to kept it beside her. But he took a look on her phone though he knew that he was not doing right. There was showing a notification where it was seen that she missed 5 calls from Yeon Hoon.

"Aish! This brat! Why did you keep doing that? I will remember this and try to get revenge on you." said Dae Ju slowly and kept the phone beside her. He sits on the floor in front of her and looked at her beautiful face. She looks like the same angel which appeared in his dream before coming to this body.

"I understand now, why I saw the angel in my dream. It was actually you. You are really saving me since I came to this body. Whenever I got sick, you were there to recover me. Whenever I get caught by the police, you were there to save me. I should thank you." Lina was in a deep sleep. She couldn't sleep for a single minute when she heard about her husband. She had to go to him and take care of him no matter what. She is now gaining her energy back while sleeping. Suddenly she moved and her face came to very close to Dae Ju. She put her hand on him and pull him as he was her pillow.

Dae Ju was trying to be freed from her very calmly but he failed and accidentally Lina's lips touched his cheek. As soon as it happened, Dae Ju turned red and his heartbeat increased like crazy. He was sweating a lot and seems like someone was hitting on his heart. He could feel that all of his blood was flowing in his every vein and his heart became empty for someone. He was lost for a moment and he wanted to stay like that forever. His brain stopped working and that's why he couldn't understand what he was doing then. He was also going to kiss her and he nearly kissed her then he realized what he was doing.

"No! You should not do that! Why you are doing this to me every time? What did I wrong? Aish!" saying that in his mind he exceeded himself somehow and stood up. He pulled the blanket on her body and came downstairs immediately. No! I can't do this anymore. I must go back or else something bad will happen.

"Bad? No. It's not that bad. You enjoyed it. Didn't you?" said the devil on his left shoulder.

"How dare you to say such thing! He can't do this. It's like deceiving!" said the angel on his right shoulder.

"F**k it! Who will know that he is deceiving her? And it's not deceiving, it's love, my dear." said the devil.

"It is deceiving because she doesn't know who he is!" said the angel.

"He is her husband, nothing else, Hahaha!" laughed the devil.

"No, he isn't. Her husband died and she doesn't know about it. Don't you think we should inform her?" said the angel.

"We informed her already and she didn't believe in us! It's her fault, not our!" said the devil and laughed.

"Stop it already!" shouted Dae Ju.

"Listen to me!"

"No, listen to me!" both of them were bargaining. Dae Ju fades up and threw them away with his finger and comes back to the reality. He opened the TV for watch something. Actually he was trying to forget what happened a while ago. He was turning red and also get embarrassed whenever he was thinking about the kiss. Now, he wanted to forget about that and so he turned on the TV. There was showing a drama on TV where the male lead was saying

"I love you" to the female lead. He changed the channel where a kissing scene was showing. Dae Ju immediately changed the channel and he kept changing. Every channel was showing romantic drama's and whenever he saw something romantic, he remembered about the kiss.

"S**t! Why they showed those things? I am fade up!" saying this he turned off the TV and start thinking about the moment again.

"It was really nice!" saying this he put his hand where Lina kissed a while ago. Pulling himself back, he slapped on his cheek for three times and said,

"You shameless creature! It was just an accident! Why you are thinking that much?"

"It's because I am bored, nothing else! I have been busy all day long but now, I have to do nothing, that's why my mind kept searching for something like that. You can't trust anyone! Even your mind can deceive you!" he said again. Then he took his phone to see the news. The top news was "The billionaire Kang Min have been conned!"

"See? You really can't trust anyone," he said again. While scrolling the feed, he saw an ad of cola. He tapped on the ad because he was curious about it. As he was expected, the song was singing by them.

"Ah! It finally released! It was fun!" He was trying to divert his mind on these but he failed. He kept thinking about that incident and kept trying to stop thinking about that.

What if he didn't follow Seo Jin that night? The accident never happened and he would never meet Lina. And that would be good for him. Now, his body is lying on the hospital bed and his soul is living in another man whose life is very mysterious. And now he feels like he is really Rumi and it's his own life. He wanted to sing songs again, perform on the stage again. Write songs again. Break girls' hearts again. But now he is wishing all these differently. He wished that he will perform on the stage and there will be one person among the big crowd of fans. And that is Lina. He wanted to sing in front of her and showed his talent and handsomeness towards her. She will cheer him with all the fans and will shout by his name. That time his phone starts ringing and he saw that Jheong Woo called him so he picked the call.

"What are you doing now? Are you in the hospital?" asked Jheong Woo. He didn't know that his friend already left the hospital. "No, I am at home," replied Dae Ju. "What? But, how? How did you manage Lina?" surprised Jheong Woo.

"It was not difficult. By the way, what are you doing now?" asked Dae Ju.

"I am in a lunch break," said Jheong Woo.

"What? Lunch break? Already?" asked Dae Ju. He didn't notice the time so he thought it was late morning.

"Yes, everyone finished their lunch a while ago. But I had some works to do so I couldn't eat," said Jheong Woo. Dae Ju looks at his phone and saw that it was 2.15 pm.

"Did you take bath?" asked Jheong Woo. "No, why?" replied Dae Ju. They were talking very informally as they were childhood friends. Then, go and take a bath, and don't forget to pour a few drops of holy water in your tub.

"Ah! I forgot about that! Thanks for reminding me." said Dae Ju being thanked.

"How could you forget that! Ah! You useless thing!" yelled Jheong Woo.

"Hey! Don't you know how messed up my life is now! I have to think a lot that's why I forgot! How could you say such thing?" he shouted in his own style.

"Okay, okay, I got it. But go and take bath, now! Or else, you will forget again." said Jheong Woo forcedly.

"Okay, But, Jheong Woo!" he called. Hearing his own name from Dae Ju, he surprised because he never call him like that. He always calls him like, "Hey or You" But now, he is called by his name. Controlling his emotion, he asked, "What?"

"I have a lot to share with you. Would you like to meet me after returning from your job?" said Dae Ju.

"I have nothing else to do except for this job. So, I am free." replied affirmatively. "Then, meet you at 8 pm near the bridge." saying this he hung up the call. He lied on the couch and kept scrolling the news feed. But his mind was not stable. Many things were going in his mind. Sometimes, he felt happy for Seo Jin, Sometimes, he felt angry about his fate, sometimes he felt weird about Lina. Sometimes he felt very sad and emotional for his members. He didn't notice that Lina came downstairs and stand near the stairs while yawning. He was also sleepy and while using the phone, he nearly falls asleep and his mobile dropped on his face and he woke up immediately. He sat down and saw Lina. When he sat down, Lina also noticed him.

"Oh! You are here."

"Ah! Yes," said Dae Ju hesitatingly. By seeing her face he remembered about that moment and became shy again. He couldn't see in her eyes.

"When did you come?" asked Lina. She was actually worried about him if he was alright or not.

"Some time ago...When you were sleeping," said Dae Ju while looking at the floor.

"Ah! Sorry, I fell asleep on your bed. Are you hungry?" saying this she came in front of him. Dae Ju was still looking at the floor and when she stood I'm front of him, he saw her feet covered by socks. Her leg was not that small like other girls. She could be called bigfoot. "No, I am not." he looked at his phone again.

"You didn't eat properly for two days! Are you sure you are not hungry?" said Lina simply and sit beside him. Now, Dae Ju felt nervous and suddenly he started sweating.

"I have to take bath." saying this he almost ran from there.

"What's wrong with him now! He is behaving weird these days!" surprised Lima. She had no idea what happened when she was in a deep sleep and why he was acting weird!

Dae Ju went inside and saw that the tub was empty. He wanted to fill the tub with water but no water was coming from the bottom. He tried again but failed. So, he came downstairs again to ask about it to Lina. He was sure that he bathed on it some days ago. It was full back then. "What happened to the tub?" asked Dae Ju.

"Don't you know about it! It's been a long since the water pipe is broken and it needs to be fixed," answered Lina.

"Long? since when?"

"Maybe for a year now?" she was not confident with her answer. A year! But I bathed in it two days ago! It was filled with water back then.

"Ew! You bathed in that?"

"Yes, why?"

"I collected water from the water tap to clean it and I rubbed the whole tub with soap but I forgot to drain the water because something came up.

"What!" shouted Dae Ju with a disgusted face.

"Ah! Sorry for that but, Yack!" thinking of that Lina also disgusted. Dae Ju always liked to stay neat and clean so after hearing this he wanted to throw up but he controlled himself.

"Hey! You should have informed me earlier! How could you forget such a thing! Ah! I am disgusted! I need to get a shower now!" shouted Dae Ju in his own style.

"Sorry!" said Lina with a very low voice and feeling guilty.