104: Bond without relationship

"Uh! Slowly! You will kill me like this!" Dae Ju screamed out of pain. Lina was applying medicines in his face where he got hurt.

"It will be fine!" she said Both of them were sitting on their couch. Lina didn't go to her work today because of him.

"How you make your face like that? Ah!" she felt pity on him and said.

"Why you are hiding things from me? You promised that you will tell me everything from now on. Didn't you?" Lina was worried but a little angry at him too.

"I need to find San-ah. Can you please excuse me? I have to go." Dae Ju wanted to stand up but Lina grabs his hand and looked at him with her angry eyes.

"Why you are caring for others in this situation? It will be finished with no time!" she said loudly.

"Fine! But, you will let me go afternoon that. Promise?" he said finding no other way.

"I will if you tell me the truth behind it," said Lina.

"Okay, then listen!" he agreed to tell her. Lina took another cotton and pour some medicine from the small bottle to apply on his face.

"There is a very young boy I met while practicing," he said.

"While practicing? You went for practice? When? Where?" Lina was very surprised as she has no idea of it. Ah!

"Yes, I should've told you that sooner!" he gave that smile which he usually gave to cover his guilt.

"Then?" she was hard on him and she pressed the cotton on him hard.

"Ouch! You are hurting me more!" Dae Ju screamed.

"Oops! My mistake!" she replied but her face was telling that she wasn't sorry at all.

"We got close within two days. When I was walking with him, some boys were teasing him on street. So, I went to save him and that's why...." Dae Ju said.

"What? You got beaten by those boys? I thought you were strong enough!" Lina was surprised.

"No! I defeated them but the problem was, I didn't know that they have their big brothers who were hooligans. When I was alone, they got me. And they were too many that I couldn't do anything." Dae Ju said though half of his words were true.

"Ah! Then what did you hide from me in the station?" she asked while being soft on him.

"Nothing! This is what I was saying to the detective. I thought you will get angry if you know about it." he smiled.

"Then, let me see your hand," she said and grab his arm. His sleeves were torn and it could be seen that he got hurt on his arm too.

"I think you should open your shirt so that I can see where you got hurt and apply it," Lina said and looked down.

"Hey! How could you say that! No! I am fine! You don't need to see more!" he got embarrassed and said.

"You can have an infection if you don't get the treatment! Then, let's go to the hospital!" she said.

[In another place]

Choi San was playing games on his phone. He was too into it that he didn't notice the time. It's time for practice and he should go. There was a watch on his wrist which he found last night.

"Hey! Choi San! Stop playing! We are ready! Don't you want to go for practice?" a boy asked and entered the room.

"Oh? It's already time?" he looked up and said.

"Yes, and where were you last night? Why you didn't come for the training?" he asked and came to him. This boy was quite friendly to him.

"Ah! I was with Mr. Rumi," he answered while playing.

"Oh! I guessed that. You like him a lot. Don't you?" the boy sat down beside him.

"Yes, he is not just a cool racer. He is a very nice and kind guy too." Choi San replied.

"But, don't forget our rules. We can't trust anyone. You know it, right?" he pats on his shoulder and stood up again.

"Hurry up! If Daniel sees you like this, he will kill you." saying this he went away. Choi San sighed and stopped playing. He went to get ready to the ground. Nobody was aware of Dae Ju's situation. So, they all thought he will come for practice too. But Choi San was not sure about it. He was a little angry on him because he left him alone in the karaoke last night.

When he came, he was searching for Dae Ju but he didn't find him. He thought Dae Ju will be late so he was waiting for him by standing on a corner of the ground alone. Suddenly a car stopped near the lawn and everyone thought it was their top racer. But disappointing them, the chairman came out of the car. He was here to inform them about Dae Ju. All the boys gathered in front of him and seeing them, Choi San also came.

"It's quite disappointing that our main racer can't join you today. He is in a critical position. Some guys beat him up badly and we are thinking that it could be the opposite party. They want us to lose at any cost. I know, you will not be trained as racers but I need someone good at it. Who can beat the opponent easily? Is there anyone who can defeat Rumi?" the chairman was saying like he was giving a speech.

"Yesterday, nobody could defeat him." all the boys said and looked down as if they all were criminals.

"Great(being disappointed)! Then do some preparation. We need someone. I mean, Our boss needs someone." he said.

"Yes, sir!" the boys get the order and get ready to follow it.

"I don't know who it will be but I leave it on you. You have to choose the best one by yourselves!" he was saying like a football coach.

"Yes, sir!" they shouted.

"Why you don't give it a try? Didn't you learn anything from him? You were so close with him!" Daniel said to Choi San. Daniel was the sassiest boy amongst them and everyone got afraid of him and they just had to obey him.

"Ah! I am not as good as you!" Choi San answered.

[In the bedroom of Lina's house]

Dae Ju was standing shirtless. There were so many marks on his body. Even he didn't notice them because he got no time. That's why his whole body was hurting since morning. Before the doctor came to treat him, he escaped from the hospital so he didn't get the treatment. Lina was slowly applying the medicine to his back.

"Uh! It's hurting!" he was screaming out of pain.

"It's okay. It will be alright." Lina was acting like a nurse. A kind, generous, beautiful nurse. When she came in front of him, she saw many marks and got upset.

"How rude they were! Shouldn't they be punished? Did you sue them?" Lina asked.

"Yes!" Dae Ju smiled though he knows he was lying. But it was for consoling her. He was feeling awkward because she was staring at him. She was actually looking at the damaged places. She came closer and started cleaning those places first. She was concerned about her work but Dae Ju couldn't stay standing anymore. Suddenly, his heart starts pounding so fast like he just escapes from the police after stealing something. He was sweating though it wasn't hot at all.

"Sit down. There is blood on your shoulder too. I can't reach you." she said but Dae Ju didn't listen to her. He was just looking at her and he couldn't see anything else more than her and listen to anything else though she was talking with him.

"What happened? Did you get hurt in your ears too? Can't you listening to me?" she pushed him and asked if he was alright or not.

"Oh?" by getting pushed, he came back to his sense and looked another way.

"Oh! Yes," saying this he sat down on the bed. Lina cleaned the blood on his shoulder. Now, she took a bandage to put them on his wounds. She started to applying some liquid medicine on them. Dae Ju felt like he became a stone. He wanted to talk but suddenly he felt like his voice was gone. And he has to rescue his voice if he wanted to talk with her.

When she applied medicine to his forehead, he felt like it's burning but he didn't show any expression. But he can't resist anymore when Lina blew on his face to dry them out so that she can finally put the bandage on them. Her pouting lips were too muck attractive that he wanted to kiss on them. He closed his eyes and move his face towards her. He also pouts like her but she didn't notice him as she was concerned on her work. She put a bandage on it and moved back.

"Lie down. You need to take a rest." Lina said and start arranging the first aid kit. Dae Ju felt disappointed and stay sitting like that. When Lina finished her job, she took a shirt from the cabinet and kept it beside Dae Ju. He took the shirt and wore it.

*Why she acted like that? She understands that he likes her but why she kept acting that she doesn't get it? She is very rude!* Dae Ju thought and make a pouting face again. But until then, Lina went away.

Dae Ju was not feeling right. His whole body starts aching and suddenly he felt cold and weak. He wanted to know about Choi San but he doesn't have a phone. So, he has to go out if he needs to know about him. He took his jacket and slowly came downstairs, Without making any sounds. He checked where Lina was and what she was doing. He didn't see her anywhere. Maybe she was in the kitchen. So, he came outside doing a catwalk. He took his shoe in his hand and after coming outside, he put on them. He took a taxi and went to their practice lawn. He must be there if he was alright.

[At the lawn]

"Hello!" the chairman had a phone call and he was answering it.

"What?" he was astonished by hearing something.

"He escaped? From hospital? How? When?" he shouted with a very surprised voice.

"Okay, I am coming!" he said again and hung up the call.

"Boys! You heard what I said? Then go for your work! I need to go." he said and went away. All the boys started to discussing who can be the replacement for Dae Ju. But the one boy didn't join them. It was Choi San. He felt too disappointed by hearing about his favorite person. He couldn't even imagine it would happen. If he had any idea before, he would've never let him go from the karaoke. Or, maybe he would go with him. Just because he wanted to enjoy more, his brother has to face the dangerous guys! He knows that the area wasn't safe so he could've saved him if he knows he will go to the same place. He sat down on the ground. His eyes became teary but he didn't let them fall on the ground. He looked at the watch. He noticed it on Dae Ju's hand before. And when he found it on the floor inside the karaoke, he recognized it and took it. Since then, he has kept it with him so that he can return it when he will meet him.

"Oy! What happened to you now? Don't be so dramatic! Get up and say something if you want to be a replacement!" Daniel said.

"It's all my fault! It happened because of me! If I was less greedy, it would never happen! I am the cause of his poor condition! For me, he can't take part in the race!" Choi San cried out.