
Spring Banquet (27)

The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh61 - Spring Banquet (27)

T/N: Thank you Kayla for the Ko-fi (*ˊᗜˋ*)/

"Ahhhhhh... ah? Huh?" Ji Yu, who was flailing his limbs around, opened his eyes and found that he was not surrounded by water, nor was his body wet. Instead, his body was enveloped by a white light. idMW5x

He looked up at the world that had become extremely dark. The lotus pond was gone, the aquatic plants and the trees by the pond were also gone— even the pavilions and courtyards in the distance were nowhere to be seen. There were only the suspicious-looking vines that grew widely all over the ground.

"Where is this?"

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These vines were completely black and twisted with nodules that resembled grimacing faces.

However, he did not feel scared. This was because of the countless glowing flowers falling down and covering the ground. The flowers would float up like sky lanterns whenever a breeze would pass by, creating a beautiful spectacle. P54oci

Ji Yu's eyes trailed all the way up the ghost vine and discovered that these thick ghost vines and dead wood had curled up into something like a tower that was tall enough to touch the clouds. No matter how much he craned his neck, he was not able to see the top. The only thing he could see was a large umbrella-like shadow and floating flowers lantern that looked like star specks in the sky.

So it turns out that these flowers had come from above.

"I found it," a voice that resembled an icy spring sounded behind him.

Although the voice sounded very nice, Ji Yu couldn't help but shiver. He turned his head and saw that it was the big demon in white from before. He was unaware when the other party had appeared behind him, and for how long he had stared up at the ghost vine tower.


Roughly scanning over his surroundings, Ren Yifei lowered his head and looked at Ji Yu who had fallen onto the ground. He kindly asked, "Do you want me to help you up?"

Thinking that he had seen through the evil nature of this big demon, Ji Yu couldn't feel any kindness from him at all. He shot up straight like a carp and hated that he couldn't stand further away for fear of angering this big demon. He blurts out, "No- there's no need."

"En," Ren Yifei retracted his gaze and looked up at the tower again.

"Nasty guy," Ji Yu patted the dust on his body as he peeked at the other party. W 5cfl

However, he has no choice but to admit that this handsome demon has a seductive charm when standing against the snow-like floating flower background. Didn't the other party also take him for a ride? He'll be the bigger person and forgive him.

The other big demons also appeared behind them one at a time. They all frowned when they looked up at the ghost vine tower.

"This sub-space is a world built using demonic power."

"I can smell the scent of death," a plant-type demon stomped on the ground under their feet. They said gloomy, "Isn't this thing a variant of the wicker lotus? It was originally a spiritual thing, but now that it had absorbed too much resentment, it turned into something evil." NDJw6S

At that moment, Ren Yifei suddenly remembered the rat spirit's request and took out a small lantern. As soon as the small lantern was taken out of his sleeve, it emitted a soft glow.

He was not surprised by this.

Taking a few steps to the left, then to the right, he followed the direction that produced the strongest light and finally honed in on a specific location, "I suspect that there is something below."

These big demons originally had a good relationship with He Jun, and now that the misunderstanding had been resolved, they were naturally willing to help him. A stout-looking demon immediately came forward and punched a hole into the ground. dmB0aM

He commented, "Since we are in another demon's domain, our power would be suppressed."

After that, he continued to punch the ground.

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"A demon's domain?" Ren Yifei looked at the strange vine that crawled up into the sky. Is this what it is?

"What is this?" The stout demon was really capable. In just a few punches, a hole the size of a playground was created in the ground. wNAoah

After all the dust and debris settled, everyone was able to see the scene below— they all saw countless twisted and intertwining skeletons.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgf kfgf jirb agjcrqjgfca qlqfr. Sjmt bo atfw mbcajlcfv j vfwbc ktb kjr cba delaf vfjv sfa, jcv jwbcu atfw kjr j teuf gja.

"Lbk wjcs qfbqif tjr Hlcu Lbcu xliifv?" Ciatbeut la kjr mbwwbc obg vfwbcr ab xlii batfg vfwbcr, atfs kfgf ralii rtbmxfv ys atlr rmfcf lc ogbca bo atfw.

"If you want answers to all of this, you'll just have to find out by yourself," a certain impatient big demon couldn't wait to reveal their demonic form and walked towards the tower. Her long hair turned a fiery red and a single horn grew from her forehead as her long tail swayed gracefully. QUKAT1

When she moved, the ghost vine also moved. From the gaps in the ghost vines, many strangely shaped creatures flew out. Some were large, while others were small. Some had long hair, while others wore armour.

The big demon burst into flames and struck the ghost vine with her burning whip. The ghost vine tower did not even budge, instead, another wave of strange-looking insects rushed out and flew into the big demon's flames.

The number of large and small insects was overwhelming. Even if this big demon was strong, she was still wrapped up like a hornet nest and her entire body was densely covered with insects.

"Get lost!" She shouted and turn the burning whip into a giant dragon to shake off the insects around her. A few of the burning insects were even flung in front of Ren Yifei. dgkMos

The other big demons around him also took on their demonic form. The peacock demon beside him also became extraordinarily magnificent and beautiful when his pair of brown wings reflected multicoloured lights behind him.

Ren Yifei looked down at his hands as blue-green demonic patterns circulate across the surface of his body. His long-lost power began surging in his blood, his skin became paler and his fingernails became sharper and more slender.

"I'll help you."

Ren Yifei slightly opened his eyes and a translucent image of the real He Jun appeared behind him. He didn't have to look and could feel a surge of power pour into him. 'He Jun' stretched out his arms and wrapped them around him, "Don't resist." 9eMgaF

Is this... He Jun's consciousness?

How could that be possible?

Isn't He Jun just a product of the instance?

Although he did not understand what was going on, he still gave up control and completely surrendered his body to his instincts. qdkYBD

The long black hair on his temples was dyed a cinnabar colour, and his eyes, which narrowed and emitted a cold glint, were lined by a provocative red demonic pattern.

He flicked his sleeves and the clothes on his body changed, turning into a white dress with ink-dyed patterns.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He slowly unfolded his fan and power flowed through it, turning into an image of flying cranes. Although the light movement of the fan did not cause the air around it to be disturbed, a group of flying insects silently turns into dust.

"Your power is back?" Kong Que held a long spear and stabbed the tip into a small ghost vine, breaking it off. pb4n U

Ren Yifei clenched his fan as he felt this strange power, "Temporarily."

After that, he waved his fan again, causing the insects in front of him to disappear without time to react.

So powerful, is this the power of the Great Demon He Jun?"

All the demons have already moved forward, leaving only Ren Yifei and the little demon who was suppressed by a powerful force. O3Bk5b

"Your name is Ji Yu?" Ren Yifei asked him.

Ji Yu didn't dare to stay silent, "Yes."

A red feather stretched out in front of him, and Ji Yu looked up in surprise.

"What's in the box?" 4CJg6

Ji Yu's Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped. Although the white-robed demon hadn't threatened him with force, he didn't dare to disobey. He had no choice but to take out the balled-up piece of silk, "Right, it's this."

Ren Yifei took the silk and unfolded it. It turned out to be a painting.

At the bottom, the silk was covered with white bones and branched twisted roots. The branches rotated upwards and held a beautiful flower. In the middle of the flower bud was a tiny baby connected to numerous thin red threads that stretched out from the body of the flower.

There were strings of characters densely packed behind the piece of silk which were written in official script. Ren Yifei was familiar with the script and had no difficulty reading it. However, the content written above was so appalling that he had to close his eyes halfway through the text and was not able to calm down for a long time. 3MEPU8

Taking a deep breath, he continued to read.

If this was what Hua Li had handed to Qing Hong... then, how many people had he killed?

"If you can't hold it, then hide first," Ren Yifei returned the piece of silk to Ji Yu.

He lifted his foot off of the ground and his whole body was like a crane soaring up into the sky, swaying above. Ren Yifei was immersed in this mysterious state of partially being in control and partially relying on instinct. There seemed to be an invisible ladder under his feet, assisting him as he rose step by step. hoD5BX

After a few breaths, Ren Yifei was already high up in the air. Those disgusting insects flew over and wrapped around him before turning into dust the next second.

When he looked down, the big demons who accompanied him had reduced to the size of a jujube seed. They then released a beam of light and tore a hole into the ghost vine.

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Kong Que spread his gorgeous wings and broke through the air, "What do you want to do? I'll help you."

Ren Yifei stood in the air as the wind blew through his wide ink-patterned sleeves. He stretched out his hands and release some glowing blue flowers. Tonkd6

"I want to try something." As for what he wanted to try, he didn't say.

Just as he was about to continue to rise, he turned his head to the side and found that there was a hollowed-out space through the gaps between the ghost vines. It was relatively dark and only some vague figures could be seen.

Ren Yifei narrowed his eyes: Players?

Are those the players who had previously disappeared? They were here? fGa6BZ

He unfolded his fan and a few stray lantern flowers landed on it, "Although I don't know if it is... but just consider it as a rare act of kindness from me."

After thinking about it, he turned the fan and waved it lightly. This caused all the surrounding spots of light to gather into a long stream before being sent into the hole by a strong gust of wind.

"Let's go," as soon as he closed his fan, Ren Yifei rushed into the sky like a crane once more. The wind swirled around him and prevented any insects from approaching.

Kong Que laughed heartily as he caught up. After that, one white and one red shadow quickly disappeared into the dancing lights. mS1KBI

"Why are these things suddenly going crazy?" The players in the tower noticed that the frequency of the insects entering and exiting has increased.

"Did something happen outside?" A player guessed, "They looked so panicked, it's as if they had encountered a powerful opponent."

There has never been such changes before. All the players were looking out through the holes, but all they could see was the overwhelming number of flying insects.

Even the walls and the pipes attached to the walls were crawling with insects. C FczD

Despite all of this, the players who had stayed overnight were extremely excited, "There are fewer insects, and they all seemed to be restrained by something."

This was an opportunity!

The player had used some sort of prop or skill to turn their body into a hazy cloud of smoke before approaching the hole.

After that, the rest of the players began to display their abilities and started to explore using various methods. dwb2ic

Chaos can sometimes be beneficial, and the players all felt that this was the best time to take action.

"Ah!" A player fell from above.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He previously had an anthropomorphic insect-like appearance, however, he become a bare-chested man after falling to the ground. He was on his stomach as he crawled and look towards them.

"He— help..." i5dcyw

The player's eyes seemed to be covered by a layer of grey-white film, and underneath the thin layer of clothes, something seemed to stir.

The surrounding players all stopped, not knowing what was bulging under the other party's clothes.

The sound of clothe tearing could be heard before a black claw stretched out from the back. It then began to stretch out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The player on the ground let out a weak howl as sweat and saliva slid down his face. His limbs were all contorted to the point that they resembled the legs of an arthropod or a spider. qcaRbi

Every joint in his body twisted as he struggled to crawl towards their direction, "Ah... help... help me... ah!!!"

Suddenly, tentacles came out of nowhere and the player who was on the ground quickly disappeared.

The other players, however, only glanced with indifference.

The worlds in the games were like this. They encounter death all the time, it was either others or themselves, and they have long gotten used to it. 5aBewE

"What's that?" Saman, whose eyesight was beyond ordinary people's, narrowed his eyes and tried to get a clearer look at the motionless shadow in the air outside the hole.

It was not an insect, instead, it seem to be the enemy of the insects.

Countless insects rushed up to surround it. But unfortunately, these monsters that couldn't even cause a lot of harm to the players didn't seem to be a threat to that person.

"Come up!" Qing Lin climbed onto another player's hot air balloon as several people slowly rose while also dealing with the flying insects. cnEGm3

Saman looked at the hot air balloon, then turned his gaze back, still looking at the vague shadow outside the hole.

He concentrated all of his energy to his eyes, eliminating all the insects that were flying around and blocking his view. Once everything was out of the way, he could see clearly the shadow gently waving a fan.

Is that him?

He subconsciously took a few quick steps forward, wanting to get a closer look. YvrK3q

Although Saman never blinked, the white figure immediately disappeared from sight.

"Hello? Um, Da Peng?"

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that Saman was still standing there, Qing Lin gritted his teeth and ignored the other party. They were both companions out of mutual interest, and they will go their separate way once disaster hits.

It was unknown where the breeze had come from, but glowing flowers started to fall down through the holes like stars, hitting both the flying insects and the players. bFX0a

The blue flowers that no one caught ended up on the ground. They rolled before being trampled by the players.

Saman caught one before it fell onto the ground. It turned out to be a blue flower bud.

He had seen this kind of flower in the garden, at that time, the white-robed demon had said...

"Don't go near this flower." 6ERhI