7 three: Saving lives isn't easy

Yeon Hoon came in front of his home in a taxi. Though he should go to the hospital he thought he will be in trouble again if someone saw him with her in this situation. He took Lina's body and stood in front of his house door.


The bell rang. Someone came and opened the door.

"Who is she?" It was his mother who opened the door and seeing him with an unconscious girl make him feel worried.

"It's your daughter-in-law," he replied and entered inside.

"Hey! Don't joke around me! Tell me the truth!" she thought he was kidding because he used to make these kinds of joke with her.

"I told you she is my girlfriend!" he walked upstairs. As his mom was still cleaning the floor, it was wet so he has to step carefully. He went to his own room which was neat and clean. Seems like his mom cleaned it just then not for any unknown girl but for her own son. Yeon Hoon makes her lied on his bed and touched her forehead. She was burning up from fever. He looked back and saw his mom was standing near the door and looked at him with her curious eyes.

"Mom! she's my friend! Why you are gawking at me like this?" he cleared himself towards his mom.

"Ah! But you never mentioned about her in front of me?" she looked at her newly adult son with her suspicious eyes.

"It's not time for this kind of talk. Bring me some ice cold water and a small towel. She is burning up." he nearly requested his mom to bring the items.

"Okay! I will!" saying this she went away. Though she looked at him with her suspicious eyes she has confidence in her own son and she believes him that he was not lying. Maybe he forgot to mention her name he stays too busy nowadays. He even can't talk with her every day on phone. Yeon Hoon sat down beside her and looked at her. She was beautiful while sleeping. But there were many scars and red marks on her face and hands. He took her hand on his palm and take a look at it carefully. He wanted to discover what happened to her. There is something that she kept hiding from him and he wanted to know that anyhow. That time his mom came with a bowl of ice-cold water and a towel. Noticing his mom coming, he leaves her hand immediately and stood up.

"I will take care of her. You rather go and wash yourself." his mom said to him. She didn't saw Lina's face yet but when she came to her she saw her face with mysterious marks. She looked at her son with questionable eyes.

"Hey! Did you two fight and you make her senseless?" she asked angrily.

"No! Mom! I told you I stopped fighting with friends! Why I will fight with her?" he was aggressive while talking. Then he took the bowl from his mom and said,

"I will take care of her. You should go and make some food for me. I am hungry." Actually, he was just trying to send her away. When her mom was leaving, he remembered something and called her,

"Mom! Make some porridge for her too. And make sure to add some chicken to it. Don't cook pork today. I want to eat chicken too." saying this he looked at Lina. His mom was surprised and she took some time to process her son's words then she left from there. Yeon Hoon sat beside her and put the bowl filled with cold water on a table that was kept beside the bed. He dipped the tower in the cold water. As it was too cold his hand was like freezing but he forced himself to do that for Lina's sake. He squeezed the water from the towel and put it on her forehead. When he got a fever, his mom used to do the same for him and he learned it from his mom. Though he was an amateur, he was doing quite well. He put it back on the cold water when it got hot and squeezed again and put it on her forehead. He repeated the process many times. He wiped her palm, face and feet with cold water. When he felt that her fever started to going down, he put the towel on the bowl and sat on the floor beside her. He kept looking at her. Now, she was looking like a fairy who doesn't have any wings. What if she had wings on her back? Won't she look amazing! Won't she fly in the sky? Could he hold her hand while flying? He felt like he was flying in the sky by holding her hand. He put his two arms on the bed. And lean on his own hands. Actually, he was lost in her beauty. He was smiling inside as he was happy by just looking at her. Suddenly he remembered about that incident inside the shopping mall. He wanted to kiss her but it will be disrespectful for her. So, he stayed like before but this time he holds her hands again. Her hand was warm. It feels nice as they were soft too. But the marks were still hampering him as he wants to know the truth. He touched his own cheeks with her hands and feel the softness of her hand. He couldn't resist himself anymore and he just kissed her hand and looked at her face.

"Why you are hiding something from me? I know you were lying. You didn't fall from the stairs. Someone did it to you. Just tell me who was it. I will make sure to punish him." he sighed while saying these. Within a few minutes, he fell asleep too but he couldn't sleep for a long time.

Lina was mumbling in her sleep. She was almost groaning. Maybe she was having a dream and it was not a sweet dream.

"Umh.... Please..... Don't do this..."

"Mom...mom....dad....take me with you....." she was saying this while sleeping. Yeon Hoon woke up by listening to her groaning. He felt sad for her. He was still holding her hand and he could feel that her body was trembling. Seems like she had a nightmare. Yeon Hoon left her hand and put his hand on her forehead to check if her temperature went down or not. Her temperature has been decreased from before. Suddenly she opened her eyes and wanted to sit down. But Yeon Hoon grabbed her hand and said,

"It's okay. It's okay. Everything is okay. You don't need to get up. Get some more sleep."

She realized that she was dreaming and as she woke up, she felt relieved by thinking those were not real. She closed her eyes again and sighed. Then she opened her eyes because she was not sure where she was. She looked around her. It was a huge room. The bed in which she was lying was big too. The windows were covered with beautiful curtains. There was an air conditioner on a corner but it was clearly seen that it hasn't been used for a long time. A big cupboard was kept in one corner and a table was kept just beside the bed. There was a computer on the table and many accessories related to music were there too. But there was a bowl kept on the table too.

"Where am I?" she asked with a very low voice but Yeon Hoon heard her and replied,

"It's my room. You are safe here. You can stay here as long as you want." Lina slowly sits down and this time Yeon Hoon helped her to get up.

"I am relieved that your fever went down now. Take some rest. I will go and bring something for you." he told her and turn around.

"But, Noona! Can you please please tell me what happened to you? You seem really sick and I know you were lying. You didn't fall from the stairs. These marks are not from fall down." he looked at Lina and wished that she will give him an answer but she was not gonna open her mouth.

"Did I have a fever? Why did you take me to your place?" she asked. Her voice was broken and she couldn't talk loudly. Her whole body was hurting because of last night. And maybe it was the cause of her fever.

"Yes. You were like burning. And I couldn't understand where I should take you so I bought you here. You just passed out in front of me so...." he replied.

"Ah! And you take care of me? Why?" You should think about yourself." she said though she was thankful to him. Because she couldn't understand where she should go.

*This is the only cause for which she didn't escape from there. She bears so many terrible things but when she wanted to escape from there, she realized where she could go? Who will shelter her? What will people say about her? What will she answer to why she escaped from her own house? And could she stay safe either if she escapes from there? At least, outsiders won't come and attack on her if she stays there. But last night, it was too much. She never saw his this angry face before. She couldn't understand why he was that angry. And why he kept saying she framed him? She framed who? She bought him. She bought who? And he was mentioning someone else. Who was it? Why did he keep saying that he will not let them live peacefully? Who is the other person?* when she lost in her thoughts Yeon Hoon replied to her something and went away but Lina didn't hear what he just said and why he turned red.

[In the hospital]

"The surgery went well but...." the doctor said and looked at Jheong Woo.

"What?" he looked at the doctor with curious eyes.

"As he bleeds too much, he needs blood and we couldn't find any donator who can give him blood." the doctor said and looked down.

"What? Can I give my blood?" Jheong Woo asked aggressively.

"We have to test it first. But, he needs three bags of blood as he bleeds a lot while surgery and you can give just one bag so we have to manage two bags more in a few time or else maybe we will lose him." the doctor sighed.

"Let's get the tests first. I think our blood groups are the same. Let me donate first." both of them went to the other room in a hurry. The test results came out within a short time and Jheong Woo gets ready to donate his blood to Dae Ju.

"Hello! Yes, we need emergency blood..... Yes, it's A positive...Yes? There is someone? Okay. I got it. Send him in our unit as soon as possible." a nurse was talking on the phone while taking blood from Jheong Woo.

"Oh! You found another donator?" he asked.

"Yes, they said he will come within fifteen minutes. And until then, we will give him your blood. He will be safe. Don't worry." the nurse said.

"Then what about another bag?" his face was still worried for his friend.

"Ah! Yes, we need one more bag but it's late-night so no one wanted to donate. Do you have any family member or friend who can give him blood?" she asked and checked if there was enough blood filled in the bag.

"I don't know. He has no one right now." he thought for sometimes.

*Who will give him blood? Lina is not in touch and he has nobody else.....Or has he someone?* Suddenly he thinks about someone.

"Thank you for your cooperation! We got enough blood from you." saying this the nurse took out the injection which has been used for taking his blood. She bandaged his arm and took the bag filled with blood.

"Oh! Okay!" saying this he rushed outside. He needs Dae Ju's handphone. Maybe it was still in his pocket. He went to the operation room. He searched for Dae Ju's phone and found it. He called someone and told the person about Dae Ju. Within a few minutes, the person reached the hospital to save Dae Ju's life.