141: How fate shows the twist

Dae Ju was sitting alone. He made some plans in case he went away from here. But if his fate supports him, maybe there is a chance for him to stay here. He doesn't know why but he wants to stay here badly. He never felt like this before. Though he missed his previous life, his parents, his sister, his brothers, his fans, his royal life, it's okay if he can stay with her. But the genie said that he can't stay here. His soul will get out after the full moon no matter what. And after that, he has to live just like the soul who turned into evil. He have to roam around all over the world with doing nothing.

It would be very scary and that's why he wanted to go back but then he thought about the girl. Who will take care of her if he went away? Maybe he will forget her and she will be alone. All alone. It would be terrible for her in this position. She have a baby in her belly and she needs to be take care. What if he went from here and the evil came back? It will kill both her and the baby. Won't he be responsible for it? He can't even imagine it. How happy she is! She deserves to be happy. Why she can't? Dae Ju took a long breath while thinking about these stuff.

"What are you doing here?" Lina came with a bucket full of clothes. Maybe she came here to dried them in sun.

"Oh! Why you took this heavy thing? You should have called me!" Dae Ju went to her and took the bucket from her.

"It's okay! I am not in that stage!" Lina looked at him and replied. Suddenly he felt disappointed and put the bucket in one corner.

"What happened? Did I say something wrong?" asked Lina by seeing his worried face.

"No," he replied shortly and smiled.

[At that moment, in Jheong Woo's place]

He opened the envelope which Dae Ju gave him. He took out some papers from it. He started reading the papers. He was astonished when he started reading it. He could understand what was those papers. He started to check all of the papers.

"Are these real? Aish! He must be crazy! Ah! How could he do that? No! What should I do now?" he was going insane after looking at the papers. The papers were actually a will. Dae Ju gave everything he has to him. Though he doesn't have much money or much fame, he gave his position to Dae Ju. Of course, he can have everything after Dae Ju's leaving. But it was so sudden and he wasn't even informed about it. So he couldn't accept it. It doesn't matter how much he cares for him, how much he tried to protect him, how much he wanted to accompany him, he can't accept the gift. It was too much for him. He called Dae Ju right after checking the papers. But he didn't receive his phone. He went to his place but he was not at the home. The house was locked from the outside. Seems like the two of them went somewhere.

"S**t! I should've guessed it before! But how can I even guess it? He did this without letting me know!" he nearly sat on the street but controlling himself, he stood up and went away. He was searching for Dae Ju but he was nowhere.

Dae Ju always wanted to go to the seaside alone. Whenever he came to the seaside, he can see many couples spending their time in their own way. And when he remembered it, he offered to Lina if she wants to go with him. She agreed and that's how they came to the seaside. They spent the time on their own. Dae Ju shut his phone down willingly so that nobody can call him and disturb him.

He wanted to enjoy this life on his own as he knows he can't enjoy his life anymore. Everything will be gone and he will stay alone. Though he doesn't want that, he doesn't want to forget about her too. He planned to go many places with her and enjoy the time he got. They can't go on a world tour as Lina can't ride on the plane. She would throw up again and again and that won't be good for her. So they were visiting here and there inside Korea. Thus, some days passed by and the time was coming front. The moon will be full within two days and in these two days, he has to go back or else he can never. Now, the choice is in your hand.

They came home after twelve days as Lina was sick. Dae Ju was taking care of her. At that time someone came to their house. Dae Ju went to see who was near the door. But when he went to check, there was nobody. He thought it was a misunderstanding but it was not. There was someone in front of their door. The person came to check if he came back or not. Dae Ju went to Lina. She was nearly one month pregnant but she was feeling sick. She got a headache nearly every day. That's why they came back to take her to the doctor.

"Rest well. We will go to the doctor tomorrow." saying this he makes her lying on the bed.

"It's okay, it will be gone if I could sleep for a long time. I couldn't get sleep for the last few days and maybe that's why I got the headache." she smiled. Maybe she got more pretty or just Dae Ju thought it because he was falling for her more and more.

"We will see that later. You have to go for the regular checkup anyway." Dae Ju said and smiled. But his smile was fake. He was planning something else. In these days, he tried to kill himself several times but he couldn't make it. He tried to make a huge accident but he failed. He kept remembering about Lina. He went to uphill to jump from there but he couldn't as it was too high. He drive a car to make an accident but when he was about to hit a big tree, a squirrel came down from the tree and he couldn't smash it. He came back to Lina again and again though she has no idea what he was trying to do. He was very confused and now he has no idea what he can do.

He stood up and came to the veranda. He will talk to Jheong Woo after a long time. He didn't want to talk with him as he was feeling embarrassing. He was the only one who knows about Dae Ju. And he knows what can happen to him. He was a true friend. He never wanted to harm his friend though he knows his true self.

Dae Ju called Jheong Woo but his number wasn't reachable. Maybe he went somewhere. "Did he manage what he gave to him well?" Dae Ju thought. He called him again but he wasn't reachable. He couldn't understand what he should do. He came inside again and lied down beside her. She falls asleep until then. He kept looking at the fairy like sweet but sleeping face of her. She will be in big trouble within some days. It was all his fault. Because of him, she hoped to have a happy family again. But he got disappointed by remembering that he can't give her that happiness which she wanted. He has no time at all. He doesn't know what will happen next but he has been warned. If he stays here, it won't be good for him. Whenever he tried to leave, he kept remembering about Lina but when he thought about his mom, he wanted to go back.

[The next morning]

Dae Ju woke up. He was a bit late as he couldn't sleep the last night. He was having insomnia since the day he knew about his consequence. He slowly sat down on the bed and looked outside. It was sunny outside. The air conditioner was off so he was feeling hot. Maybe Lina off it when she woke up. He went down from the bed and went to the washroom. He washed himself and came outside. Now it's time to go downstairs. But before that, he called Jheong Woo again but he didn't receive his phone. Suddenly he noticed that he sent a voicemail to him. He clicked on the mail.

"Dae Ju-ah! I know you are in a very critical position. I tried to communicate with you but you weren't available. I went to your home but you weren't there too. I hope you are doing well though I know you aren't doing well. But in this situation, I am sorry to say that I had to come to my country. My mom is very sick and I have to admit her to the hospital. That's why I need to stay by her side. I am sorry that I couldn't be there for you. But I am telling you for the last time, take your decision wisely. She will be fine! She is quite strong! Believe me! You should leave now. Best of luck. I hope I can't see you when I came back." It was the message for Dae Ju. He became more upset by hearing this. But it's okay. He should stay beside his mom as she is sick. He did so much for him. Nobody does that much for others selflessly in this modern world. But he was different. He accepted him as his friend and always wanted to help him whenever he needs help. But Dae Ju couldn't do anything for him. He was feeling like he was selfish. He never thought for someone else. He always cared for himself. He took a long breath and come down. He searched for Lina but she wasn't there. Maybe she went for shopping without telling him. So, he called her but she didn't pick up. He came to the fridge and took a bottle. He opened the lid and took a huge sip from the cold water. Suddenly his phone starts ringing. He thought it would be Lina. But it was someone else. He doesn't know the number.

However, he pick up the phone. A guy starts speaking from the other side. Dae Ju was grabbing the bottle in his one hand.

"Hello! How are you?" someone asked but Dae Ju couldn't recognize who it was.

"Who are you? I mean, sorry, I couldn't recognize you." Dae Ju replied.

"Oh! How can you recognize me? We never met with each other!" the guy said and laughed.

"Are you kidding me? Or you're just making a prank?" Dae Ju got annoyed.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down. Maybe I have something that belongs to you." the guy said. His voice was familiar but Dae Ju couldn't recognize him yet. Dae Ju could understand there was another person besides the prank caller who was giving him ideas by whispering. Suddenly the voice changed or maybe the person changed.

"Hello! I don't like to pull talk that long. I will come to the point. Your beloved is with us. If you want to save her then come to the address which we will text you in a short time. Don't try to be intelligent. If you inform the police we will kill her here. Do you want to hear her voice?" It was Seung Mang's voice. Dae Ju could recognize it but he got a huge shock as if a ton of sand has been fall on his head. He couldn't believe his ears.

"W-W-WHAT? A-are y-you k-k-k-idd-ing? D-d-don't m-m-ake p-prank l-like t-t-th-i-is!" His voice was stuck and he was faltering too much.

"Then, hear with your own ear!" Seung Mang laughed and put the phone towards Lina.

"TALK!" He shouted.

"Rumi-sshi! They are tying me! They are staring at me with their bad eyes! I can't even move! Please take me home!" she starts crying. Hearing her voice he got another shock. He couldn't even say anything. I hope you got it now. If you try to fool us, something bad will happen to her. I am sure. Something that you can never imagine! And it will be worse than death!" He starts laughing as if he was gonna destroy the world.


"Then, do what I say." he smiled as if he was having a lovey dovey conversation with Dae Ju.

"Say, what I have to do." All of his boiling blood came to his head and feel too angry at them.