128: Finally, the mask dropped

"Oh, you came!" Lina saw Dae Ju was entering in a rush and said.

"Yes, but I need to go." saying this he went upstairs as soon as he can. Lina was surprised as she doesn't know anything why he was in a rush. He was calm before coming down.

"Lina-ah!" he shouted from upstairs.

"What?" Lina responded to him and went upstairs.

"Where is my coat? I always keep it here!" he was standing by opened the cupboard and asked because he couldn't find his suit which he used to wear to go to work.

"Ah! That! I washed them so they are wet." Lina replied by remembering.

"Why? Why you didn't ask me before? Ah! What should I wear now? I don't have another suit!" Dae Ju was nearly shouted but he felt disappointed so he couldn't.

"That was too dirty! Don't you remember what you did to it? Jheong Woo gave it to me last night!" Lina said. Dae Ju has no reply to give her so he was quiet.

"I need to go now! What should I suppose to wear now?" he was in tension.

"Stay right here. I will be back!" saying this Lina went out. Her footsteps were heard and seem like she was in a rush.

"I am still ashamed of my doing! What should I do? Can I avoid her for all day?" Though Dae Ju was not doing this on purpose, he was relieved because he didn't want to talk with her as it reminds him about the last night. Lina came back within a few minutes. She has a big packet in her hand.

"Oh! What is this?" Dae Ju was surprised.

"I bought it to gift you for our fourth anniversary but I couldn't as you were dangerous those days. So, I can't get the courage to give it to you." Lina said simply but the words weren't that simple for Dae Ju. He was hurt by hearing this and also hurt because she doesn't know the truth.

"Take it!" Lina gave the bag to him. Dae Ju took it from her hand and peek what was inside it. It was another suit. The light greyish color with a light stripe was looking beautiful on it. He took out the coat and the pant.

"It's nice." Dae Ju said while looking at it.

"Right? I also found it nice. That's why I bought it for you! I thought you will look nice on it." Lina gave a big smile and said.

"Didn't you buy it because it was at a discount?" Dae Ju found a discount card in it so he said.

"Um-hm!" Lina's smile vanished and she clears her throat though she didn't say anything.

"Okay, I will wear it. Leave from here." Dae Ju said.

"Okay," Lina didn't say anything else as she got ashamed because the truth has been exposed. She really bought it because it was at a 60% discount. Lina went to downstairs to arrange the food on the table. In the meantime, Dae Ju came by wearing the suit. He was really looking handsome.

"Oh! It fits you well!" Lina was surprised because she buys it about a year ago.

"Yes, Now I have to go." he was going outside but suddenly Lina holds his hand.

"No! You can't leave like this! You should eat first!" Lina wanted to stop him. Dae Ju was feeling hungry but he remembered about Mr. Park.

"I will eat outside!" saying this he exceeded his hand and went outside.

"Aish! Fine! Go! Don't come to me by getting sick!" Lina shouted but until then, Dae Ju went outside. But he heard her clearly. He smiled because he never listen her to curse and he found her cute.

He went to his office. As the director has no idea about what was going to happen to him, he was spending his time happily. Dae Ju wanted to meet him though there was no reason to meet him. He went to his room. He was gonna knock on the door but suddenly he felt something suspicious. The director was talking with someone while laughing.

"Is there someone else inside?" he asked the receptionist.

"No! You can go." the girl replied. Still, Dae Ju waits for him outside. Actually, he was trying to hear what he was talking about and whom he was talking with.

"No! He can't be free! Don't worry!" he was laughing.

"Yes, just go how we planned!" he said again but Dae Ju was curious what the other person was saying.

"Yes! I am the Mafia from now on!" he said again while laughing.

"Aish! Don't talk about him! He was a fool! That's why it was easy to fooled him!" he said again and this time he increased his voice while laughing.

"You don't wanna go?" the girl asked him.

"Ah! Maybe I should leave him alone!" Dae Ju smiled weirdly and said.

"Okay, I will tell him that you came to meet him," she said.

"No! Please, don't tell him." Dae Ju begged.

"Do you know whom he was talking with?" Dae Ju felt curious so he asked.

"His son. He talks with him almost every day," she replied.

"Ah!" saying this he turned around and was surprised by seeing his secretary.

"What? His son is here! Then who is he talking with?" Dae Ju felt something suspicious and said in his mind. He went to him to check if he was wearing headphones or not. And he became more surprised when he saw, there was nothing on his ears. Seeing Dae Ju staring at him like that, he moved backward.

"Do you need anything?" his secretary asked.

"Ah! No! I was just looking at you because you were looking handsome today." Dae Ju said.

"Ah!" the boy got red and looked at the girl. The girl smiled sweetly at him. Dae Ju could understand what was going on there.

"But, how could you know he was talking with his son?" Dae Ju went closer to the girl and asked by whispering.

"He told me!" she pointed at the boy and replied.

"Ah! He has another son!" Dae Ju asked with a very low voice.

"Hmm. But don't tell him that I tell you." she was whispering too.

"Okay, deal!" Dae Ju gestured to her that everything is okay.

"What are you guys are whispering about?" the boy asked.

"Nothing!" both of them gave big smile to him and said. But he looked at them with his suspicious eyes.

"Then, I have to leave!" saying this Dae Ju left from there and went to his room.

"Who is the second son of the chairman? Why did he hide him? Why he was talking with him like that? What they planned to do? Is it possible that his son is his partner in crime?" Dae Ju has several questions in his mind but he couldn't get the answers.

"Ai! It can't be! That girl must be lying to me! How can a father make his own son as his partner in crime?" Dae Ju said to himself and was surprised. He peeked outside from his window. It was getting sunny. There is a lot of clouds in the sky though it was sunny. Dae Ju looked down and saw there were a lot of people surrounded their building. When he looked carefully, he can see that police has arrived. He was curious so he went outside. And as he assumed, Mr. Park was there with his assistants. They went to the chairman's room directly.

"Mr. Hyun! You have to come with us." Mr. Park said.

"What? Why? What did I do?" he smiled instead of becoming afraid.

"You are under arrest. Here's your arrest command." Mr. Park smiled and showed a paper to him.

"But, what's my crime?" he acted like he doesn't know anything.

"You will find out soon!" Mr. Park said and ordered his assistants to arrest him. All the workers who were working, have been gathered to see what was going on.

"This company doesn't belong to him. He took it from someone by conning the director." Mr. Park announced.

"Oh my gosh! Is this real! We thought he is a great man!" the workers looked at each other and saying this surprisingly.

"No! It's not true! Please, don't believe him! I will prove that this company belongs to me!" The chairman was busy clearing himself.

"We will talk about it later. Let's go now. And also, take him with us too." Mr. Park pointed at his son and said.

"No! I didn't do anything! I have no idea about it either!" he said being astonished.

"We will see that!" Mr. Park said calmly and then he started walking frontwards.

"What? He seems very decent!" all the people were talking with each other while glaring at him.

"Where is Seung Mang?" Mr. Park came back to him and asked. In reply, The chairman smiled and keep going silently. Mr. Park stayed silent but he was getting angry. Dae Ju could understand that but he was standing in one corner.

"Okay! I am a conman! But, whom I conned? Show me! Where us the proof! Show me!" the director stopped walking and shouted then he looked at the people who were watching his show.

"Oh! I guess it's you! Take a look!" Mr. Park took his phone out and showed him the clips which he got against him. Seeing the proof, he couldn't say anything and looked down.

"So, this is how you took revenge on me!" he just said these words calmly. His son was also surprised and looked at him.

"Dad! When did you plan this?" his face was getting dark when he watched the clip.

"Whose company is it then?" his son went to him and asked by shouting. But he stayed silent and kept looking down.

"TELL ME!" he shouted and hold his collar though his hands were handcuffed.

"Please, come with us." The assistant of Mr. Park who was holding the boy's hand pulled him back and said gently.

"No! You have to answer! Leave me!" he was trying to exceed himself and shouted by looking at the chairman. Dae Ju was watching from far. He was feeling bad for the boy. He could understand that he wasn't involved in his dad's crime. And maybe that's why he doesn't like him. The chairman looked at Dae Ju and pointed at him. All the people also looked at him so he got ashamed. He tried to look another way but he failed.

"That guy over there!" he said.

"Okay, enough of drama! Now, move on!" Mr. Park said to everyone. Hearing him, all the officers started moving with their criminals. When walking frontward, the chairman stopped beside Dae Ju and looked at him.

"So, you helped him. Didn't you?" he smiled. Seems like he has no problem with being arrested. Dae Ju looked down and remain silent.

"I will see you," he said very calmly.

"Come!" saying this the officer pulled him and that's why he started to move again.

"Did you knew about it from earlier?" Min-Ah asked Dae Ju.

"Hmm." Dae Ju nodded his head as he wasn't feeling something right. He was looking at the boy and felt pity for him. His mind was telling him just one thing, *help the poor boy!* But he couldn't do anything because he doesn't know the truth.

When the police left, the workers were standing there being silent. They have nothing to do right now as they couldn't adopt the truth.

"How can he do that!" the lady said. Ah!

"That's why our old people used to say that evil always comes with a sweet smile!" another lady said.

"What should we do now?" a make worker shouted.

"We should vote for the new director! We can't lose the company! We have to run it and we will vote for the original owner!" another male worker announced.

"No! This company should be closed as we don't know how many illegal things are going on behind it!" another worker said.

"Oy, mister! Did you ever imagine how all of these people will survive if the company has been closed? From where did you get money? Do you think you can get another job this easily?" the guy who was on behalf of voting said. Seems like they were quarreling with each other.

"Yes! Yes! He is right! The company should not be closed!" all the workers were divided into two teams. One team wants to keep working and the other doesn't. It was too much Chaos but nobody took a step to control them.

"Stop it! This company will stay. And it will go to its legal owner! I am not telling you this because I am a board member! I am telling this because I know who the real owner is!" Dae Ju shouted and came in front of everyone.

"Oh! Really? That's why the chairman pointed at him? Then, isn't it you?" Min-Ah said and looked at him.

"No! I am not! This belongs to someone else." Dae Ju replied politely.