113: Is there something else to know?

"Hello, Rumi-sshi!" Dae Ju has a phone call and he was talking with someone.

"Yes," Dae Ju replied.

"You have to come to the police station. I need your statement for proof." Mr. Park said from the other side.

"Right now?" Dae Ju asked surprisingly.

"Yes, right now." Mr. Park replied. Dae Ju was going to his office but suddenly he got a call and he has to pick that up. Dae Ju didn't think much and he turned back to change his path. After walking for ten minutes, he reached the station.

"Hello, Mr. Park!" he was entering inside and said. But there were too many people inside the station and Dae Ju felt worried by seeing so many people. And most of their faces were familiar to Dae Ju. He saw them somewhere but he couldn't remember them properly.

"Who were they?" He tried to remember.

"Ah! Forget it! It's not my business!" saying this he went inside. But he saw one person was sitting in front of Mr. Park. He was sitting like he was the king. His body structure was familiar too but Dae Ju couldn't recognize him at first. He went closer but suddenly he could remember who it was. So, he turned back to leave the station.

"Mr. Rumi!" detective Park saw him and called.

"Yes!" he smiled weirdly and turned back.

"We need your statement. Where are you going?" detective Park asked proudly.

"Yes? I can't understand what you are saying about!" Dae Ju said and smiled to cover himself.

"Rumi-sshi! Come and sit down here." Mr. Park said with a harsh voice. This time the guy who was sitting in front of Mr. Park, turned back and looked at Dae Ju. Those eyes were haunting Dae Ju from inside. Dae Ju just gives a big smile to prove himself innocent.

"I heard there was a spy in the race. Is that true, Rumi-sshi?" Johnnie said and looked at him. He gives him a weird smile but Dae Ju got the cause behind it. If he said the truth, Johnnie will not spare him alive. Dae Ju looked at detective Park. He was so looking at him smiling at him. Dae Ju knew what that means. If he tells a lie right now, he will be dead too. Dae Ju was very confused. He can't take a side right then. Even if he went to Mr. Park's side, will he be able to live a peaceful life after that?

"F**k!" he said and looked outside.

"Sit down please, Rumi-sshi!" Mr. Park showed the other chair which was beside Johnnie and said him to sit.

"Can I have a seat beside you?" Dae Ju asked hesitatingly.

"Why? You can sit beside me! We are friends," Johnnie said smilingly then he becoming rude he asked, "right?"

"Are we friends? I didn't know about that!" Dae Ju also smiled. Seems like it was a championship of smiling. The one who can survive with width smile will win. But alas! It was not like that. Nobody was smiling because it was a race. They were actually having a conversation by those weird smiles.

"Tell him what you saw and heard. Let's be honest, okay?" detective Park was suddenly acted like Dae Ju was a kid. Dae Ju took a seat beside Johnnie but he moved the chair in a safe place.

"What should I say?" Dae Ju acted like he didn't know anything.

"Who was the receiver of these?" asking this Mr. Park showed the packet of the drugs.

"I don't know. What is it? Is it a baby powder?" Dae Ju laughed very slowly and asked.

"Let me test it by pouring it on your body! And you know what will happen after that. Don't you?" asking this he started to open the plastic.

"No! Why you need to do this?" Dae Ju gulped but smiled hardly.

"Then, tell us what you know. I promise. nobody can harm you. I will guard you by myself. Trust me." he was too gentle with him. Finding no other way, Dae Ju said all of the things which he heard and seen and how they smuggling those drugs using the race. He thought if he tells that, they will arrest them all and once they arrest them, nobody will come to find him or can kill him.

"Bring those boys." saying this to his assistant, Mr. park looked at Dae Ju again.

"Thanks for your cooperation but you have to do one more thing. You have to recognize the boys who were in the race. Okay?" he said. Suddenly Dae Ju's eyes went to Johnnie again and he got afraid by his scary look. He was looking at Dae Ju like he was gonna rip him apart if he got an opportunity.

"How can I help you?" Dae Ju asked gently. He was afraid but he didn't show that and continued answering Mr. Park smilingly.

"All of them weren't there, right?" detective Park asked and pointed at some boys who just came inside the room. All of them were handcuffed and they made a face like they were thefts. Dae Ju looked at all of the boys one by one.

"Can I make a phone call? I am not sure if all of them were in the team or not," he asked to Detective Park. After counting, Dae Ju finds that there were nine boys in total. He called Choi San to make sure. Because he can recognize them well.

"Hyung! Didn't you go to work? I am outside now. Do you need something?" he asked. They were video chatting so they can see each other.

"Ah! I need your help. Can you do a job for me?" Dae Ju was sweating while talking.

"Sure! I can give my life for you!" saying this he noticed his pale face.

"Is anything wrong?" he asked again but Dae Ju didn't pay attention to him.

"Look at them and tell me if they were the boys who were in the hidden mission or not." Dae Ju showed the boys' faces one by one.

"Yes, all of them were. Why? Where are you now?" he said curiously.

"Never mind! I will tell you later." saying this he hung up the call.

"So, do you have anything to say for cover yourself?" Mr. Park asked Johnnie.

"Not for now." he bends his head down. But he seems confident in himself.

"But, he wasn't beh....." one of his men tried to say something but Johnnie pulls his hand on air and gestured him to stop.

Mr. Park gives a victory smile and looked at the other detectives. They all became little to him because they bet that he can never catch him. So, they were also making a guilty face though they were not criminals.

"You can leave now. I will give you updates and also give you securities. You can go safely. He can't do anything because I will capture every one of his gang." he smiled and said to Dae Ju.

"Then, you don't need the truth. Do you?" suddenly Johnnie start talking.

"He doesn't need anything (looking at Johnnie). You can go now(looking at Dae Ju)!" he was rude to both of them.

"Put all of them in the locker," he ordered to other officers.

Dae Ju came out from there. After two weeks later, he succeeds to catch them. And Dae Ju doesn't think he will spare them this time. But what about the chairman? What happened to him? Why he wasn't there? Wasn't he on the criminal list? He used to train those kids for dealing drugs! Dae Ju wondered. He was hesitating to go to work because he was afraid of the chairman to know about what happened in the station, he will not gonna spare him. And Dae Ju couldn't figure out the case which started a long ago. When he heard the chairman was ordering someone to kill someone. He can be too dangerous that Dae Ju can ever imagine. So, he should stay careful of him. While thinking these things, he came to the company. He stood near the huge building. He sighed because he was confused.

"Hey, man! What's up!" a guy suddenly came to Dae Ju and hold him by asking this. Dae Ju got afraid and moved aside.

"What's wrong? Why you are scared?" asked the chairman.

"Ah! It's you! I got startled!" Dae Ju tried to act normal.

"Ah! I scared you! I am sorry!" he laughed. Dae Ju tried to read his face but he failed just like he failed to read his face every time. There is a huge difference between his facial reaction and inner mindset. So, Dae Ju is confused whenever he needs to be sure about him.

"Did you heard the news?" he asked while whispering and came closer to him.

"Which news?" Dae Ju asked curiously.

"That Johnnie has been arrested!" he seems very happy when he was saying this.

"Oh, really? How did you know?" Dae Ju asked as he couldn't understand if he should tell the truth or not.

"I know everything!" say this he smiled but his smile was looking creepy to Dae Ju.

*Did he do this willingly? Why he is saying this to him? Is he planning on something? Why he is so happy with this news? Is he acting or he is really happy? Was he an enemy of Johnnie? No! He was a friend of his. Then why?* Dae Ju was in deep thought.

"I also heard there was a spy inside his team. And he helped police to catch him," he said as if it was a very interesting story.

"Ah! Really?" Dae Ju acted normal but suddenly he couldn't act like he was okay. His face becomes dark.

"Are you alright?" The chairman asked. "Ah! Yes, I am alright!" Dae Ju replied and smiled.

"Then, go inside! Take a look at our new project. I will meet you later. I have to go somewhere." saying this he walked another way.

"Yes," Dae Ju bowed to him and tried to understand him. As he couldn't, he felt disappointed.

Dae Ju couldn't work properly today as he was so worried for everyone. What if Johnnie gets out of jail someday? Won't he search for him and kill him? What if he has men outside and they will help him to get out from there? He doesn't feel anything right. There must be something which he wasn't aware of. Something was missed by them. And they just couldn't get the right thing. The man who worked under Johnnie tried to say something earlier in the police station. But, Johnnie didn't let him. Why? Are they hiding something? What is that? And what was the truth? He needs to know. But who will help him to find the truth? He has a feeling that Johnnie was not the real culprit. Maybe there is someone else who was doing this by using his name.

Suddenly Dae Ju has a feeling that everything was the chairman's doing. He trained those boys. Though he said, he was doing this for Johnnie. If it was true, then why he wasn't arrested? The chairman was a cunning fox. He can do anything for himself. Dae Ju was walking on the street while thinking these. He gets on a bus to go home. Everything was feeling strange. He took a seat. There were a lot of blank seats today. Where are the rest of the passengers? He rides the bus every day but it used to be full of passengers. Don't they need to ride on it? He has a feeling that they all made a plan against him. But what can he do to all these people? Are they willingly do that or he was just imagining it? He couldn't understand. Suddenly his phone starts ringing. He took out his phone and saw it was San. He was going to pick up but suddenly he noticed that the nine or ten people who were on the bus were staring at him as if he did something very wrong. Dae Ju didn't pick up the call and when he saw the next station, he got down from the bus as he wasn't feeling right.