123: The lost friend

"Where are you? I need to meet you." Detective Park called Dae Ju and he was talking with him on phone. Dae Ju was staying at the office but he didn't work for all day long. He was thinking about the morning and felt lifeless. That's why he couldn't do any work properly. Whenever he went to do anything, he messed up with that and failed. It was not his original form. He can do his work properly but today, he was very sad that he didn't want to do anything. He didn't eat anything for the whole day but he didn't feel like he was starving.

"Yes. Where are you?" his voice was also down.

"I am not at the station. Can you come to my home?" Mr. Park asked.

"Okay." saying this he hung up the call. He took the pendrive when he went out from home in very morning so it was still with him. His house wasn't very far but Dae Ju went there once and so he forgot where it was. He remembered it was not in a crowded place. There was just one house there. But he forgot how he went there and how he can go now. After hanging up he remembered about it so he called again.

"Ah! I don't remember your house. Can we meet somewhere else?" Dae Ju asked with a very low voice.

"Sure! Then come to your home. I will meet you there." saying this he hung up the call again.

"But...." Dae Ju didn't willing to go home so he was going to refuse him but before that Mr. Park hung up the call. The office has been closed a while ago but he was still sitting on his chair inside his room. He doesn't feel like going home but he stood up as he has no other choice. If he calls Mr. Park again he will get angry at him for no reason and right now he doesn't want to get scolded by anyone. He sighed and stood up to leave this place. He was thinking about his previous life, his present life and his future life. He was too confused that he wanted to go somewhere. Far, very very far. Where nobody will come to disturb him. He will live there in peace. What if he went far from here? Can he forget about everything and can able to live peacefully? He can't. Though he thinks he can but nobody can live like this. Moreover, destiny doesn't want that. He has to come to that way which destiny decided for him.

After a while, he reached home though he was standing outside. He couldn't gain the strength or will to go inside and face that person whom he loves more than himself. He thought nobody can love others more than himself in this world. But now, he understood why people say that love can change anyone. He also changed but now he feels like it would be better if he didn't change. It would be nice and everything would be alright if he never met her. Why did she make him fall for her? And why she doesn't accept him now? He has so many questions but he has no answers. He was waiting outside for Mr. Park so that he can convince him to go somewhere else. He was walking here and there. His stomach was aching because he didn't eat anything for the whole day. But he didn't understand why his stomach was aching because he forgot it.

Suddenly he saw someone was coming to him. He thought it might be Mr. Park but it was not. Jheong Woo came to him. He wanted to meet him so he came to his house without saying anything. Dae Ju has many questions to ask him but suddenly he couldn't ask him anything. He was standing being silent.

"What are you doing outside?" Jheong Woo asked.

"Let's go to the roadside restaurant." without giving him an answer, he told him and pointed at the main road.

"Okay, let's go." Jheong Woo said being confused. He was curious to know what happened to him as he has no idea about what happened to him since morning.

"Why you are looking down?" Jheong Woo asked him while walking together. But Dae Ju didn't answer anything. He kept walking silently.

"Did something wrong happened?" Jheong Woo asked again but as earlier Dae Ju stay silent. Both of them were walking together but nobody was talking. Seems like they were going hunting and they must have to stay silent. After some moments, Dae Ju took his phone from his pocket and called Mr. Park.

"I am on my way. Just wait a little more." Mr. Park said from another side.

"No, don't come to my house. Meet me in the roadside restaurant." Dae Ju told him the name and meet him there. Mr. Park wasn't ready for that but he didn't say anything to him. Both of them reached to the restaurant and went inside. It was full of customers as a reunion party has been arranged by some people and Dae Ju was not aware of them. Though it was helpful for them. Nobody can listen to them for the chaos but there was too much chaos. Dae Ju was finding a table in one corner so that they can sit and talk with each other without any interruption. They found a table in one corner and took their seats.

"Now tell me, what happened to you? Why you are looking down?" Jheong Woo asked him again but Dae Ju was looking at the people who were enjoying the party.

"I missed so many parties." he sighed.

"Are you worried because you want to go back?" Jheong Woo asked curiously.

"Hmm." Dae Ju sighed though it was not true.

"I can understand but what can we do? Do you want to visit him once again? Maybe he can help you." Jheong Woo was calm as he wanted to console him. But it was of no use. Dae Ju couldn't find his inner peace and that's why every single word he was hearing was like a needle that was poking in his ears hardly.

"You wanna go? Then don't waste time! Hurry up!" Jheong Woo said again and looked at Dae Ju but seems like he has no interest in going there.

"What?" Jheong Woo was surprised. He stood up when he hurried him up but seeing this face he took his seat again.

"Aish! I can't see your this face! Now, tell me the truth. What happened? Hm?" Jheong Woo came closer and looked at him curiously. That time Dae Ju looked at someone and pull his hand on air.

"Hey! Here! Come this way! I am here!" Dae Ju stood up and wave his hand on air. Jheong Woo so looked at the person but he couldn't see him as there was too much crowd. He was curious so he tried to see who it was. After a minute, Detective Park came to them and took a seat in the middle of them.

"Why you chose this place? I can't hear anything!" Mr. Park was annoyed by the noise.

"Please deal with it. I have a problem so I can't go home." Dae Ju said being gentle.

"Okay, did you bring that?" Mr. Park asked.

"Hmm. Here it is." saying this he took out the pendrive from his pocket and said.

"But, I need to watch the clips now." Mr. Park asked.

"How? There's no laptop here!" Jheong Woo asked.

"Don't worry. I have an OTG cable. But, you didn't copy them anywhere, right?" asked Mr. Park while taking his phone and connecting the pendrive.

"No," Dae Ju replied.

"Aish! It's not working! Is it because the cable is not working?" Mr. Park tried hard to connect it but failed.

"Then take my phone. Maybe it's because of your phone." saying this with a lifeless voice he said and give his phone.

"Aish! There are too much data. I have to search for the whole night if I want the right data." Mr. Park got annoyed.

"Don't worry. I changed the name so you can easily find them." saying this he chooses the file which they needed and opened the files.

"Ah! this is it! I will remember the title but I need everything to prove Johnnie's guilt too." Mr. Park became happy.

"Then keep everything! I didn't say anything to you." Dae Ju has a smile on his face but it was strange.

"What is this?" suddenly the detective opened a file by mistake and said.

"What?" Dae Ju and Jheong Woo became curious and asked. There was a file where a picture of someone's biography was shown.

"Who is this?" Jheong Woo asked curiously.

"Baek Kyung?" Dae Ju was surprised.

"Why his biography is here? How can he connect with them?" He was very curious. There was a small photo of his old friend and Dae Ju immediately recognize him by watching the tiny photo.

"You know him?" Mr. Park asked.

"Hmm. He is one of my friends." Dae Ju sighed.

"Then you should better know how he is connected with Johnnie?" Mr. Park said.

"I don't know. Because I didn't see him for 12 years." Dae Ju said. He was still surprised.

"Aish! Why there are too many things? Maybe he is one of their enemy whom they are searching for!" Mr. Park acted like he got some clue.

"What? Enemy? They are searching for?" Dae Ju got afraid and asked.

"I think so." Mr. Park said though he wasn't sure about it.

"What if they really chase him? Can he survive? How could he end up like this? My poor buddy! I searched for him everywhere but I couldn't find him." Dae Ju sighed.

"Hey! Again! Why you are acting like someone died?" Jheong Woo asked while being annoyed with him.

"Ah! What if they killed him without any reason?" Dae Ju sighed again.

"Wait! There is a phone number. We can make sure by calling this number." Mr. Park said and dialed the number.

After ringing for some time, someone picked up from another side.

"Hello! Who are you?" a guy was talking from the other side.

"Hello! Is this Baek Kyung I am speaking with?" Mr. Park asked formally.

"Yes," the guy replied from the other side. Dae Ju and Jheong Woo were looking at him with their questionable eyes so he shook his head positively to assure them it was him.

"Ah!" Dae Ju pulled the phone from Mr. Park's hand being happy and start talking.

"Can you recognize me? It's me! Your buddy!" Dae Ju said out of excitement. He forgot who he was because he felt happy talking with his old friend.

"Who?" Baek Kyung asked.

"It's me! Dae Ju!" he said. Mr. Park heard what he just said so he looked at Jheong Woo making a weird face as he thought he was going crazy.

"Has he gone mad?" he asked Jheong Woo. Jheong Woo was also surprised by hearing Dae Ju.

"Ah! Maybe!" he gave a weird smile to Mr. Park and said.

"Hey! Didn't you find anyone else to make fun of? I will complain about you! How can you disturb people like that!" Baek Kyung got angry with him.

"No! It's true!" Dae Ju said in his style.

"Then who is that person lying on the bed? You filthy people! Don't you dare to call me again!" saying this he hung up the call.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Dae Ju said without taking a break. But it was late and until then he hung up the call.

"Are you crazy? Give me my phone back." Mr. Park snatched his phone from Dae Ju and looked on the screen.

"Hey! Why you said that?" Jheong Woo gestured to him by saying how he does this stupid thing.

"Ah! It's okay! It was true anyway!" Dae Ju said. He has mixed feelings though sadness was surrounded him from everywhere.

"What? I am noticing you since I called you! What happened to you? Did your brain stop functioning?" Mr. Park seems angry with him but Dae Ju stayed silent.