139: A day full of tension

Dae Ju and Jheong Woo were walking outside. Dae Ju was very upset. He didn't talk till they came from the house. Jheong Woo was also silent as he doesn't have any words to console him. They were walking for half an hour. If they walk like this slowly it will take more than two hours to reach home.

"TAXI! TAXI!" Jheong Woo stopped a taxi but Dae Ju didn't even notice it. Jheong Woo went to the taxi but he saw Dae Ju was still moving frontward.

"Hey! Come here! Where are you going?" said Jheong Woo loudly. Dae Ju turned back and looked at him with questionable eyes.

"Oh, okay. I am coming." he went to him and smiled. But his smile doesn't seem real to Jheong Woo. He pretends to be happy but Jheong Woo could understand very well that his heart has been break into pieces and he doesn't know how to react in this situation. That's why instead of being happy, Jheong Woo felt sad for his friend. And he was sadder because he can't help him this time.

They came to their destination within fifteen minutes. But both of them were silent. Jheong Woo was still inside cause he has to go farther more to reach his own home. Dae Ju went out of the taxi. When he was ready to go inside, Jheong Woo called him.

"Dae Ju-ah!" he never called him like this before so Dae Ju was surprised too.

"What?" he came near the taxi. Jheong Woo pulled his head outside from the window and said,

"Take your decision wisely. I will come back tomorrow morning to listen to what you decided. Until then, please don't take any steps. I beg you." saying this he told the driver to start the car again and soon they left from there. Dae Ju was silent and he kept silent. He went inside.

"Oh! You came? I was waiting for you! I make the dinner and was waiting for you." she smiled and kept saying. Dae Ju noticed she really changed a lot. When he first saw her, she rarely talks with him. But nowadays, she doesn't stop talking. She was afraid of him always but nowadays she doesn't afraid of him anymore. She never smiled but nowadays, she smiles quite a lot. Her smile makes him weaker but he doesn't know what he should say. Should he say sorry because he was late? Or should he say the truth to her which she can't accept? Or should he stay silent like this? He can't get even a clue.

"Ah! Really? Then, let's eat together." he said and smiled hardly.

"Go and wash your hands and face first! Won't you teach our baby these manners? So you have to follow these first!" saying this she smiled and went inside. Dae Ju went upstairs silently. He washed his face. He pours water in his hands again and again and threw them on his face again and again. There was not just the tape water in his face. His tears were also mixed with the water but it wasn't noticeable because he was fully wet. His eyes got red because whenever he threw the water in his face he kept his eyes opened to remove his tears though it was of no use. Lina came to upstairs as he was late. So she came to check what he was doing. She heard the sound of water but she couldn't hear the inner sound of his crying. He was crying silently and his throat was hurting but not more than the inner pain. Lina thought he was taking a bath. So she was going to leave. She went to the stairs but suddenly she felt uncomfortable. She understands she needs to do something.

"What are you doing? Can you come outside quickly? I feel like throwing up!" she knocked at the door continuously and said. Dae Ju heard it so he sprayed water on his face lastly and came outside. Lina couldn't notice his red eyes because she was in hurry. Soon she makes weird sounds from inside. Dae Ju couldn't stand there anymore. He went inside and patted on his back to make her feel comfortable.

"It's okay, it's okay. You got this." he was consoling her. But who can console him like this? He was feeling very bad.

[After an hour]

Lina was folding the clothes which she washed today but couldn't keep them in right place. She was putting them inside the cabinet. Dae Ju was on the rooftop. He just came down as he wanted to spend some time with her. He saw her working. She was attractive while working too. He came to her and asked, "Can I help you?"

"Okay, keep them inside." she gave some clothes to Dae Ju and pointed at the cupboard. Dae Ju took them and put them inside silently.

"No! You shouldn't keep them like this!" Lina noticed that he was doing wrong so she came and saying this she took the clothes from his hand. She dropped one while taking them. Both of them went to pluck it up. Both of them bends down and as they were aiming at the same place, their head met with each other. They got hit though it was a soft touch. Dae Ju looked at her and she was very close to him. Once again, his heart starts pounding very fast. He stood up quickly as it was not good for him.

"Oh, I am sorry," he said and extended his hand towards her to stood up. He noticed that her cheeks also got red. She holds his hand and stood up.

"Why you bend like this? You shouldn't bend in this situation." Dae Ju asked without any expression.

"Oh, I am sorry. I forgot." simple sorry from Lina.

"You forgot? You forgot there's a child whom you should take care of?" Sudden Dae Ju asked seriously.

"No! I forgot that I shouldn't do that as I didn't get heavy yet." she laughed sweetly. Dae Ju was gonna scold her but he couldn't as he fall for her sweetness. After some time when she finished her work, she went to clean the bed.

"Let me do this." Dae Ju went to her and stopped her.

"It's okay! I can do this! I am not that sick!" she smiled and looked at him. She finds him dump and laughed at him. But Dae Ju can't join with her as he was just watching her smiling.

"Okay, laugh how much you want! It will be good for the baby." he smiled and start making the bed with his unskilled hands. Lina stood aside and watch him as she was curious to know what he would do.

"We should look for a big house as soon as possible! This house will be small for three of us!" Lina said and start thinking.

"Okay, we will look for one very big!" he smiled but he didn't look at her.

"What do you want? A boy or a girl?" suddenly she asked curiously and came to him.

"Anything would be fine." Dae Ju replied and turned back. Lina was close to him and he wasn't prepared for that.

"Really? Same here!" She smiled. She was too excited but Dae Ju could not be excited with her. He just smiled though it was fake.

"Oh, right! I will teach him or her Bangla and Arabic and you will teach him or her hangul and English. What do you say? Won't you?" she was curious to know Dae Ju's answer so she looked at him with a big smile and her very big eyes.

"Oh, yes. Yes, I will." he came closer to Lina without any expression and hugged her tightly. Lina was surprised by his sudden move.

"I will do everything I can!" he said but his eyes got full of water. He was holding her tightly SI that she can't go anywhere and can't see his tears.

"What happened?" she asked surprisingly.

"Nothing. I just want to. Stay like that." he controlled his tears and said. But he couldn't control himself anymore and his tears start flowing like a fountain. Lina wanted to exceed herself but Dae Ju didn't let her go because he was afraid if she saw him crying like this. He holds her more tightly and starts wiping his tears. After a few minutes, when he completely wiped his face he leaves her.

"Oh! Why your eyes are so red?" Lina looked at him and asked by noticing his red eyes.

"Really? I don't know why! I think I am sleepy and I need to sleep." saying this he smiled.

"Ah! I am sleepy too! Let's go to sleep." saying this she went to the bed. Dae Ju also went beside her silently. Too many things were going inside his head that he can't even proceed thinking.

"Lina-ah!" he called her suddenly. Both of them were lying on the bed and Lina was closing her eyes.

"Yes?" she faced Dae Ju and asked. But Dae Ju didn't look at her. He kept staring at the ceiling.

"What if something happens to me won't you manage everything by yourself?" he asked and looked at her.

"What are you saying?" she pulled her head up and looking at him she asked.

"Suppose, just suppose I have another accident and I can't survive this time. What would you do?" Dae Ju asked and faced her.

"Don't say something like that! I can't lose anyone else!" she said disappointingly.

"I told you to suppose. I mean, imagine!" he wanted to be clear.

"No! I can't imagine!" she said and pout her lips.

"Okay, let's assume that someday you got to know that I am not me. What will you do?" he asked with a simple voice.

"What are you saying? I can't understand!" Lina said with a loud voice.

"Hey! Why you can't understand? I am not talking in gibberish! Ah! You are such a stupid!" he said and make an annoying face.

"What? I am stupid!" suddenly she got upset and lied down properly.

"No! I didn't mean that! I... ah!" he went closer and wanted to clear himself.

"Yeah, yeah! I got it!" she was annoyed with him.

"Listen to me carefully! Do you remember when I woke up after the accident? I kept saying another person's name. Remember?" Dae Ju asked.

"Oh, yes! You kept saying that you are Kim Dae Ju! How can I forget that!" she smiled. Imagine, it's true! You discover that Dae Ju was living inside this body. And you didn't love me, I mean, you love Dae Ju! But, suddenly something bad happened to me and I never came back to you. What would you do if something like this happens?" he smiled and looked at her with questionable eyes.

"Ei! What type of question is it? Do you know what you are saying? You are making a drama!" she laughed.

"Is there any drama like this?" Dae Ju asked confusedly.

"Yes, I watch many dramas like this. It's called body swap! The MC had an accident and another soul came to his or her body." Lina was serious while talking.

"Really? What happened? How did he end up?" he asked as he was curious.

"What? In the end, the soul rerun to its original body after fixing every problem and the MC finally met his love and then the happy ending!" Lina replied.

"But, don't you think it's unfair?" Dae Ju was showing his side.

"What?" Lina couldn't get it and ask.

"Look! The soul came to his body and fixed everything! But he got no credits! Why? Why the MC has to be the body's owner? Why the soul can't get anything? Why he must have to return without getting anything? I mean, he deserves a lot! He deserves whom he loved! He should be the hero! Don't you think so?" Dae Ju said his opinion as he was experiencing it.

"I don't know. How a girl love a soul without seeing his original face?" Lina laughed confusedly.

"It's so unfair! Why the soul can't just stay there?" Dae Ju asked disappointingly.

"Aish! He have his own life! And he needs to live his own life! Not another one's!" Lina found him funny and laughed.

"Why you are laughing? Do you think I am wrong?" he was proving himself.

"No, you are right! But what can we do? You have to talk with the writers!" Lina smiled.

"Yes, I should talk with writers!" he sighed.

"What if that kind of thing happened in real life?" he asked again.

"Again! What happened to you? Are you alright?" Lina asked being confused. She looked at him.

"Forget it! I was just testing you." Dae Ju laughed and within a few seconds, his smile disappeared.

"What test? Are you a fool? Which kind of test is it?" Lina asked and closed her eyes.

"Hey! I am not a fool, you are!" saying this he remembered what happened a while ago so he looked at her if she got angry or not.