146: Maintaining two lives is hard

"You wake up? How are you feeling now?" Dae Ju gave her a big smile and asked. He was sitting beside her. More like he was waiting for her to get up. He was sitting on the floor and holding her hand.

"Was that really you? I am not dreaming, right?" she tried to sit down and cough.

"No! Stay lying. You seem very weak." he forced her to lie down.

"You tried to tell me so many times but I couldn't understand what you were saying. Haha! Such a fool I am!" she said with a very low voice and chuckled.

"I tried but I couldn't tell you and... it would be very heartbreaking if you know about your husband. He was really nice but he became the host of two of us." Dae Ju smiled though it wasn't funny.

"It's okay, I didn't believe you back then but I believe you now. It was all my fault. If I let him die back then, you didn't have to come in his body." she chuckled.

"And you should not have to live with a monster. But maybe it was good for us. It was our destiny. Maybe it was the only way I could meet you. And I am thankful that I met you. I am thankful to my destiny that it makes me met with you." Dae Ju said smilingly.

"You are really handsome." Lina got blushed and covered her face with her hands.

"Ei! E-hei! You just said the truth! Why you are getting embarrassed?" Dae Ju said with loud voice. Lina sat down and at that moment the doctor and the nurse came inside. Noticing them coming, Dae Ju put his mask again quickly.

"Mr..." the doctor asked Dae Ju's name.

"Da...." he was gonna tell the truth and right then Lina pinched him from the back.

"Rumi!" He laughed.

"DaRumi-sshi! Can you please come outside? I have something to tell you." the doctor said. Dae Ju went outside to hear the doctor.

"We took some tests and the result is showing that she have a tumor in her head. It's small but it's getting big. So, we need to do a surgery as soon as possible. Does the patient feel pain on her head often?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, in the last few days, she regularly had a bad headache." Dae Ju remembered and said.

"If we do the surgery, she will be fine. Now we need permission from you when we can start." the doctor said gently.

"You can start with your time! There's no problem from us!" Dae Ju said. Ah! Okay, I just inform you because it's our duty and so that you could prepare mentally and collect the money in time." the doctor replied.

"Ah! But, don't worry about money. I can pay you as much you want." he bowed gently.

"Then we should get ready and you should get her ready." saying this she left from there.

Dae Ju kept waiting outside. The morning came and the sun starts rising. But Dae Ju didn't leave the hospital though Min Jae and Jheong Woo went away. He was sitting outside and waiting when the surgery will end. After some time, the surgeon went outside. Dae Ju stood up and went to him.

"How is she now? Is everything okay?" Dae Ju asked.

"The operation ended successfully. So, don't worry. She will be fine. Give her some time to wake up." the surgeon went away while putting off his apron.

"She needs more than two hours to wake up. So, you can go home and take some rest. We will inform you if she woke up." The nurse said after coming back and went away. Dae Ju wanted to go somewhere else instead of going home. So he went outside. There was no taxi available as it was very morning. The car in which they brought Lina here, Min Jae took it when he went to the dorm. Without finding another way, Dae Ju started to walk to his destination. He came to his destination after walking for half an hour. As his body was very flexible and light, he didn't even get tired by the morning walk.

"Where is Baek Kyung?" Dae Ju asked Mr. Park. was missing him so much and seeing him again, he got happy though he couldn't say anything else to him. Mr. Park was working for all night. So, he was taking a nap and right then Dae Ju came to him.

"There!" he pointed at a locker and said. Dae Ju went to him. He was sleeping inside. But he was looking like a dead body.

"Baek Kyung-ah!" Dae Ju called him slowly. Seems like he heard him and wake up. He was a bit surprised by seeing him but he hides his emotions so well.

"Who are you?" he asked as he couldn't recognize him. Dae Ju looked around to check if someone was looking at him but there was nobody except for Mr. Park. He put off his mask and revealed his face. Seeing his original face, he became shocked.

"W-why y-you c-came here?" Baek Kyung asked and stood up.

"To see you of course." Dae Ju said and smiled.

"Go from here. I don't want to talk with you," he said and went back to his seat.

"I am sorry. I didn't know you were having such a hard time because of me. I never wanted you to go through such a hard time. I thought you can do anything but I was wrong. But, how could you think I can't help you? I could help you at any cost! You are my brother! You were my bestie. I never wanted an ending like this!" Dae Ju came to the main point as he has no time.

"Did you finish? You can go now. PLEASE! GO NOW!" Baek Kyung said. No! I came here to take you. I will not go without you." Dae Ju said slowly.

"You can't! I am a murderer. Don't you know? You were there, right?" he said slowly being emotional.

"You are not. I know who you are and what you are. Now, you have to come with me. I will go and talk with the detective." Dae Ju forcedly said.

"No! I won't go with you. It was because of me. I wanted to kill you. It was not an accident. The accident was happened because of me. Now, leave! I don't want to talk with you. If you stay here, I will kill you for sure!" Baek Kyung said coldly.

"I know you didn't want to kill me. You were drunk. That's why you told it to Johnnie. It was your father. He loves you so much that he couldn't bear your pain, am I right?" Dae Ju asked and smiled.

"Don't you dare to talk about him! I hate him! He always loves me but I hate him!" He shouted.

"And that's why you planned to be caught with Seung Mang? You wanted to let him be caught by police, right? That's why you went away when we were busy talking. You made a call and inform the police about you. Your plan was perfect but suddenly you did something unplanned unexpectedly. And then, you surrendered to police." Dae Ju said as if he knows everything. But his guess was right.

"Yes, I didn't want him to go out from jail. And I hate his partner in crime. So I planned everything but I didn't want to kill anyone! But it happened! NOW GO!" saying this he lied down again and pushed his both ears with his hands so that he can't hear anything else from Dae Ju. Dae Ju took a long breath and start leaving from there.

It was true that he didn't kill anyone as the soul had been taken already. But how can he explain it to the world? The world knows him as a murderer. They will never understand him. They will not try to understand him. Dae Ju sighed and keep walking. He came to his dorm silently. He was walking like a cat so that nobody can understand he was not there for all night. He silently went inside his room and checked if someone was there or not. There was nobody inside so he felt relieved. He lied down on the bed but suddenly he saw something black under his blanket. He got scared and fall from the bed. He slowly went towards to his bed again and touched the blanket. He removed the blanket and saw Cha Woon was sleeping peacefully.

"Aish! This boy! He scared me! Aigoo! Why you are sleeping here? What happened to your room?" He shouted. Hearing him, Cha Woon woke up and asked in a sleepy voice,

"What happened?"

"Nothing! Just sleep!" He smiled annoyingly. Then he lied down on the bed and within very few minutes, he fall asleep. But he couldn't get a peaceful sleep as the manager came and wake them up because they have a shoot. Dae Ju woke up and went inside the washroom. He washed his face but he was too sleepy that he couldn't walk properly.

"What happened to you? Why you are looking like a ghost?" the director asked Dae Ju.

"Nothing! It's just lack of sleep I guess!" he smiled weirdly.

"No, you have to look more beautiful today. What should we do now? Our visual is looking like a ghost!" he said worriedly.

"Ei! Mr. Director! Let's cover this with makeup!" he assured him that everything will be fine.

Okay, let's try! But don't play games at night. Okay? You need to sleep for at least six hours! Got it!" he replied.

"Yes!" he bowed to him and went away.

The shooting ended successfully and all the members went inside the car to go to their dorm.

"Guys! Can you leave me somewhere? I need to go somewhere." Dae Ju said while looking at his mobile.

"Where? Why? Take us there too! You must go to eat something, right?" Different members were asking different questions.

"HEY! How could you even say this? I am your hyung! How can I eat something without you! Aish!" he said in his style.

"Then where would you go?" asked Nam Gil. He was also on his phone.

"I will tell you later but I seriously need to stop somewhere. Min Jae-ah!" He shouted by the driver's name.

"What?" he asked.

"Leave me to that place," he said. Min Jae understands what he was saying.

"Okay," he replied while driving.

"Which place?" Tae Ri asked being curious.

"Take me there too!" Cha Woon was begging like a kid. But Dae Ju didn't reply to anyone because he was quite upset. Lina must be waiting for him. But it's too late. It's becoming evening but he couldn't go to her for his schedule.

He reached to the hospital. He could make the others to go home and that's why he was feeling relieved. Nobody knows about her without Min Jae. If they know about her, it will be a mess and he will be in trouble. That's why he doesn't want to share it with anyone else.

"I am sorry I am late." Dae Ju entered inside and said to Lina.

"Welcome." she smiled. She was sitting on the bed. Her face was still pale but her dark circles were gone. Maybe she had a good sleep. Her lips became pink again and attractive again. Her hair was still messy. Maybe she didn't comb her hair. But she was looking beautiful.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling okay now?" he asked and went close to her.

"Hmm. But, The baby is gone. I couldn't save it. I failed." she was disappointed.

"Don't worry. Maybe he was too precious to God that he didn't want to send him or her on the earth." he tried to console her though he knows no words will be enough to console her.

"Can I say something to you?" Lina asked with a serious face suddenly.

"What?" Dae Ju was curious to know so he came closer to her.

"Stop coming to me," she replied and she really means what she was saying.

"What? Why?" Dae Ju asked being astonished.