121: Some words remain unspoken

Some days passed by but Mr. Park hasn't come back yet. He has to go to foreign for some reason. Though there was no news from him, Dae Ju was sure that he will come back. As he trusted him the most, he didn't go to any other officer. Catherine was also with Mr. Park so Dae Ju couldn't say her anything. He wanted to put the mask off of the chairman in front of everyone. But he has to wait for it. Though he didn't stop going to his work as he needs know every steps of the chairman. But nowadays, he seems like he lost interest on his work and he seems strange to Dae Ju. Though he couldn't tell anything about it, he was watching over him from far and just do what he told him to do.

It was a holiday and Dae Ju was sitting inside his home as if he was living inside it for a long time. He was looking at his phone screen to get the news update. It's been a week since San hasn't come home. Maybe he was busy with his own life. Lina finished washing the clothes and she went to the rooftop to dried them out. There was a perfect family vibe in that house. But the secret of the house owner hasn't been revealed yet. Though Dae Ju wasn't the owner of the house, he was the owner of the family. They are still living in a huge mistake though nobody gets even a clue about it. Dae Ju was reading the news on his phone and suddenly his phone starts ringing. He saw it was Detective Park whom he was eagerly waiting for.

"Hello!" he was gentle.

"What are you doing? Why have you called me several times?" Mr. Park asked from the other side.

"I was worried about you. What are you doing? When you will come? I have some things to show you!" Dae Ju makes his lips pout and said.

"I will come tomorrow. It was a government order so I had to go without telling you. I will ride on the plane after two hours so don't worry. I will take care of the rest after I come. Got it?" Mr. Park was gentle too.

"Okay. I can wait for you." saying this Dae Ju hung up the call. As he was feeling bored, he went upstairs to do something enjoyable. But what can he do? He has nothing to do. All he can do was worried about his life, her life. Did every grown-up man has to do this? Is there no source to enjoy their lives? How can they stay happy? Is there any other way to stay happy? He couldn't understand that. He knew that there were many things to be happy but all of them were missing in his life right then. He needs something else, something funny, something mysterious, something curious, something sweet, something cute, something sad, something reliable. But the opposite side wasn't ready yet to give him what he wants. He gave up on going back and that's why he was living in little pain but all of his pain vanished when he see that sweet, cute, beautiful face. He can spend the rest of his life by just looking at that face. But, can he do that? He doesn't know.

He reached to the rooftop without knowing that his most attractive thing was there. She was squeezing water from the clothes and then hanging them on the rope. While she was hanging them she has to stand on her toe as the rope was higher than her height. Dae Ju saw her but he finds her sexy. So he didn't go to help her. He was watching her from far and seems like he lost somewhere. Suddenly a piece of cloth slipped from her hand but it was wrapped with the rope because of the fast wind. Lina tried to take the cloth from the rope but it was too high that she couldn't reach it. She started jumping but she failed. When she was jumping, her skin of belly was visible and Dae Ju was just looking at that as a real pervert.

"Aish! Forget it! I should have left it here!" saying this she stopped jumping. She went to take another piece of clothe to shrink water from it. She didn't notice there was someone who was looking at her and watching over her. Suddenly she felt something on her belly. She was surprised and also shocked. She couldn't do anything because she was afraid too. After that, she felt something grab her belly strongly. Before she understands anything she felt like she was floating on the air. She tried to look back and see Dae Ju was trying to pluck her up to help her. She became happy and relieved.

"What are you doing?" Lina asked though she was happy.

"Hurry up! Take that! That's my favorite t-shirt!" Dae Ju pointed at the folded cloth and said. Lina slowly took it and hand it on the rope finely.

"Thank you!" Lina said. Dae Ju wanted to grab her like this but.....

"You can leave me now!" Lina said smilingly.

"Ah! Okay." saying this he left her on the ground safely. Lina went back to her work but she didn't know about the feeling of her husband. He keeps distracting from his thoughts because of her. There was an inner mind of everyone who wants a lot from a human. That mind of Dae Ju which was currently living inside another body also wants something very precious from someone. But she couldn't understand it yet and maybe she has no interest to understand it.

Dae Ju was standing like a statue and he gets wet because he was sweating a lot. His heart started to pound in lightning speed but as always he can't listen to his inner mind. He has to force himself to stop because he doesn't know about her opinion. He can understand how he can be happy in being a normal person. Maybe this is how many stay happy after experiencing so much difficulty and after spending so much hard time. Happiness is not for everyone. Happiness is for those people who can find them. Dae Ju was happy in his original body because he could find happiness. And now, he can find happiness here too. But he just can't live in the way how he will stay happy. He sighed and looked back for leave from there.

[After a day]

"Noona!" Yeon Hoon called Lina. He came to her workplace because of something. He couldn't get time to meet her as their team just have a comeback and he was very busy with that. After about a month, he can get some time and he ran to his love. He felt like he won't be able to breathe if he doesn't meet her soon.

"Oh! Hoon-ah! You are here? I thought you will never come to me!" Lina didn't start working yet as she came too soon. Dae Ju went to the police station so early and she was getting bored at home. So, she thought she should better come to work. There was nobody else in the salon and she was all alone. Yeon Hoon didn't expect that but he was happy to see her. And also felt happy because she was alone there.

"Why? Why you think so?" Yeon Hoon pout and asked.

"Ah! Just because. I thought you would be very busy." Lina smiled.

"Did you watch the stage performance yesterday? How did I do? Or, you didn't watch them?" He asked and came to her. She was cleaning the ingredients which she was gonna keep on the table before opening the salon.

"I watched it! You were looking so cool!" Lina smiled.

"Really? Aw! Thank you!" he was so happy that he felt like he was gonna fly in the sky.

"But, I have something to tell you." suddenly the environment gets heavy and he make a serious face.

"What's that?" Lina was decorating the items on the desk so she didn't look at him and said. Yeon Hoon wasn't prepared for this but as he get some time with her alone and he was sure that this moment is gonna be private as nobody noticed him to come here and if he do or tell something here, it won't be revealed. So, he slowly went to Lina.

"Noona! Do you like me?" he asked seriously.

"Of course! Why I won't like you! I actually love you!" Lina has no idea what he meant and which answer did she just said.

"How you love me?" he asked and kept coming to her. Lina finished decorating and stood up properly.

"What kind of question is it?" Lina laughed. She thought he was joking.

"Ah! I have to shoot a skit tomorrow. So, I was just practicing! HAHA!" he understood what she meant so he changed the topic. But human can't change their heart just by changing the topic. It happened this time too. His heart kept saying him to go close to her and say what he has in his heart. He was trying to push himself away but he couldn't defeat his naughty heart.

"Ah! Do you want me to help?" she asked and came closer to him.

"Hmm.....Ah..... Actually....I..... Couldn't find anyone who would help me...." he was planning something in his mind so he was hesitating to say that.

"So, tell me how can I help you Kang Yeon Hoon-sshi!" Lina said with an adorable voice. She was looking at him and he just can't stay like that anymore. He holds her arms and took her to one corner so that nobody can notice them from outside.

"You can just stay like this," he said very slowly.

"Oh! Stay like this? Why?" Lina was surprised but she couldn't understand what he wanted to do so she kept listening to him.

"Hmm. Stay like this silently. And also close your eyes. I have to say my dialogue. And if you keep open your eyes, I will get nervous and I can't do my parts properly." He reduced his voice and make a very soft voice while speaking. But still, the poor girl couldn't get it. She trusted him so much that she couldn't even imagine what he was going to do.

"Close my eyes? Like this?" asking this she closed her both eyes together.

"Hmm. Like this," he said and gulped. He went closer though Lina has no idea about it. Suddenly he heard a noise and looked back. Lina also opened her eyes to look if there was any customer but nothing was there. A sound just came from outside.

"What? Did you forget your dialogues?" Lina asked smilingly. When she opened her eyes, Yeon Hoon wasn't too close to her. So she thought it was alright.

"Yes, but why you opened your eyes? Keep close your eyes and don't open them until I say. Got it?" Yeon Hoon said with a hard voice but a soft way.

"Okay!" Lina closed her eyes again. But she couldn't hear any sounds from him. He was silent so she was curious to know what he was doing.

"What? Didn't you remember yet?" she asked while closing her eyes.

"I will! Just stay still." he was faltering.

"Hurry up! I don't have much time!" Lina said to hurry him up. If she could understand what he was going to do, she would never allow this. Yeon Hoon came more closer to her. Their distance was nearly two inches. He tried to tell how he feels but suddenly his throat stuck and no sounds were coming from his throat. There was a strange silence everywhere.