7 five: Living life isn't that easy

The detective came to the hospital as soon as possible to see Dae Ju's Condition.

"How is he now?" he asked Jheong Woo. He is still in the unconscious. Please come and donate your blood first." he replied.

Both of them went to see Dae Ju. The detective was watching over him as Rumi and Jheong Woo were watching over him as Dae Ju. In a few times, Rumi's duality touched everyone's heart and that's why they all were worried about him. Jheong Woo finds his soulmate and he doesn't want to lose him. The blood which they gave them was going inside his vein. But he doesn't know some people want to see him alive. He was just lying on the hospital bed hoping his life will finish here. But they don't let him die. He has to live. Yes, of course, to suffer. But also, he has many things to do in his life. He has to fix many things and that's why he can't die.

"I couldn't believe at first that you will really come to save his life." Jheong Woo said. They were standing near the door. Soo Mi was sitting on the chair and waiting for Dae Ju.

"Why?" he asked coldly.

"I mean, he continued irritating you while you used to be busy in your work," he said hesitatingly.

"Don't misunderstand me. I didn't come here because I care for him, I came here because I need him." he looked at Jheong Woo and answered coldly.

"Ah! But, why? Why you need him?" when Dae Ju planned that he will become a spy and help the detective to catch the criminal, Jheong Woo wasn't there. That's why he has no idea about it.

"It's our matter. You don't need to butt in," he answered.

"No! I want to just know about it. Nothing else." he said aggressively. But seems like he was not interested in replying to him.

"Guys! He is moving!" Soo Mi screamed suddenly.

"What? Really?" both of them concentrate on Dae Ju but they didn't notice him moving.

"Where? I don't see anything!" Jheong Woo said and tried to look at him more carefully.

"Maybe it was my mistake," she said as nothing happened. Suddenly they all noticed that his fingers were moving. They all rushed inside. It was five of the morning and Jheong Woo's whole night's struggle to save him finally succeed. After a few minutes, Dae Ju opened his eyes slowly and seeing them together, he felt disappointed and also surprised. He thought he was dead but when he realized that he was alive and still in Rumi's body, he felt disappointed. And when he saw the three of them together, he became surprised.

"What are you three doing together?" he asked very slowly as he has no power in his body.

"Aish! You punk! We were here to save you!" Jheong Woo answered.

"Why? Why didn't you leave me to die?" he asked again with his broken voice.

"Aish! I will kill you seriously if you tell anything like that one more time!" he was angry at him.

"Oppa! What happened to you? Why you want to die?" Soo Mi asked. But in this question, Dae Ju couldn't reply to her.

"Where is Lina?" he asked Jheong Woo.

"I don't know where is she. Hope she is well." he sighed.

"What? Then, you two quarreled and she left you? That's why you wanted to kill yourself?" Soo Mi shouted. She thought she got him but she was wrong. Dae Ju didn't reply to her this time too. He just sighed and looked another way.

"Seriously? No way! Ah! This is frustrating!" she shouted again and behave like she will go crazy. Dae Ju looked at Jheong Woo and asked by gesture, "Why she is here?"

"To donate her blood of course!" Jheong Woo makes a face on him and said with a little voice.

"What? She gave me blood?" he surprised and tried to get up.

"Are you done? Can I talk with him personally?" the detective opened his mouth when he gets tired of them.

"Ah! Yes." Jheong Woo said him and pointed at outside to Soo Mi. Soo Mi understands what he wanted to say. So, she went outside. Jheong Woo also went outside. There was the detective and Dae Ju alone inside the room. Seems like he will interrogate him. He took a seat and sit beside him.

"I will not ask you why you did this or what happened to you. But I will suggest you not do this again. Because I need you. I need you to catch Johnnie. He is smuggling drugs again and this time the drugs are too dangerous. And he will also be smuggling some unlicensed car which would be used for the race." he said but this time he was not cold like he used to.

"Johnnie? How can I help you to catch him? I have no connection with him right now!" he sat down and said. Actually, he was lying. He can tell him that the girl whom he met a while ago and who is still standing outside is Johnnie's sister. She can tell where he is but Dae Ju didn't tell him anything. He thinks that girl has to face enough trouble because of him and he doesn't want that she will face more trouble because of him.

"I think there is some relation between your boss and him. I looked at those pictures which you give me earlier. When I was investigating, I found that you were true. That taxi was your and you were driving that taxi on that night. We searched for the taxi after that but we didn't found it anywhere. I think if we can catch the truck driver, we can solve half case." he told while thinking something very deeply.

"Now, can I tell something?" Dae Ju asked. His voice was clear than before.


"Aren't you suspicious of that truck driver that he willingly caused the accident?" he looked at Mr. Park with his curious eyes.

"I am not sure about it. I am suspicious of you too." Mr. Park said coldly and looked at him with his pride.

"What? No! Why I wanted to kill myself?" he said aggressively.

"I am not sure. Maybe you tried to kill yourself just like you did this time." the detective said him mockingly. This time Dae Ju had no answer to give him. He looked another way and sighed.

"Maybe I am disturbing you, I should leave now. You better take some rest and if you need some help, then you can ask me. And also, get well soon and come to practice soon. I will be waiting for you." saying this he left from there. Dae Ju was looking at the outside by the window. The building was big and that's why he could see just nearby buildings. He wanted to see the sky but from his bed, the sky was not seen. He looked at his hand, it was bandaged. There was a thin pipe fitted on his arm. There was watercolored liquid flowing inside the pipe which was going inside his body. The bed was quite comfortable but he didn't feel comfortable at all. He kept thinking about Lina.

*Where did she go? Will she ever come back to him? Can she ever forgive him? She has no place to go. What if something worst happened to her? Should he ask Mr. Park to search for her? At least he could know if she is good or not. Yes, he should ask him. He can help him to find her. He will not go in front of her. He will just find her and look at her for once. If she is good, then he will not meet her and if she is in danger then he will go to her.*

The detective was there a while ago but Dae Ju didn't think about that when he was with him. Jheong Woo and Soo Mi entered inside to look at him if he was alright.

"Is Mr. Park still outside?" Dae Ju asked Jheong Woo.

"He just went away." Jheong Woo replied. Dae Ju suddenly took out the pipe from his arm and stood up.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Jheong Woo and Soo Mi were astonished and tried to stop him. But he wasn't a person who doesn't listen to his interior sound. He rushed outside to find Mr. Park. He couldn't go too far as he was walking. He was going downstairs.

"Detective Park! Detective Park!" he shouted by his name. As he was far from Dae Ju, he couldn't listen to him.

"Detective Park! Detective Park!" he was running and kept calling his name. After some time, he heard someone was calling him so he turned back and saw it was Dae Ju. He was surprised because he went from his room just then so he couldn't imagine he will follow him and call him. He stopped and walked to Dae Ju. As Dae Ju was weak, he gets tired and breathing heavily.

"What?" the detective asked.

"Can you help me to find one person?" he asked.

"Who?" he looked at Dae Ju with questionable eyes.

"Lina." Dae Ju answered shortly. Mr. Park knows that his wife's name is Lina. So, he didn't ask him more.

"Okay, I will," he answered shortly. Dae Ju felt relieved and bowed in front of him.

"Thank you!" he thanked the detective smilingly.

[In Yeon Hoon's place]

Lina came out after taking a shower. She was wearing the t-shirt and the pant which Yeon Hoon gave her a while ago. Though the shirt was big for her, she adjusts it and she was looking cute in it. Her wet hair was shining and looking more black. And for that hair, she was looking more pretty. The chain in her neck was shining though it was like invisible because the chain's color has been mixed with Lina's skin. But the locket was seen because it was heavy. Yeon Hoon looked at her and he couldn't move his eyes from her. His mouth stayed open and he kept looking at her. After a while, when she looked at him, he looked another way. He gets shy though he was happy to see her.

"You are still here? Didn't you go for dinner?" she asked. She couldn't understand now what she will do.

"Ah! Yes, I already ate," he replied shortly.

"Already? How could you eat that fast?" she surprised.

"No! I took enough time," he said hesitatingly. Actually, he was lying. He nearly gulped all the food and came upstairs to see her. His mom was surprised by seeing him eating like this. Though he was not talkative, he talks with his mom when he eats together with her but today he just gulped all the food without saying a single word. Then he ran away from there. He didn't want to go from this room as his mom was calling him continuously, he went downstairs.

"Do you need a hairdryer?" he asked. He has one in his room and if she wants one, he can give her that one.

"No, it's okay. I don't dry my hair with a dryer usually," she replied smilingly.

"Ah! Are you okay now?" he asked.

"Yes, I am okay," she replied gently. He kept looking at her smilingly.

"What?" seeing him like this she surprised.

"No, I was just wondering how can anyone be that beautiful!" he said and came to her. Aish! You little brat! If I am that beautiful then what is Jae Hyuk(another member of SAVAGE KIDS)?" Lina asked and smiled. He is known as a worldwide visual.

"Don't tell me that you like him more than me!" he looked at her with suspicious eyes. In reply, she just smiled and didn't give any answer.

"Woah! Really? You like him? Ah! I feel jealous of him now!" he was mumbling with himself.

"Hey! Don't be mad! His voice is also angelic. That's why I like him but nobody else keep your place." she condoles her.

"Really?" Yeon Hoon asked and looked at her with his sharp eyes.

"Yes, Really! Aish! Why you are so cute!" she came to him and shook his hair. Yeon Hoon gets shy because she was babying him. Though he felt a little angry because he thinks he is not a kid but it was feeling nice too. He has mixed feelings but it was okay to have those feeling until he has the feeling like adults.