135: Accepting the truth is challenging

"Hello, buddy!" Dae Ju greeted Johnnie who was sitting on his regular throne like chair. Johnnie looked at Dae Ju with his killer eyes as he just called him buddy.

"Ah! I am sorry! I thought you are my friend. By the way, why you called me?" Dae Ju asked and give him a big smile.

"Who is he?" Johnnie pointed behind him and asked. Jheong Woo came with him after lost in the debate with Dae Ju. He didn't want to come towards him. So he was hiding behind Dae Ju. But Johnnie noticed him and asked as he didn't saw him before.

"Ah! He! Meet my friend Jheong Woo. He is your..." Dae Ju tried to say more but Jheong Woo put his hand on his mouth and didn't let him finish.

"What?" Johnnie was annoyed.

"Nothing! Your majesty! I just came because he didn't know the place." Jheong Woo said and smiled. He was standing behind him and he came beside Dae Ju. He was pressing Dae Ju's mouth until then.

"What are you doing?" Dae Ju exceeded his mouth and asked.

"Okay, let's talk about some business no," said Johnnie with his deep voice.

"Yes!" Dae Ju prepared himself.

"You wanted to know who gave an order to kill Kim Dae Ju, right?" he asked and looked at Dae Ju.

"Yes, you are right." Dae Ju shook his head positively and said.

"Okay, hey! Give him that thing!" he looked at his guards and said. A man came to Dae Ju and gave him something. It was a pen.

"What should I do with this pen?" Dae Ju was surprised.

"Do you think it's a regular pen?" Johnnie asked and looked at Dae Ju as if he was a fool. Dae Ju looked at the pen. It was smaller than a regular sized pen but it was thicker than regular one.

"If you open its lid, you will find a jack. You have to put it in your computer. It's a pendrive." Johnnie replied.

"Ah! I understand! But, how can it be a pendrive?" Dae Ju was surprised and start looking at it while rotating it upside down.

"You will destroy it! Do you know how costly it is! Hey! Who's idea it was! Bring him to me! I will cut his head!" he became annoyed and shouted.

"Ah! Then why don't you just show me? I don't want to take it with me." Dae Ju smiled being afraid.

"Okay, take it back," he ordered to his another man. The guy came to him and took the pen from him. The place was dark but the faces were seen in the little red light. When Dae Ju went to meet Johnnie in jail, he have a long beard. But now, he cut them and shape them as he always shaped.

Suddenly the lights turned on and came with a laptop. He injected the pendrive in it and turned on what he was told to.

"Look, I have to keep an eye on my partners always. Anyone can change, right? (he looked at his men and they shook their heads positively) So, I recorded everything. But don't misunderstand me. I am just telling this to you because you helped me. But if you betrayed me, it will not take one second to finish you. Got it?" he gives the death glare to Dae Ju and said. He was assuming that he was gonna deceive him. And that's why he called him.

"No! Why I would? You are my friend!" Dae Ju smiled weirdly.

"Really?" he looked at Jheong Woo and asked.

"Yes!" Jheong Woo also shook his head positively and smiled like Dae Ju.

"Show us! What are you waiting for?" he looked around and shouted. A guy put a small table beside them. The guy who has the laptop kept it on the small table and start a video.

"Do you record everything?" Dae Ju asked suddenly out of curiosity.

"Yes, Of course. You don't know when you need what! I have to!" he replied with his deep voice.

"Ah! Then, you are recording our conversation too?" Dae Ju asked being afraid.

"Do you have any problem with it?" asked Johnnie angrily.

"No! Why I would have any problem?" Dae Ju laughed afraidly.

"Good! Now watch it and get lost. But remember, don't you dare to split it out that you helped me to get the bail. Got it?" said Johnnie with serious voice.

"Yes, I understand!" Dae Ju said as if he got an order from his commander.

"You too! Keep your mouth shut no matter what!" he pointed at Jheong Woo and said.

"Yes, I understand." Jheong Woo was like a newborn kitty who didn't learn how to talk yet.

The video has been started and all of them were watching it curiously. There was a person who came to him. He was drunk. His face wasn't seen fully. But he was acting strange.

"What do you want?" someone asked to him. It was the voice of Johnnie. But in the video, he wasn't seen.

"Kill him! Finish his life as he did to me!" the guy shouted. Because of the darkness, Dae Ju can't see the face of that guy who just said it.

"Who?" Johnnie asked.

"Dae Ju! Kim Dae Ju!" he said and came closer to the camera. This time, Dae Ju could see his face and he got a huge shock. It was nobody else except for Baek Kyung.

"What? No! It can't be! Why he would want to kill me? It's not true!" Dae Ju was behaving like he was in trauma.

"Do you know him? It's Bae Hyun's elder son." Johnnie said to Dae Ju.

"Yes, I know him. I mean, no... I mean... it's not true....he can't." Dae Ju moved backward and said hesitatingly. His voice was very low. He can't imagine he has to watch something like that.

"But why he wanted to kill him?" Jheong Woo gathered some courage and asked.

"He said that guy ruined his life. I don't know what actually happened," said Johnnie. His face was serious from beginning.

"He ruined his life? How?" Jheong Woo looked at Dae Ju. Dae Ju was still in shock. So, he didn't get Jheong Woo's question.

"It's not true! Why you kept saying his name? Why he is involving everywhere?" Dae Ju cried out.

"Hey! Take him away! I just told him the truth and he is being dramatic!" Johnnie became annoyed and said.

"Yes!" Jheong Woo hold Dae Ju's hand and pulled him out.

"Hey! What's wrong? Why you are doing this?" Jheong Woo asked. They came to the dark street. The weather was warm enough and there was a thin moon in the sky which failed to give light on the chest of earth. The trees were standing like they were statue. Even a single leave was not swung by air. That's why it was getting scary but the two of them didn't pay attention to that at all.

"Did you see the face? It's not him! It was not! He is not a bad person! He is good boy. He is....." Dae Ju was in trauma.

"I can understand. But it's true. You can't change the truth with your believe. It was him.

Try to remember, you must have done something wrong with him. You must've messed with his life." Jheong Woo tried to console his friend but he couldn't. Dae Ju stand up the blank street like a big stone.

"Let's go home now. It's getting late." sayings this Jheong Woo start pushing him from his back. They came to the main road and stand there looking for a taxi. Dae Ju was silent for all the time and Jheong Woo was looking for a taxi.

Dae Ju can feel there's something wrong in the air. His heart was aching slowly but he remained silent as he doesn't feel like talking.

"TAXI! TAXI!" Jheong Woo called one but it didn't stop near them. And why it would stop? It's time to go home for everyone. The taxi drivers need to go to their homes too. They have family, children, wive,s or parents who were waiting for them. But some passenger can't understand it. They just wave their hands by seeing the vehicles as if they were in danger.

However, Dae Ju was looking at the street. When a taxi passed by them, they can feel the little cold wind. Jheong Woo sighed and looked at Dae Ju. His face was getting pale. They can see each other as there were lights on the main road.

"What happened? You are getting pale!" Jheong Woo came to him and asked.

"Nothing!" Dae Ju tried to give him a fake smile but failed.

"Be honest! Are you feeling sick?" Jheong Woo got it though Dae Ju tried to hide his pain.

"Hmm. A little chest pain. Maybe I am too worried." Dae Ju was talking slowly but seriously having a smile on his face.

"Then, we need to go home as soon as possible. You need to take rest. It was my fault. I could've come to you tomorrow. But Soo Mi informed me yesterday but I can't come to you as I was busy." Jheong Woo split out though nobody wanted to hear from him.

"It's okay! I am fine!" Dae Ju said with a lower voice. His pain was increasing slowly. He was sweating a lot.

"No! You are not fine! What should I do? I have to call someone!" Jheong Woo dialed a number on his phone but the phone come out busy.

"Ei! We can just walk. It's not that far!" Dae Ju said though he knows he can't walk right then. Jheong Woo called another person and this time he received the call. Jheong Woo told him to come to them and give them a ride.

"We can walk!" Dae Ju was groaning out of pain as it increased too much.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Control yourself! We will go to the hospital! Just hang on there!" Jheong Woo got worried and he came to him. He hold him and make him lean on himself. Dae Ju's face was getting red. His all veins from his neck were visible as he was groaning. He holds his chest to reduce the pain though it was of no use. Jheong Woo couldn't understand what he should do. He should console his friend but no sounds came from his mouth. Suddenly he can feel that the man who was groaning out of pain has stopped moving and screaming. His body was leaned on him completely and it was heavier than before.

"No! No! No! You can't! You have to keep up! We will go to the hospital soon! Hey! Wake up!" he slapped gently on his face for some time but it was of no use.

Jheong Woo was moving frontward with his friends body in the very night all alone. After some time a taxi came to them and picked them up. They directly headed to the hospital. Dae Ju was unconscious and they moved him to the emergency room.

After some time, the Doctor came out from his room. Jheong Woo was waiting outside and seeing him coming he went to him. That time, Lina came there too as Jheong Woo informed her as soon as he sent his friend to the emergency room.

"What happened doctor? Is he alright?" Jheong Woo asked. Lina was behind him and as Jheong Woo asked her questions she didn't have to ask anything.

"He has a heart attack. Maybe we can save him for this time but he is in a critical situation. He already have two attacks, didn't he?" the doctor asked to Lina.

"He has two before this time," Lina replied worriedly.

"Several people can make it with two attacks but it's a rare case that he is still breathing. If he can wake up till the morning, it would be a miracle. But if he doesn't, then we are sorry in advance. He is still breathing, so we can hope and pray for his comeback." the doctor make a worried face while day this. Hearing it, Lina sat down on the floor. She can't say one word as she was in her deep shock.

[At that time, inside the room]

Dae Ju woke up and sat down. But he can't feel anything in his body. He stood up but when he looked on the bed, he got a shock. The body was still lying on the bed but he can't go into the body.

"What's happening? Is it real?" he asked to himself but he couldn't hear his voice too.