6 one: New place for new year

"Are you sure this is you?" the detective looked at Yeon Hoon and asked.

"Yes, I am sure. Someone was stalking me. And I w-was not aware of that." Yeon Hoon said.

"Okay, Since I am not in the cybercrime unit, I can't help you for now. But there is a cybercrime specialist who is out of the city and he will return tomorrow. If you come tomorrow evening, you can meet him and explain your problem to him." the detective said to him and assured him that he could help him.

"But..." he was loud and his breathing annoyed the detective because he had a bad smell of alcohol.

"You are drunk. You should go home now." hurried the detective so that Yeon Hoon leave the place and he could concentrate on his work again.

"Yes, I got it. But I will come tomorrow again!" he gets up and seeing him his friend also gets up. When they turned back to leave, the detective called them,

"Hey, kids!"

"Yes?" answered both of them.

"Does your parents know that you were having alcohol?" he asked coldly.

"Ah! We are adults!" Yeon Hoon's friend replied with a smile.

"Oh, really? Then, be careful with girls. I heard nowadays, girls snatched everything from a man by playing love games!" the detective was too cold with them.

"She is not that kind of girl!" Yeon Hoon understood what the detective wanted to say to him. So he replied him angrily but not in a loud voice.

"Let's go!" saying this to his friend, he walked away to outside. The detective's assistant has some papers in his hand and he was going to show them to the detective but he stopped when he saw Yeon Hoon saying that. He came to the detective and asked,

"What happened to him suddenly? What did you say to him?"

"I just wanted to be sure. And I am sure now." said the detective and smiled.

"About what?" the assistant was curious.

"About the article. It was true!" he smiled again but his assistant couldn't get him and he looked at him confusedly.

[In the morning near Dae Ju's workshop. He was hesitating if he should go inside or not. He was standing near the building. He looked at the building once and looked at the floor once. Maybe he spent a lot of time standing and thinking.

"Oh, Rumi-sshi!" a girly sound broke his meditation. He looked back and saw it was Min-Ah.

"Oh, Hello!" Dae Ju bowed towards her.

"Hello!" she also bowed with a smile. She was looking different today. She was not wearing short dresses. But she was looking beautiful. She was wearing a full-sleeved shirt which was printed black stripes on white color. And a black colored full pant. She has a big shopping bag in her hand. Seems like she bought lunch for her. She always put on makeup and this habit didn't change at all. She wore light pink colored lipstick instead of red which suited her well. Her cheeks were not blushing too much today and that gives her a normal look. Usually, her cheeks scared Dae Ju as she blushed her cheeks too much. Her brown colored straight hair was opened and half of them was kept front. Today she is a very normal girl with a smile on her face.

"Did you just came?" asked Min-Ah.

"Oh, yes!" Dae Ju replied shortly with a fake smile.

"Then, let's go inside together." she proposed to him to go inside together.

"Okay," he didn't say anything else and start walking. Now he can't go back as she was with him. Both of them walked to their boring office together. But it was not so boring for none of them. For Min-Ah, it was an interesting place and also a memorable place. She wanted to come here every day because of someone. And as she was with her loved one, it feels nice to her. But for Dae Ju, it was a mysterious and scary place. Though he never wants to come here he has to come here every day. That's why he felt relieved when it comes to a holiday. On Sunday, he felt like there was a burden that goes down from his shoulder. He was still thinking about getting some money. As he was acting normal, he greeted everyone with a bright smile though it was not his habit. He likes to stay neat and that's why he always decorates his table nicely. He forgot to clean the table yesterday so it was a mess. He cleaned the table and sit on the chair. He turned on his desktop computer to check if everything has been finished it not.

"Wow! I designed the new model and it's been selected." he was happy. Though he was not that loud, Min-ah listened to him and came.

"Oh, really? Then you hit a jackpot!" she said with her smiling face.

"What?" Dae Ju couldn't understand her and looked at her confusedly.

"Don't you know about the rules?" Mr. Chan asked.

"Which rules?" Dae Ju asked confusedly again.

"Our company made a motivational contest for the new year. If the main engineers chose one of our work within these five days, then the person whose work has been chosen will be promoted to board member and they will give you 10,000 shares of this company!" Mr. Chan explained to him everything.

"So?" Dae Ju still couldn't get that.

"Stupid! You will become one of the board members from the new year!" Min-Ah explained.

"But, I didn't take part in the contest!" Dae Ju was too much confused and looked at them. Min-Ah make a face on him and said, "You don't have to take parts! You sent some designs to the board members, right?"

"Yes." Dae Ju answered.

"They chose one of them. Let me see." saying this Min-Ah came to Dae Ju as she wanted to see something.

"Oh, Daebak(awesome)! You won the first prize! Then you will be the owner of(counting).....Aaaah!" she screamed too loudly in front of Dae Ju's ear. Dae Ju moved immediately as it was loud. "Ah, sorry. But, you just won 1,00,000 shares which means you are(counting again).....Aaaah!" she screamed again. This time Dae Ju was prepared and he put his finger on his ears to block and protect his ears.

"What? What? What?" Mr. Chan asked curiously. Hearing her scream, everyone in the room came to them and make a mess.

"He just got a lottery! Every share is costing 3100 won for today! Do you know what that means? You are very rich now!" she was so excited but as he gets attention from everyone, he got embarrassed. Everyone was cheering him as a new board member but he remained calm and worried about his future. As it was time for the new year, he has to go to meet the board members to learn from them. But, he was not willing to do that as he had too many things to do.

*What if he was in his real body now? He would have been very busy. He is sure that his teammates are very busy right now. They have to practice a lot and shoot a lot of performances. They have to go to several kinds of shows and perform there. The next day of tomorrow (New year), they have to talk with their fans through live streaming and fansign.* he thought.

But he is missing all of those this year. He liked to do those things. He felt happy while talking with his fans though some of them make him embarrassed. He remembered suddenly that they have a live performance in Seoul stadium in the new year and he must not miss the chance to meet his younger brothers. He felt happy now and saw around him. Everyone was still cheering him with a bright smile so he smiled at them also. They thought he was happy that he lost in his mind.

"Congratulations! My man!" the director was entering suddenly. Everyone went to their seats and bowed towards him. All the face stopped smiling. Dae Ju also bowed towards him though he doesn't deserve the bow. The director came to him and hold his hand. Dae Ju was hesitating but he had no other choice but to smile through the pain. He pulled his hand with Dae Ju's hand with air. Seems like Dae Ju was a boxer who just win a fight.

"He is our pride! The pride of our company!" the director was announcing Dae Ju's victory. Everyone started clapping and Dae Ju remained silent.

"You should put a smile on your face!" the director looked at him and said. He left his hand and put his hand on Dae Ju's shoulder now. He pats him and said,

"come with me, my son! I knew that you will show yourself one day." he smiled at Dae Ju but Dae Ju doesn't like his smile. He said in his mind, "You have no idea what I am gonna show you." He was annoyed with him but he tried to act normal as he knows nothing about him. But he has no choice but to go with him. He was dragging him to another department. It was on my floor and they had to come here by lift. There were no machines on that floor. But many workers were very busy in their own way. The white floor was shining and there were a lot of lights that were lighting in this morning. The circumstance was cold here. The workers were in their uniforms. Men are wearing a black suit with a white shirt. Women workers have the same outfit. Just the difference was in their pants. Women were wearing a black colored mini skirt while men were wearing black colored pants and black shoes. But the ladies were wearing hill shoes which gives them a very casual look. The director came out from the lift and Dae Ju followed him. They walked in a long corridor. It was so big that Dae Ju thought it will whole day to reach their destination. But actually, it took less than seven minutes to reach their destination. The whole floor was shining and the white tiles were looking like someone spread water on them. Many rooms were arranged in a nice way. The director was heading to the last room. As he was not getting inside of any rooms, Dae Ju also followed him and kept walking straight. He never wanted such things. He has to go back but he started to shine from here.

"This is not going well!" he thought but nothing was in his hand.

"Come in, Mr. Rumi." the director went inside a big room. It was big but neat and clean. There was a white shed everywhere. A big projector was kept aside. There was a very big table and many chairs were kept there. There were six or seven people who were sitting on those chairs. A nice smell of air purifier was coming from the room. There was a small carpet written *welcome* on it kept in the entrance of the room.

"Please, come in, Mr. Rumi." said the director and welcomed him warmly. Dae Ju enter in the room and bowed to everyone.

"This is our new board member, Md. Rumi. Please welcome him." said the director to everyone. And after he finished, everyone in the room stood up and clapped.

"Hello!" Dae Ju said hesitatingly.

"This is Mr. Lee, the vice president of our company. This is Mr. Han, the assistant vice president and this is....." the director was introducing everyone to Dae Ju. Dae Ju kept bowing gently and saying hello to each of them though he was feeling bored. Everyone welcomed him with a warm heart. Dae Ju felt like he is a celebrity and everyone was his fan in the room.

"You are the 15th board member of our company." said the director and showed him his seat.

"Give a speech about how you are feeling," he said again. Dae Ju was embarrassed and suddenly he couldn't say anything but he has to control himself and showed them how brave he is.

"First of all, I want to thank all of you. I know, just a word of thanks is not enough to describe my grateful to you. I am very happy that I could come and stand between you. I know this is a hard place and everyone can't keep their position when they come here. But I will prove my talents to you and try my best to keep the position. Thank you again for supporting me and choose my work." Dae Ju said with a thankful voice though he was not thankful at all. He kept looking at the director's suspicious face but he couldn't do anything about it.